2� 17���57
<br /> l3EEf� �F TRL1�T
<br /> {�ant�nu��� � ���e�.
<br /> c+f C�eed�f Tru�; ��� a��x an this#ype af C�3eed vf T�vst ct�a�-geab�e�g��nst the�er�de�or tl��holder vf the I�c�te;.
<br /> and �4j a spe�ific t�x on a1� or an��r�ic�n c�f the Indebtednes�ar an pa�men�af princ'��1 ar�d in#eresf msde t�y
<br /> 1`ru sto r,
<br /> Sub�equ�nt Taxes. �f any ta�c tt� which this s�c#ion a p�lie� is en�d�d �ubs�B quent�o #he d��e vf this Qeed c�f
<br /> T'rust, th� a�rent ��1� har►e the same efifect as a�r� ��r�nt t�f D�fault, and Lender ma� exercise an� or a�� vf its
<br /> avai��ble remed�es far an Ev�nt �f Default as �rr�vid�d b�la� unl��s Trusta� ai�her �1� pa�s the tax befoce it
<br /> hecomes delinquent�Qr �2� cvnf�ts tl�e tax as �r�avided abaW�in the T�xes and Liens se�tian and d�pQsi�s w�h
<br /> Lender cash ar a s�cient car�o�rat�sur�ty band Qr o#h�+r security satisfact�ry tv Lender.
<br /> �ECURITY �►�I�EEI�IENT; F1NAN�ING STA�TE�RENT�. The fc�ivwing �r�vi�ions r�la'�ng tv �his t�eed vf Trust as �
<br /> security�gre�ment a�e a par�af thi��eed caf T"rust;
<br /> 3�curi't�y A�g�eement. Thi� instrument sha�� constit�.rte � Se�ur�y Agreament tc� the e�c#snt any �f the Pro�perty
<br /> �on�titu�es�"ix�ures, �nd L�nder s�a�l have���of t�a rights af a�e�r�ed party ur�d�r the U�ift�r'm �arr�rr�era�i�ot�
<br /> Ss arr�ended frQm time tv time.
<br /> 3�cu�� �nterest. Upon reque�t b�t Lender�Trus#or shall t�ke wh�t�ev�r actit�n i� reque�ted by Lend�r tv �er�Gt
<br /> �nd ear�inue L�nde+�s security�nteres�# in#he Persanal Pro►perty. In additivn ta rncvrding this C�eed.af Trust in the
<br /> real �rnpe�ty recvrds, Lender may, �t �ny tim� �nd r�rithout furkher aufhari�ation fro►m Trust�r, f�e e�cecut�l
<br /> cvunt�rp�rts� copi�� or reproducti�ns vf thi� C�eed vf Trust as a.fin�ncing sta#sment. Trustor sh�il r�imburae
<br /> �.ender fiar all expenses incurred in p�rfecting ar cc�nti�uing this s�urity int�r��t. Upon default, Trustcx sh�l�nt�
<br /> r�ma�r�, �ever rx d�tach the P�rsonal Pr�p�rty f�am the Pr��er#y. �Jpon de#�ult, Tru�t�r shs�ll asserrfble any
<br /> Persor�l P�pe�ty nc�t affiixed �v fhe Proper�y in a manner and at� pfa�e reason�rbly con�reniant tc� Trustvr snd
<br /> Lender and make �# avai�able tc� Lende�va�►itfitin #hre+��3}days aft�er receipt of w�i�ken demand #rom Lender�a the
<br /> extent perrnitt�ci b�applic.�ble lav�►,
<br /> Address�g. The mailing �ddresses af rtrustor (d�btar� and Lender �secured �arty� #rom �l�r.h information
<br /> ccfncerning t�e secur�y in#erest �ranted by this aeed af Trust may�b�c��ta�ed (e�ch as r�qui�red�ay the[Jn�omn
<br /> �vmmerci�i�ode}are as�#ated t�n the fir��page of th�s C}eed vf Trust,
<br /> FURTHER A►S�uRAN��S; ATT�RNEY-�N-FA�1`. The foltvwing �rav�sians r�lating ta further �ssurance� and
<br /> attt�e�-in-f�ct a�e a�a�t of tf�is C�eeci vf Trus�:
<br /> �'u�h�r�►�s�►�nce�. At any time, �nd frvm tim��a time,up�n request af�.endere Trus#or wili maket executt�s�nd
