2� 17����3
<br /> �bl�gat"rc�n�: Includes, w�thou� limit�tian, all �redif including pr�ncipal and �ny �d��nces, interest ar�d
<br /> other amaunts due tv Lender under the Laan C�vGument� whe�h�r �r no� this �rus� dee� is specific�lly
<br /> r�ferred �a in the eWidenc� af debt, inc�ud�ng wi�hou� [imitation, fees, costs, and expenses, �ogefh�r w�th
<br /> af[ renewa�s, e�ctensian�, ❑r refinancing vf same and any futur� and addit�ona� laans or advan�es made
<br /> at Lender's �ption to �r �n beh�lf �f ��rrower by Lender ar und�r any other Lo�n Dacumen� for any
<br /> purpose whether r�iated or unrelated ta the purpose af th� �rigina� Gr�dit, in�luding adv�n��s f�r �ne
<br /> prvtectian of the Property, a11 atk�rn�y fees, cfl�ts and e�p�nses incu�-red by Lender ta fhe ext�nt
<br /> permitt�d �y�aw in the coll�ction �f any ioan ar in the enforcemenf vr pr�servation of the right�af L�nder
<br /> in and ta�fhe Property, regardless�f whether Trustar is�biiga�ed thereon as a mak�r or�o-maker,signer
<br /> ar co-s'rgr�er, or as a guaran�or, er�darser, sure�y or ofher�c�ommodatian party.
<br /> Personal Prvperty: All equipment, fixfures and a�her p�rsonal property �hat are n�w or hereafter
<br /> at�ached �r aff�xed to the Real F'ra��rty; together with all ac��s�ivns, parts and a�ditivns to, all
<br /> r�plac�men�s �f and all substitu�i�ns far�ny of such pro�erty.
<br /> Real Prop�r�y:Toge�her with�h��elow le�ally descri�ed �eal�state, �i�exisfing or su�s�quen�ly erecte�
<br /> ar afFixed �au�ldings, structure5, impravements ar fixtur�s; all crops, timber, t�mb�r to be�ut, trees, plants,
<br /> vines ar �ther plantings; all wat�r, w��er �ights, including r�parian righ�s and surfa�e water rights,
<br /> watercourse�, irrigafion, drain�ge and dit�h rights; a�! rent�, is�ues, uses, inc�rrie, profits and roya�fies;
<br /> all lea���r p�rmi#�, licenses, pri�il�g�S, eas�men�s, righ�s of way, rights�o pvs��s�ion; all rights in �nd
<br /> t�the lands lyin� in stre�fs, al�eys and raads adjaining the R�al Prvperky and appurt�nanc�s; all Ieases,
<br /> perm"rts, [icen�es, or pri�iE�ges, appurtenant vr non-appurtenan���the property, now or he�eaf�er issued,
<br /> ext�n�led, vr r�newed by Trus��r, �ny Sta�e, the Un�ted States, �r any dep�rtment, bureau,
<br /> insfrument�li�}r, �r agency fihereaf; a11 proce�ds in emin�nt d�main, �nsurance p�yments, proceeds vr
<br /> �efunds�f premiums�r�ny a�h�r paym�nt ar settlement rela�ing to the Pr�p�rty; all❑il, gas, gra�el, r��k,
<br /> ��vfhermal and simila�reSource�or oth�r min��al ri�h�s af wha�e�er nature; and any and aIl ather ri�hts
<br /> re�ated t�th� real property.
<br /> Property: �ollec�ively the F�e�f Property and the Pers�nal Praperty, inc�uding wi�h�ut limi�ation �Il
<br /> �nsuranGe proceeds and refunds of�nsurance premiums re[ated to said Property.
<br /> Truste�: A�set f�rth abave.
<br /> Trustvr: A�s�t�orth abvv�.
<br /> The ab�ve n�med Trustor for good and vaivabi� consider��ian, hereby rrr��oc�b2y �ransf��s: conWeyS
<br /> and as�signs �o Trust�e, IN TRU�T, W1TH P�1NER C�F SALE, for the benefit and security of the
<br /> Beneficiary, its succe�sars and assigns, an assrgnm�nt and security interes�in aII af Trustor'� right, t�tle
<br /> and �nt�rest whe�he� curren�ly �xisting ar hereinafter acquir�d in and �� �he following-described Real
<br /> Praperty in H�II C�unty ies}, Nebrask�, t�w�t:
<br /> The Nar�hwest �uar�er �N1N%} at Section Twenty-Six ���}, To�vn�hip Nine �9}
<br /> North, Rang�Ten �1 D}Vllest of�he 5th P.M., Hall ��un�}r, Nebraska, �xc�ptin� La�
<br /> C�ne ��}, Losee Subdivision, Hail Caun�y, Nebraska.
<br /> �n addi��on, Trus��r h�reby grant��v Lend�r a Unif�rm �ammerGial ���le security int�rest in all Person��
<br /> Pro�erky; and a!I prviceeds fr�m any sa�e or �ther disp�sit�on �f the Property. The trust d��d is alsa
<br /> effecfiive as a�inancing s�a�ement f[�d �s a fi�ure filing under�he Uniform Gomm�rc�al �ade.
<br /> lt is unders�ood and agreed be�we�n T�ustar and Lender �ha� this trust de�d is given �o secure the
<br /> repayment in fu11 �f the �bliga�i�ns �s set forth in th��trust d�ed and any LQan Document. Af I amounts
<br /> shalE b� paid when due as provided for in the Laan Dacuments cr�ating �he C�b��ga�Eons se�ured ay th�s
<br /> �rust deed.
<br /> This trus�deed s�cures all �bligati�ns, inGluding, but not limi�ed to the fvl�owing:
<br /> Date of Nvte s �r other Lvan D�cument s Prin�ipal Am�unt
<br /> �21�81��'i� $4Q,���.��
<br /> App#:54��'SQ�4; CIF#:�3��57; Note#:3��8�28 ��OKS Lega[Dvc.�]ate:December 28,�q�6
<br /> F4RM 5��1,Trust C�eed and Assignment of Rents Page�of 7
<br />