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2� 17����3 <br /> Pra�ided, howe�er, that the�otal prin�ipal indebtedness ou�standing and secured h�reby a�any one time <br /> will not exceed the sum of F�RTY TH�USAND ��4�,���.�0}, exclusive �f Enterest and p�ro�ective <br /> adWances autharized herein or in any Loan Dacumen�and such vfher amvun�s alIowed by law. <br /> N�THING ��NTAINED HEREIN SHALL ��NSTITUTE A C�MIVIITMENT T� MAKE FURTHER �R <br /> ADD1T[�NAL A�VANCES IN ANY AM�UNT AT ANY T1ME, 1NHETHER �R NDT THE T�TAL <br /> PR[NC[PAL INDEBTEDNESS AB�VE HAS BEEN ADVANCED. <br /> This trust deed wi[! b�due December�, 2��3. , <br /> Trus�or hereby warran�s�hat Trusfor ha�ds good and marketable�i�Ie in fee simple to the abo�e�es�ribed <br /> Property, that Trustor has gvvd and Iawfui authari��t�trust deed fihe same, �hat�he Prvperty is free and <br /> �lear of al� Eiens and en�umbranGes, e�ccep�those set forth in a �ifile paIicy or title opinion purchased by <br /> Lender and deem�d acceptable �y Lender, in its sole discrefion, rn reia�ion ta this trusf deed and �ha� <br /> Trustor wil! �rarran� and d��end the Property a� Trustor's e�cpense agains� a�l claimants whamsoever. <br /> Trus�or a�so h�reby wai�es and reiinqu�sh�s all rights of dower, hom�s�ead, dis�ributi�e share, and <br /> exempfion in and f�the above described R�al Prope�ty. <br /> [t is understood and agreed bet�v�en Trust�r and Lender �hat this �rus� deed is given t� secur� the <br /> repayment in fulI of the al� �bli�a�ions, regardless af v�rhe�her Trusfor is liable�hereon, and a�l fu�ure and <br /> additional laans ar advances, protec�iW�or��herwise, which may be made by L�nde�, af its op�ion, at fihe <br /> reques�of, and�o or f�r th�a�caunt of Trustor, any o�the parties�iable under any of�he Loan Dacuments, <br /> for any purpose, plus interest thereon, al� payabI� accarding to the �erms of the Laan Documen�s. Any <br /> �bIig�tlons secured by�his trus�d�ed shall b�payable when due as set�orth in the Laan Documen�s. <br /> Th�s trusf deed may se�ure more than �ne Loan DoGument. <br /> Trus�or here�y assigns, transfers, and con�eys to Len�er all ren�s, issues, incom�, profits, royait�es, <br /> bonuses, and delay maneys or ofiher proc�eds tha�rnay from t�me t�time becam�due and payable und�r <br /> any reai esta�e lease ar under any vil, gas, gravel, rock, or ��her mineral lease of any kind inclu�ing <br /> geoth�rmal resources now ex[s�ing ar�hat may hereafter come into ex[stence, cavering �he Prvperty or <br /> any part�h�reaf. AII such sums so �eceived by Lender`rvill be applied to the Db�igations secured her�by; <br /> ar Lender, at its nption, may�urn o��r and deliver�o Trustor�s} or�hetr suc�ess�rs in in�eres�, any or aIl <br /> of�uch sums wi�hou� pr�judice tv any of Lender's righfs fo take and retain fu�u�-e sums, and withou� <br /> prejud�ce to any ❑f its o�her righ�s under this trus# d��d. This assignm�n� will b� cansfrued to be a <br /> praWisian fvr the paymen�or reductian �f the �bligativns, sub�ec��o the Lender's optivn as hereinbefvre <br /> pra�ided, independ�nt af the trusf de�d on the P�-aperty. <br /> Trustor and each�f them further ca�enants and agrees with,or certif�es and represents to Lender <br /> as f�ll�ws� <br /> '�. To pay al� liens, judgmen�s, or ofher assessments againsf �he Property, and ta pay when due aIl <br /> assessments,taxes, r�n�s, u�if��ies,fees, charges ar encumbranc�s upon�he Pr�p�rty or under any lease, <br /> pe�mi�, Ilcense, vr pri�ilege assigned t�Lender as additional securi�y fio fhis�rust deed, including�hose in <br /> or�n pub[ic damain. <br /> 2.To insure and keep insured al[ buildings and other lmprovements, including fixtures and a�tachmen�s <br /> � nvw an or hereafter placed on�he ReaI Property to�he sa�isfaction ofi Lender. Such �nsurance wi[�c�ntain <br /> an end�rs�ment shaw�ng Lender as Beneficiary. �n demand, Trus�or will furnish sa�d poi'rcies�r proaf of <br /> insurance �o Lender and �he insurance carr�er shal� be sa�isfac�ory �v Lender. T�us�or sha11 give wrii�en <br /> n��ice �a Lender immediately of any cEaim �� ioss. Any sums so received by Lender may be applied rn <br /> payrnen�af any matured or unma�ured �bIigations secured by�his trus�d��d, ar a�the op���n af Lender <br /> may be us�d �o pay for recons�ruc�i�n af the destroyed impra�emen�s. Such insuranc� will be In an <br /> amounfi a� ieast equal to �he les�er of the I�an balance, �he acfua� cash �alue of �he Property, ar the <br /> replac�men�cast of�he Pr�perty, and will a�a minimum, cover Iosses caused by fire, iigh�ning, explosian, <br /> rivf, aircraft, �ehicles, vandalism, ci�r� �omma�ion, smoke, wrndstorm, and hail. Trus�or wE�l ob�ain and <br /> App#:5��78�4; C1F#: �39�57; No�e#:3058��8 220KS Legal Doc.Date.❑ecemher 28,�0�� <br /> F�RiUI 5��1,Trust D�ed and Ass�gnmen�of Ren#s Page 3 of� <br />