2� 17����5
<br /> sa�isfac��on, provided that such �nspec�ion shall be under�a.k�n pr�mpt��r. Lend�r may pay for�he repa�rs
<br /> and r�stora�ion in a sing�e disbursemen�or in a s�ries of progress paymen��as �he�ror�is c�rnp��ted.
<br /> tln�ess an agreemen�is made in writing�r App�icab�e L.aw re�uires �n�erest t��e pai�.ax�suc�
<br /> Miscellaneous Praceeds, L�nder sha11 n�t be required to pa�Borrovver any �nteres�.or earn�ngs on such.
<br /> Misce�laneous Proceeds. If the restoratian or repair is not econornicai�y feas�b���r L�nder's sec��.ty vvould
<br /> be lessened, th�Miscellane�us Proce�ds shal�he app�ied to�he sums secured b�this S�cur����ns�rument,
<br /> whether or not then�ue, with�he e�c�ss, if any, paid�o Borr�wer. Such N�xsce��an��us Pr�ceec�s�ha.�I be
<br /> applied in th�order pra�id�d f�r in Sectian 2.
<br /> �n the e�ent af a tota� taking, destruetion, nr loss in�va�ue af�he Praper�y, th�Mis��l�aneaus Pro�eeds shall
<br /> . be appl�e�t� the surns secured by this S�curi�y �nstrumen�, whether or not�hen due, w��h the e�cess, �f an�,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrower.
<br /> �n�he event of a par��a� tak�ng, destruc�ion, �r�oss �n�ra�ue of the Property in v��.��h�he fair market va�ue af
<br /> the Praper�y zmmed�a�e�y before�h�part�a� ta.kzng, destruc�ian, or lass in value�s equal �a�r greater than�h�
<br /> amount af��e sums secured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrument immediately befor�the partia� �aking, des�ruct�on, �r
<br /> Iflss �n valu�, un�ess �arrov�er and L�nd�r oth�rw�se agree in writing, �he sums secured�y this Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrument sha��be reduced b�r the amount�f the Miscel�a.r�eous Prace�ds mu�t�p�ied by the fo��ow�ng
<br /> � fractivn: �a}th�tota� a.mount of the sums secured �mmed�a��Zy b�fore t�.�par�ia� taking, des�ruct�on, flr loss
<br /> �n Walu��i�i�ed by �b�the fa�r mark��va�ue of�he Prnper�y�m�mediat�ly before�he part�a� tak�ng,
<br /> d�stru���on, or lass in va�ue. Any balance sha�l be paid to B�rra�ver.
<br /> In�he even�of a par�ial taking, destruction, or loss�n�a�ue of th�Praper�y in wh�ch the fair market val.ue�f
<br /> : �he Property�mmed�a�e�y before�he par��a��aking, d�struc�ion, �r Ioss in�alu���less than the am�un�of�he
<br /> sums secur�d�mmed�a�e�y before�he partxa� tak�ng, d�struc�iar�, �r loss in�ralue, unless B�rr��er and
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in wr�ting, the M�s�e�lan�ous Proceeds shali be app��ed to the sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrumen�whether or r�o��h�surns are then�.ue.
<br /> �f�he Property is abandoned by Barrovver, or�f, af�er no��ce b�r Lender�o Borrow�r that the�ppasing Par�y
<br /> �as defined in the nex�sentence}offers��make an award to sett��a c�aim for damages, Barrow�r fa�ls to
<br /> respond�o Lender w��h�n 3�days after�a.e da���h�not�ce is given, L�n�er�s au�hor�zed t�co��ect and appiy
<br /> �he M�sce��an�ous Proc�e�s ezther to restoratian or r�pair of th�Property�r�a the sums secured by th��
<br /> Security I�s�rurnent, vvhe�her or no�th�n due. "�pposing Par�y" m�ax�s the th�rd party�hat v�v�res Borrawer
<br /> N�zs��liane�us Pr�ceeds�r the party against whom Borrow�r ha� a r�ght�f act�on in regard to Mis�ellaneous
<br /> Prace�ds.
<br /> B�rr�wer s�aXl be�n defau�t if any a�t�on�r proceed�ng, whet��r civil or�rimina�, �s begun�ha�, in L�nder's
<br /> judg�m.en�, c�uZd resuZt �n f�rf���ure of�he Pr�perty or o�her mat�ria� impa�rm���af Lender's interest�n�he
<br /> Praper�y or rights und�r th�s S�cur�ty�ns�rum�n�. Borro�er Ca.�cure such a default and, if acce�erat��n has
<br /> o�curred, re�n��ate as pra�ided in Section I�, by Causing th�a�tion ar�r�ceed�ng ta be dismissed w�th a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's�udgmen�, pre��udes f�rfeitur��f the Property�r other material �mpaxrment of
<br /> Lender's inter��t in th�Property�r rights under�hxs S�curxty �nstrum�nt. The proce�ds of any award or
<br /> c�aim for damages tha�are attr�buta�Ie to th�impazrment af Lender's in�erest in�e Proper�y ar�her�by
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to Le�.der.
<br /> A�1 Misce��an�ous Proceeds�ia�are not app��ed�� restarat�on or repair a:f the Property sha�l be applied in the
<br /> order prov�ded for�n Section 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Fam�ty-�annie Mael�r�ddie Mac UNl�aRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3�28 1101
<br /> VMP[) VMPFi(N�;{�3D2)
<br /> Wolt�rs Ktuwer Finar�cial 5er�ices Page 10 af�7
<br />