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� 2� 17���57 <br /> aEEQ �F TRLJ�T <br /> {��r�tir�u�d} ��ge� <br /> App�i��ivn of Proc�ds. Trustvr sha��p�iamptly notify Lender of any toss ar damege ta the Prnperty. Lender may <br /> n�ke prvc�f af�a�s �f Trustor fa�s tv dcr so v�rit�in fift�aen �'i v� d�y� vf th e c�su al#y. �1lhe#h ar t�r n vt Len d�'� <br /> �ecurity is irr��i�d�Lend�r ma�,,at Lender''s election f receive and retain t�e prviceeds vf any m�urance ar�d a�p�y <br /> the proveeds ta the reduction af the Ind�btedness� �aYrri�nt af any lien aff�ctrr�g#h� Pro�erty, or the r�stc�ratic�n <br /> �nd�epax af the P��rt�. 4f�er�der ��ts ta app��th�pr��eeds�o��storaticm a�d repa�r,Tn�s#ar�'ha�� r�pair c�r <br /> repiare the darx�aged or destroyed lm�r�v�m�n#� in a m�nner s��actorjr �a Lender. Lender sha�� up�n <br /> satisfacta�y prc�crf of �uch ex��nditur�, pay vr reimburse Trusfor frv�m the pr�ceeds fa� the reasar�able cos�. vf <br /> repa�r ar r�storation if Trustor � nvt in d�sult under this Qeed vf Trus�, Any pra�eed$ wl�i�h h��e nc�t. been <br /> disbursed�ritl�n '1�(� days a�ter th�r r�c�pt s�nd uvhich L�nder has nc�t cammit��d ta tha rap�ir o+r r�s�to�raticx� af <br /> the Pr�ape�ty shall be used ficst ta pa� any amvu�rt owin�#� Lender under this C�eed af Trust,then ta ps��t ac�rued <br /> inter��t� �nd the remainder, ifi an�r,.shall be �pplied ta the �rin�ipal ba�snce of#he Indebtednes�. �f Lender holds <br /> any p�raceeds aft�r �ayment � fu11 vf th� lndebtedn�ss, such pro�seds sha�� be paid ta Trustvr as Trustcu's <br /> interests m�y appear. <br /> CornplianG� vWth Ext�ting Inde�#�dngss. During the pericsd in which an� Existing Indeb#edness de�c�ribed beivw is <br /> in efFect� cc�mp��nce wi#h the insurance pr�c�sians contain�d in the instrument evidencing such Existing <br /> lndebtednes� shell canstrtrut� cam�liance �rit� ft�e insurance pr�isic�ns under this �eed of Trust, tv th� �xt�vnt <br /> Gta���a�r..�v�itM th�t�ms vf t��s�eed a�T�ust�ou�d ca�nst�#�ute��up�ir.atit� vf insur�nce r�qui�eme�nt, If�n� <br /> proceeds frvm#he�nsurance become pay�ble an loss,the provis�ons in this Qeed af Trust for di��ir�n af proceeds <br /> shall a�ply c�nly to t�at pc�r#iar�vf th�pr�ceeds nvt p�yab��t�fhe ho�d�c of#he�x��t�g Indebtedness. <br /> LENDER'S E�PEIII DtTUREs. If Trustar �ails �1�►} to keep th e Pr�pe�f� �r�e af al I taxes, li�ns, securit� inte�est.s, <br /> encum�rance�. �nd other c�aims� �B� to pra�ide any requir�d ins�ur�nce an the Prtr�erty, {�� ta make repeirs tQ the <br /> Proper#y�r ta cc�mply�with any c�bt�gat�n ta meir�t�in Existing lndebtedne��in gaad,�tand�ng as required belc��, then <br /> Lender may dc� so. lf any ac�ivn or proceeding i� c�mmenc:ed th�#would m�te�ially affe�Lend�r's interes#s in the <br /> Pr��#y, then Lender on Trustcx's beha�f ma�r� but is not required ta, take any action that Lender believes tv �e <br /> s�p�r�cspriate�o pra�.