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- ,�., e�:i� ,���. , -� •.:�.ss'�.. �'y ,�.� c d:�t6i`a1�1.r.,s1B�::-5?o�t_a_ 1 .. .. rde:s5xz _.ilr �*.E.-. ..�.il..- �i:='0.�� ;,�_�. <br />. �v_t^'44�kv�4c:]st'yi`a,s�-�Z�.�,tc4� �i'.� '�r4s ld.5i - - ..�.tE .,,....i..r.�.- �f�STlDI �rn�-- - = <br /> - r- ��.s... - -�'.'___ <br /> .__'."_-_-.'_. � __._ . � <br /> �~- 10064 9 . <br /> U1v1FORM Cov�v�rt7's. Borrawrr and Lendrr caven�nt and agree�s foilows: <br /> : � l. Ptyimeat of P�iscipl aAd Lntessst;Prepayment�ad L4E G�uQes, 8onower shall promptly pay whsn due <br /> the principal of t�nd interrst ort the dtb2 evidenced by the Note and any prepaytreant and late chargts due under the Note. <br /> + 2. Fuad�fa T�cw�ad lasar�ce. Su6jcet to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lertdcr,Borrower shall pay <br /> to 1.tndet afl the day inonthty payments ue due under the Nou, until the Note is paid in ful1,a sum("Furds")cqw!to <br /> orFS•t�vetith of: (ay yearly tues and assesstaents which may attain priority over this Securit} Instrument; (b) yearly <br /> ltaaehold pay�atnt,s or groun$ rents on t'�e Prapetty. if any; (c) yearty hazard insaraa�ce premiums; and (d) ywrly <br /> m�ott�e insuraase premiums„if any.These items�re called"escraw itecris."Lendec may estimate the Funds due an the � <br /> �. , _ basis c�'cturast dats and ressonabie esWnates of future escrow ittass. <br /> ?Ejt F�xnds shal�be hetd ie an institutioa the dtposits ar aoc:-,�t�c,�e�hs,cl�are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br /> state aaeaty{inciuding Lqtdtr if Lender is such azs i�tituEiv�}, .�,r,r�'r��a�ply tbe Funds to pay th:escrow items. <br /> I,ender msy nat c�iarge far holdiag aad applying the Funds,aaslp�������sant or verifying the acrow items,un2ess <br /> — Leader pays Borreswcr iatuest on the Fands and applicable tax p�r�-,;,,.�'s Lender to m�ke such a charge.Borrawer aad <br /> Leader may tgrx ia writing that interat shall be paid on the�cusds:�iJnless an agrament is made or applicab�e law <br /> rquires intetest to be paid,l.endtr shall nat be required to pay B�crsower ariy iatecest or eamings on ths Foads.Lender <br /> - sh:tb give to Bosrower,without charge,an annval aecavaang of the Fur3ds shaarria�credits and debiu to th=Fun�s and the <br /> pa�tpase far whicli each dtbit W the Funds was mads.TLtie Fuads are pledged a�adz3itional security for the sums secured by <br /> th�s Secusity Ins�n� . <br /> If the a�rs�of the Funds held b}T.�der,together with the future ma�thly payments of Fnnds payabla prar to <br /> the due dates of t�esesctw items.shail excae�the amauat required to pay the esssaw items whea duz,thr earess s�I�e, <br /> at 8arro�+er's ap������p;ainptty repaid to Borrowcr or credited to Bonoar�om monthly paymsnts a��unds. If t�e <br /> -�' �'�ct;�tt of the Fuads he�d$�L�nder is not su�cient to pay the eacrow items whrn due,Bonower shall pay ta;,,enderaAy <br /> uno•�at necessaag t�make�p the dtficiency in ane or mora payments as required by I.,ender. <br /> — Upont�S�y��+�!in ful}of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shall promptly refund to Borara�aes <br /> u►y Fumds ftdsi T?-i�,ender.Ii under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by I.ender.Lender shall apply,nm taEe� <br /> tt�,3a�smediately prior to the sa2e of the Property or its acquisition by l.ender,any Fands hefd by Lens3er at the time of <br /> '� a��t#on asa c�:3it against the sums secured by this Security Instmment. <br /> ` � 3. A�ifa�ttioa ot Psystnb. Unless applicable law pravides otherwise,all payments received by Lender a�rdt� <br /> parsantphs t u���hall be apptied:first,to late eharges due under tile�Note;second,to prrpsyanent charges due unc�c�t� � '�z' <br /> Nat�third,to amounts payable under paragaph 2;faurth,to interest�.�e;and las�to principal due. <br /> _ �. Ctise�er Liess. Btttrower shall pay all taxes,sssessments,ct�,�rr���fines and impositi�ns atuibutabte W the ; <br /> Ptaperty which may attain.��in�-i;}+,aver this Security Instrument. and leasekold paymenu ar ground rents. if any. <br /> , Basraxer shall psy thtse ubl:�zu�iis-ilse rnanner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower sit�l <br /> pay them on time direcdy ta the per�,,-,z nwcx3 paymen�Borrower shall promptly fumisb to Lender all rtotices af amaua s <br /> to be paid under this paragrap�.i£Bar�rws�malces these paymcnts directly,Borrawer shall pramptly fumish ta Lcard�r <br /> recapts�rideacing the Paymettt*. .;;:..;;:`` <br /> Borroker ahall promptly dischasge any lim wbich has priority over this Security Instrument unless�un+3w�r:.(a) � � <br /> �ras in Mritiag to the payment oPthe od�lig�tion securod by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)c��:t�ci iir qoad - <br /> f�iih the tisn by.w.defan�s sgainst enPom�ement of the lim in,leg�l proceedings Mhich in the Lender•s opinion opess��r fo - <br /> prevent the enforceanent of the lien or farfeiture of any part of the Property:or(c)secures from the halder of the lien an ��� <br /> aarerment s�tdsfactory to Ltn�tcr subordinating the lien to this 5ecurity Instrument.