<br /> d�liver,or v�i11 cause tv be rriade,ex�cuted or de�v�red, �a Lender or to L�rtd��s�e�igriee,�nd when reque�ted�Y
<br /> Lender, cau�e to be filed, �ecord�dt r�filed, or rerecr�rded, a� the�ase may be, at such times and in ss�ch offic�s
<br /> �nd placeg as ten�er m�y deem a�p�'�t�,�ny and all s�►ct� m�rtga��s� deeds a�trust� se�cUri#y deed�, securit�r
<br /> �greements, financirtg statem�n#s, continua#i�n s#at�ment�, in�trumen#s af fu�ther assu�rance, G�t�icates, and
<br /> other d�cumants a� m�y, in ths sake apinic�n af Lendar, be r�e�cessary c�r desirable in nrd�r t4 etfectuate,cvmpl�te,
<br /> per�ect, cvn#inue, vr pre�erv� ��� Trust�'s obligaticrns under the Note, th�s i�eed af Trust� artd th� R�ated
<br /> Da�um�nts,and ��} t�e��errs ar�� securit�inter��ts c�ea#ed b�+this i�eed af Trust�s frs�k at�d priar�ien��n th�
<br /> �'ra�er#y, �h�her nc�w vwned ar he�a�fter acqu�e�b�T�ustor. Un�ess pr�ibit�d by la�r �r Lertder �g�ee�ta the
<br /> contrary ir� r�rri�in�� Trus#c�r shall reimbu�se Lender fvr all cvsts ar�d expenses incurred in ccanrt$r�ion �rs�h #he
<br /> mat#�rs�f�rr�d to in th��pa�agraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. ff`�"rus#or fai�s tv dc�any of the th�ngs refi�rr�l to in the precad��g p�r�graph,Ler�d�r m��dc��n
<br /> far and in the name af Trustor and at Tnastr�r's expen�e: Far such �urp�os�s, Trustv�r he�reby����v�b�y�ppoin#�
<br /> Lender as Trus�.or�s at�t�mey-in-�ar.�fvr#he purpa�e a�rrmk�nc�,execut�ng,de�vering� �ilir��,recQrding, arrd dang afl
<br /> atheir#hings �s rnay be ne�essary c�r�de��rable, in L�nde�s sale o�iniQn,#c� acccam�lish the mstte�s�fsrred �v in
<br /> th�pr�ceding paragr�r�h.
<br /> FULL PERF�R�NCE. �f Trustvr pays all fhe lndebt�dne�s �ruhen du�, and o#he�wise perfarms alt the� obl�gat�ns
<br /> �npQ�ed upc�n Trustvr under this aeed v� Trust, Lender �hall execute and deliv�r to Tru�tev� a r�equest far full
<br /> recanve��nc��r�d�h�l I execute and detnre r#c�Tru�tor suita bie statemsr�ts��i termin atian af a r�y financing�#atement on
<br /> file evidencing Lender's se�ur�y interest in th�f�en#s and the Persona� Pr���rt�, Arry re�t�nveyanGe€ee required�laro�v
<br /> sh�ll be paid by"Trusl.�ar, if�ermi#t�d by appficable la�v,
<br /> EIIENY$ �F D�F�1UL7. At Lendar�`s vptivn, Trusto�r w��� be in d�fault under this C3e�ed of Trust if any of th�fvllr�win�
<br /> happ�r�:
<br /> �ym�nt De�ault. Tru�#or�ails ta make �ny payment�h�n due unde�r the lndebte�nes�. �
<br /> Br�ak C�ther Prorni��. Tru�#or break� any�rc�mi�e made #ra Lender ar fails ta perfic�nn promptly at the time and
<br /> strict�y�the manner provided in th�De�d af Trust or in�n�agreement retated ta thi��eed vf Trust,
<br /> Corn�lian� D�fau�t. Failure�a c�m�ly wvith.an� v#h�term, ��ligatit�ri, cavenant or cc�nditivn t�ntained in this
<br /> Deed af Trust,fhe Nc�te or in any af the Rela#�Documenfs.