�t�.end�r's int�rests. �►�1 expenses ir�curr�i ar pa� by tender fvr such purpos�s wil� #h�n bear <br /> in#�rest at the rate charged und�r #he Not� fi om th� date incur�d or paid b� Lender tv the date vf �epsyment b� <br /> Tru�ar. All such expenses rr�rrill become a part af th� indebtedness snd, at Lend�r's a�v�r�, will �A� �s payab�e on <br /> demand; ��� be added to the b�lance vf tha Note and be a��ortianed emong and be psy�ble with any instailm�rrt <br /> �ayrr�nts tv becvme due d�rin�g e�th�r �1� the term af an�applica��e�su�ence�alicy; o� ��� the�en+aining te+cim af <br /> the Note; ar ��} be�reated as a ba�kx�n payman#wh�ch�ill be due and payab�e at the Nat�'�m�#.urity, The Deed af <br /> Tcu�t a��o�r►ill secure pa}rm�nt vf these amounts, The rtgh#s pravided fvr in th is paragra ph s�s�ff �e in add ition �o any <br /> other riphts vr �ny remedies tv which Lender may be enfi��ed on s�cr�unt of any d�ault, An� such ac#ivn by L�nder <br /> shal�nat be�ons��u�cl a�cunng#h�de�ault so as to bar Lend�r�nvm any remed�tF�at i�ather�ise wcxald have had. <br /> 1�F�RRANTY;pEFENSE�F T�TLE. The fr�lvwing pror�i�ans r�lating#a ownership vf the Froper��are a p�r�v�th�s De�l <br /> vf Trust: <br /> Titl e. Trus#or�rar�r�nts that; �a�Tru st�r halds good �nd marketak�le titl�af re�or�d to the Pro�erty in fee s�rnp�� <br /> fr�e�nd �isar of ali iiens and encumbr�nces vther than thos� set fa#h in the R�al Pr�pertY descri�tion or in the <br /> ,Exis#mg Indebtednes��e�ian belvw t�r in any fiitle insu�rance pa�cy, ti�le �parf, or final�tl� a�inic�n i��ued in favv� <br /> of� and ��cepted ��� Lender in cannectic� �rith this a�ed vf Trust, and 4b�Trustvr has th�fu�l ri�ht, pa�ver, and <br /> autha�ity�a execute a� d�i��r thi�Deed of Trust ta Lender. <br /> Qefense ��Tit[a. Subject ta the exce�tion �n #he paragraph aborre� Trustvr vvarrants and �ill fc�-e�rer defiend th� <br /> title tv th�Prc�er#�aga�st th� larrvfu�c�aims of all persans. tn the e�en#any act�n c�r praceeding is commenced <br /> th�t questians Trustvr's�itle or#he inter�s#af Trustee or Ler�er unde�th�s aeed af Trust,Trustar shall delend#he <br /> actiar�at Tnastor's expense. Trustar may be the,nommal part� i� such pr�ac:c�eding�but Lend�r �hall b�en#i�ed tv <br /> �a�#icipate in #h� pr�ceeding and #o be repres�nted in th� prc�ceeding b� c�un�e[ of L�nders vwn chc�ce, and <br /> Trustor r�rill de�ver� or cause to be delivered,�v L�nder such in�trum�nts as Lender irra�r�que�t from time tca t�me <br /> tv perrn�such partiapati�n. <br /> Gs�ti�'t�anr� �t� Lavvs, T�ustor v+ra�rants that the� P�sa�ty �nd`�n�stvs's use flf the P�operty cam�lies�rith sll <br /> ez�ting applicabie laws, ardinances,an�r�gulativns of gavernrr�en#al authvrities.. <br /> Surviv�l �f Prorn����. All pmmises, a�r�eements, snd �tafem�nts T�stor has m�de in this D�eed vf Trust shall <br /> surr�ive the�x��u#ion and de��er�r af this f3eed of Trust, sh�ll be cvntinu�ng in n�tu��nd shal�rerr�in�n full fc�rce <br /> and effect unt� such time as Trustor's indebtednes�i�pa�l in�utl: <br /> E�I$TIN�INQEBTEDNE�S. The faliv�ring pravisions concerning E�isting Indeb#edne�s a��e a pa�t oif this Deed af Trust, <br /> Existir�� Lten. The �ien af this l�eed of Trus� securing the �nde�tednes� m�y be s�candary and iriferivr tc� an <br /> �xi�t�ng li��. Tru�tc�r�x�rv�sly cov�n�r�t�and