[f Lender determine�that any part of . � � <br /> - . the Properiy is subject w u lapy which may attain priority over this Secur+ry iustrument. I.ender may give Bor�owcr a <br /> , notice ideatifying the Jien.�orrowet shaU satisfy the lim or take one or more of'tlrcactions set forth abovs within 10.�ays <br /> � , . of the givins of'rna�rrt. <br /> . S. H�sard I�wraa�e. Borrower sl�all keep the improvements now eaisting or herraftcr erested on the Proper�j <br /> i:tsurM against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"eateadod coverage"and any othcr hazurd�£acwhich Lendcr � � � <br /> require�iruurance. This insuruice ahall be muntained in the amounts and for the peaods that Lcttdcr r+:quires. 7'hG t <br /> ins�r,am�carrier providing the insnrance shall be chasen by Borrower subject to Lendcr's approval which sh�il �� <br /> unrasonably wir7�P�eld. <br /> All insurauc:c licies and renewals shall be `� <br /> _ Po acceptable to Lt�►der and shall inalude a seundord mart��ga ala��s+e. . -� . <br /> Lender ahall havc tlsr.right to hofd the poticies and renewals.lf Lender requires.Borrotivc�r s3�Ai1 promptly��iva to Lercdcr <br /> ` all receipts of paid prccniu�ns and renewal notices.ln the event ofloss.Borrowes sh�fl gi��e prampt•natiar ta ihe insurance � <br /> carrier and Lender.Y ender may make proof af toss if not made pramptly by Borrower. <br /> Unlas Lc�t:der an3 Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance procKds shall'�appiltrd to ratoratian or rep�ia <br /> otthe Property ciur.aged.iP the restontion ar repeis is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.lf tht <br /> renontion or repair is not economic�lly feasibte or Lender's sxurity would 6e Iessened,the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> — appiied to the sums securtd by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Borrower.IP <br /> 8orrurrrer absndons the Prapetty�or does eot answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance ca�rier has <br /> ` - ofFered to settle a ciaim.then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may u,e the procads to repair or ratore <br /> the Property or to gay sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whcthcr or not than due. The 30-day period wiU begin <br /> when the noticc is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in ariting.any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> poslpotte the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 nr change the amount of the <br /> � undtr puagraph 19 the Property is aequired by Lender.Horrower's rigfit ta any insurance poticies and proceeds resulting <br /> from dsmsae to the Property prior to the acqc�isitinn shall pass to Lender to ehe eatrnt of the sums secure�by this Security <br /> InstrumentiromediatdypriortotheacquisitiQ». �-°- - -=- <br /> 6. Ptt��atioe aed Mainten�nceaf�S'rooertb�;t,etsehold�. Barrower shall not destroy.damage�r substantially � <br /> ehatt�e the Property,altow the Property tc� dcteriorate or commit waste. If tMs 5ecurity InstrumGnt is on a teasehold. <br /> Boreower shall comply with the provisions ot lhe lease.and if Borrower acquira fee ti�le to thc Property.the leasehold and <br /> tae titk shall nc►�r�u.r�e�!nksg Ztndtr a�!YS t�the mcs�u en e�riieng. . . <br /> 7. Pratestioe of Le�der'e I�igLfs in the PropeAy; �iortgige Insurance. Tt Borrower fads to perfatm the � <br /> Covenants and agreements contuined in 1}�is 5ccurity Instrument,or there is a legal pructeding that may signi8cantly affrct <br /> ' � l,ender's ngh�s m the Property(surh as a procading in bankruptcy. prabate, for cnndemnatc�n or to enforce►aws or � <br /> rejulations),then Lendrr miy do snd pAy for wh�tever is neccssiry ro protec�thp vaiuc of Ihe Yroptrty and I.ender's ri�thts <br /> �--- ie i�e Pra�eny_ l.errder's acnons may include paying any surns secured by a lien whtch hns pnonty�ver tl�is 5ecurity <br /> instrument.appeanng in court,paymg reason�blt attotneys'fees attd entenng on�he property t��mnke repain AlthougN ��� <br /> i Lertder m�y takt a¢tinn under this paragryph 7,Lcndcr daes not h�ve to dn sv. <br /> ° Any�ntput�t�.dtsbursed by i.cnder under th�s paragt�ph 7 Shbll become add�tis�nal de��.r>f Aurre�wer secured by�his � � <br /> �• Serunty lns�rument lTnle;c Einnower ond 4.e�r►der agrct tu nther tern�s of payrnent.thtst amr�unts shaif t+e�r�ntcrest from " ` <br /> 1!k d�te of d�sb�tsrmtnt at Ihe �io�e rate und ehal) t+e rayable, with �ntereSt, uFm�{ nn)t�[ f�t�m t ender to Ilorro�er <br /> repuesl�n��ayntent <br /> _ !�i°� <br /> ��► � � <br /> jf��; � <br /> i <br /> ;,1r���": <br /> �r..�3.. <br /> :�r+'. <br /> ; '• <br /> . - -...,_. `` ". <br /> _�... <br />. �. _ - � � .._ �� . . . _ <br /> ��_'_'_'_ . , _. _.__�_____ . - ". . _ - _-_---- __ __ _ <br /> - _ —_ _—_ _.. ... 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