<br /> C�efaul#or��ther Payments, Failu��vf Trustor u+,►�thin the�im�required by this a�ed af Tru�tv make any p�ym�nt
<br /> far taxes vr insur�nc�,a�r any oth�r paym�nt nece���r�y tc��r�went�iliRg af or tv effect a�harc�e r�f any�en,
<br /> De#ault in Fa�or af Third �arties. �hau�d��ntor d�f�ult under any 1��n,extens�cx� c�f cred�t� securit� agreem�r�t,
<br /> purchas�or s ales a�reemer�t, or any c�th er agr�eement,in fia�or of any oth er.Gr�!i#ar or per�on that may mate�ri�lly
<br /> affect any of:Grantv�'s �roperty c�r C�r`�ntar'� abilit� ta rep��t the Ind�btedness vr �rantar's ab�lity �a perfarrn
<br /> Crantar's tabligati��under this�3eed af 7rust v��ny vf fh��e�a#e�i Dc�a�m�n#s:
<br /> Fala��Statemen�s. Atin�r�pr���ntatian vr statemenf made or#urnished#v Lender��Trustar ar on T�ustar's behalf
<br /> under this Deed af"fru st a�r th e Related D acuments is f�ls�cx rr��ea��ng in an y matsrial res�rect, eith�r rrow or at
<br /> #he.�ime made or�urni�ha�d�.
<br /> t3efec�rr� C�lat$r�lizat�c�. This C?�ed of Trust or any af t�e Related Qocuments ceases tv be in fu�l fvrce and
<br /> eff� �inch�ding fa�ure c�any colia#�ral documer�t �a r�reate a valid and perf�c#�d securit�int�r�st or lienj at�n�
<br /> time and far an�t re��a�n.
<br /> �ath oc�naolv�n�y. �The death af Trusta�,�he in�alvency of Trustvr,the ap►poin#ment c�f a re�ei��r fc�r any part af
<br /> Trustor's prc�►perty, an� s�s�ignmertt fvr #h e ben�fit of cr�di�vrs� any type af �r��or warkvut, or th�
<br /> ct�mmencement of any proceeding under an�t��nkru�tcy or insol�enc�lav+�s by or againgt Trust�r.
<br /> Talsing c�f the Pro�rl�. l��y cred�r�r or�ovemr��ttal agency #rie� t�#�ke an� afi the Pr�erty o� any ca�her of
<br /> Trustvr'� prrapie�ty in which l,ender has a lien. Thi� includes takin� �f, g�mi�Ming of or �eWy�tg vn Tnastoc'�
<br /> acc�aunts v�ri#h Lender. �Hovue�rer� if Trustvr dEsput�� in gaod fa�h whether#he cl��rn.t�n �rhir�h the #aking vf the
<br /> Praperty is based �� rraGd o� rea�anable, an�d �f Yrustor gi►►es Lender �i�ten no#ice af !h� claim and fumishes
<br /> Lender with monies or a surie#y band sati�f�ctory ta Lender tv satisfy#ha claim, #hen this defau�p�vi�ivn r�ri�l n�k
<br /> app��r.
<br /> 6r$ach af Other►otgreemen�. Any breach by Trustvr un�e r th�terrns c�f any ather agreemen#�#�een Trustor�nd
<br /> L�nder tha�t i� not remedied vwi#hin any grace periu�d �o�id�d ther�in, including �ritha�t limi#ration any �greement
<br /> c;t�nc�min�an�ir�debtedn�ss t�r c�h�r'nbli�a#ion af Trustar ta Lender,wh�her��cist��n�v�ar��iter,
<br /> E�rent�Affecting Cuarantc�r. Any of#he�receding�v�nts occurs�r�rith r�sp�ct.#c� any guaran#or, endorser, sur�t�r,
<br />