agrges t�p�y� �r��e ta th� p�ymer�t af�#he Existing 1nd�e�edn�ss <br /> and tr��reve�nt�ny d�fault an �uch inde�stedness, any d��ault un�er th�instn�ments evEdencing such indehfedne�. <br /> or an�t de�ault unde�any secu rity dvcum�nt�fivr�uch indeb#edne s�. <br /> No �crdificat�on. T�us�tvr sh�ll nc�ent��int� any agreement �th the h�lder c� an� mc�r#gage� deed vf trust, or <br /> c�her se�urity agreement �vhi�h has pric�rity aver this aeed of Trus� by �ich that agreement is madified, <br /> amended, �te�ndedt or r�ne�nr$d w�thvut #h� priQr v�rri#ten consent af Lender. Trustv� �hafi neith�r request nnr <br /> acce�t�n�future�dvances un�der any such securi#y agree�men#�vithou##he prior wri#ten can��n#of l�ender. <br /> �NDF.�.�INA�it�l►l, The#vllo�ri�g�rc�visiarr�relat�g ta c�n�emna�tic�n pr�eding��e a part af this�ed of Trust: <br /> Rroc$eding�. ff any p�oceeding in candemnation is filad, Tn�s#vr s�al� p�romp£�y notify Lender in writing, a�nd <br /> Tru�tar shall �rrt�mp�l�take such �t��s as rnay b� ne�assary to de�:nd the actian and ob��in �� award, Tn�s#ar <br /> m��be fhe n�minal pa�ty in such �rc�ce�ding,but Lender shaEl be enti#�ed to par�icipate in the praceeding �nd ta be <br /> rep resente� �n #h��race edin� by c�unsel af its own choice� an�Trust�r will �e'�ve r ar caus e to 1�e del ir�e red tv <br /> Lender sucM in�truments �nd dacumentation as may be reque�te d by Len der frvm �ime '�c� time to permi# �u�h <br /> pa�c�ratian. <br /> Appl���t��n o�Net Rroc��ds. If all c�rr�ny par#of the Pr�a�rty is conc�emned b��min�nt d�main proceedEngs t�r by <br /> any praceeding c�r purcha��a in li�u c�f�ond�rrination� Lender may at i�s�I�ctic�n require that a!I a�r any par#ian of th� <br /> n�t prvveeds of th� �ward b� app�Eed tv the lnd�btedne��or#he repair or.res#oration caf the Prap�rt�. The net <br /> prQceeds af the�r�rd�hall mean th�a�vv�rd aft�r�aymer�t af all reasanable casts, expense�, and att�rn��s'fee� <br /> incurr�ed�y Truste�or Lender in connection wi#h the cond�mnat�on. <br /> 11�1P�SITIC�N C� TA�C�$, FEES�4Na CHARGES BY�C��fERNI�lENT1�L�4UTHC�RITIE$� The #vl�a�rring provi�i�n�relating <br /> ta gov�mm�ntal taxes.fees and che�rge�are a�ar#vf#.his ae�d vf Tru�t: <br /> �urr$nt Taxes, F� �nd Charges. Upon reques#by Lender�Trustor shaii execute such d�cuments in �ddi#ion tv <br /> this�ed vf Trust and teke whate�er oth�r ac"�on i�r�ques#ed by Lent�r to p�rf�cc�.an� �t�nt�nue L�ndgr's li�n on <br /> the Real Pro�rtyr Trustvr shal! reir��urse Lender fof afl taxes, as desaribed bela�vr, to��the�with al1 expenses <br /> incurrad in recor�d�+g, perfect�g c�r cantinuing this �eed af Trust� induding withvut �mitatian �II tax�s� f�esF <br /> dv�c�m�tary stemps, end�th�charges fvr reco�ding�r regist�r�rg thi��3e�of T�ust. <br /> Taxes. The fvllcn�ving shai� canstitute taxes�v whic�this ssc�ian appl�es: �1� a speci�c taas upc�n thi� ty�ae vf <br /> D�eed a�7rust or up�n aii or�n�part of#he Indebtednes� secured by�th� C�eed af Tru�t; ��� a spec�ic tax an <br /> Trustvr v�hich Trustvr is au#harized or requ�ed ba deduct frvm paym�nts c�n the Indebtedne���ecured by this ty�re <br />