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�i F� . .. <br /> ' -�'-•��-c s:t�ki�,.: . ,.. .,.T, .. v s -- c:: �:.....-. • t��zr�,�....:a�..e. ':t x ,. r�_l,. <br /> :a����f .���1si�c.Ltxc��rr/F- ,a1�,fi.:�aYia�tea� ��.w _:c����� r.,�fa'r�ti:i6.�;c+,asai�6iiatt).�r[. �'i;�,v`s�,k'T�. �r ; t � � � ,��:- <br /> �� : <br /> � - ' �'�r�'.4�N-- - <br /> i.YitC� - <br /> — _ °�," --- ��'- <br /> } -- —� � <br /> � . <br /> 1 � <br /> �p�. 1��63V <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> 31. Waiver of Counterclaim. Grantor herebg waives the <br /> ` , right to assert a counterclaim, ather than a mandatory or � <br /> compulao�y counterclaicn, in any action or groceeding brought <br /> against it by eeneficiary, and waives trial by jury i� any action <br /> or praceedinr� brougta� by either party bere�o againat the uther or <br /> in any aounterclaim asserted by Beneficiary against Grantor, or <br /> in any ma!:ters whatsoe�er arising out o� os ire art.� way connected <br /> with this.Deed o� T�ust, �tke Note, any �� ttse Other Security � , . . <br /> Dociune�ts o� the F3ebt. " �-' <br /> ;.7;: <br /> 32. Recover of Sums irec���o Be Paid. Henefici�.�cg_ , �f'�� <br /> . : Y <br /> ' staail' �ave the r ght fram time to •r%me �a;.take action to recov��: �. � ,,;i:`�:�,•• <br /> any sum oc sums which constitute �. gark_�t?� the Debt as the sam��:;; �- �'''� =� <br /> ,_::•:. �.' <br /> become dae, without regard to wheth�r ct:;'u�t the balance of th�:;'� � <br /> Debt shall be due,. and without p��s�ac3�ce �to the xight of ,_';� .. � <br /> � Ben�ficiary or Truatee thereafte�r ld bring aa ac�ion of � <br /> • forealosure, or any othe� actione �a�. �..�efault or deEaults b� .. '���''�:.. �� <br /> Grantor exiating at tne time sucl� �arli�r action was cc�m�ced. - <br /> . ;,F:;_ ,.•:`.;",',:;: ::: �. <br /> ` 33. t�larshallin and Qt�ti�e�i��tiers. Grantor here�y • �,_''` " . � <br /> waivea, to the extent permittea �.I��+�,.���he benefit of all � . ' �_ � <br /> apprafsement, valuation, �t�y, e��n�i�c�r reinatatement and � ' • <br /> redemption now or hereafter Yrc far� and ali rights of . -< <br /> ma;ahalling in the event of any ff��Le her�under of the Trust � � ;; <br /> Pr�gerty or any a�r� thereof or as�� interest ttt�rein. Furth�r� , � <br /> Gr�A�or hereby exgressly waives any an� all ris�hts of rec�emptf+�n ' �'� <br /> from eale under anp osder or decree of �ereclosure cf t�.is Deed ''������ <br /> .,:. <br /> of Trust on behalf of Grantor, and on behalf of each and every ''``'=�i <br /> � pets.4n acq�iring any interest in or title to tt�e Trust Property _ <br /> ; sub�equent to the date of this Deed of Trugt and on behalf of all <br /> persons to the extent permitted by applicable law. = <br /> 34. Hazardous Iylaterials. Grantor repreaents and : � <br /> warraats that, to the best of Gxantor's knowledge. after due t� <br /> inquiry and investigation, (a) ktx�re are no Hazardous Materialr� <br /> (hereinafter defined� on the T�T.r��t Property, except these in � <br /> . cornpliance with all appli�l�Ie �er�eral, state ana locaZ �aws. <br /> � ordinances, rules and regul.ation�;, and (b) no owner or occupant <br /> � " no�s �ny prior owner or oCCUpant r�i the Trust Property has <br /> . r���xved any notice or advice from any governmental agency or �;r�Ir . <br /> souree wha�saever with respect to Hazard�tus Materials on, from or � <br /> � af�ecting 9che Truat Property. Grantor c�venants that the Trust <br /> Property shall be kegt free of Hazardous Materials, and neithe� ` �< <br /> Gr�ntor nor any occupant of the Tsust Property shall use, <br /> transport, stose, dispose of or in any manner deal with 8azard�us <br /> • Materiala on the Trust Pra�erty, except in compliance w�i��� all <br /> ' applicable fedesal, stat� and local laws, orainances, ru�es and <br /> . ' rec���.lations. Grantor shall comp�� with, and ensure oemplianc� tsy <br /> ' a3.T �ccupants of the Trust Prop�ri:y with, all applicable fede��aL, <br /> sta��� an8 loca2 �aws, ozd�nances, rules and regulations, and <br /> � ehalZ k���C �he Trust Prap�rty free and clear of any liens imposed <br /> pur��ant to such lawe, osd.nances�s rules or regulations. in the <br />� � -17- .. <br /> ,-=_, <br /> , � <br /> . � L�.� � <br /> .� <br /> . � 6� <br /> t� � ..�J-- <br /> . _- .„ .�.i��� _ .. .. . . . .._.__. . _ . _.._ . _ _ — — —_ _--. . _ — .S:t�i L.i�f.ZiilClA6aa��as'lnl��fu���c�:� .- .� . _ — —_ <br /> _ . °.. x A.7".�. . _-.-: �'7. ,�' ;-�.> Pt��4 ia-�i�iKk�'rma�rr�,�r'tla-r:�,�ie+ac4�;x_�r•. <br /> . . ..�-- - --`-`-- _•. ... -- - --.—�'� .� .-•-- -- -,. <br /> . _ . _. . . . , _ . <br /> , . , � <br /> t ., . <br /> , � r �. <br /> _.._ . ..- � - — - ��-- -•---- .�— ---- ---=------- ---�-_-• --- -- — -- -- -- ' ---- - - ----- --- -- — <br /> � <br /> . � . __ .�_. _ .4 <br /> .._ <br /> �.�. <br /> . .--.- - ---- ------- � -ti=�r-- ----- - « — ,—_._-_. �� — . _._. ... _—.. _..— -_ __ ° - ..� ---- ------- .. .. <br /> �$����'�S. <br /> �{'•� � � . � �" • • �r��f�' � ' <br /> {'ai.,. s. . . . _ . <br />