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S.S�5. • {� ,,!��� <br /> .,�. .r.-.�4..i:ic�.. �� 4��.,�f�d(SIdiO:::^-.�l_ �^,. ���x''L.._.^�w;.YS��� �x1ct�;.��� ��,y� i � tf st.'\.y.F�'��.Y.��LS�'��-"��t—�.`Y"'�°-'��.`�%�'"k��'��4''r�"'''r A c`c,C�i�21,:..5i:iL}1`c?y�::?L.._.�3�i��a rc:fc e r <br /> _ \yl'i!'�i�'F� -- ui:id� -- -t.1Ca�df�Ia.�65:tA[d���i4�i5�'1�_.r�li 4 ' ' --t.c• �u,.s�y,` ° _ - .�--. <br /> , , � ' — � <br /> . �._.�.. . ` . ! .. _ ' <br /> � <br />— • 1 <br /> € <br />� <br /> � �— � . g0--foos3� <br /> Beneffciary or to such recefver and, in default thereof, Grantor <br /> may be evicted by_sumwary proceedings or otherwise. <br /> 29. Security Agreemen�. This Deed of Trust is both a . <br /> _ real progerty �ortgage and a security agreement" within the <br /> � �aeaning of the tTniform Commercial Code, The Trust Property <br /> includes both real and personal property and all other rights and <br /> — interests, whether tangible or intangib�e in nat�are, af Grantor <br /> in the Trc�st Property. Grantor by ex�cu�iAg and delivering this <br /> _ Deed of �rust I�a.s� granted and hereby g��at�: to Henef iciary, as <br /> � security �or �k� i��t��R a secc�u��.y int�r�s� ia the Trust Property <br /> to the €c�l ex��nt r�� the Trcfs� Prog�sty �a� be subject to the <br /> Uniform Cos�ercial Cod� (said portiaa of the Trust Property so <br /> sub ject to the �Ts►iform Cormaercial Code being �alled in this <br /> paragrapb 29 ��� "Collateral") . If an Event �� Default ehall <br /> � o,ccur, Henefici�.�y and Truetee, in addition t� any other rights <br /> - and re��.es �iich they may have, shail have a�►d may exercise <br /> — � iminediately and without ctemand, any aa�d ail rights a�� remedies <br /> �� gs�Ated to a s���r�ed party upon default unde�� �:he anifQrm <br /> , � �aa�meacia2 Cad�Q including, wittl�ut limiting:.t;�z� ge�erality of . <br /> - '��;�� the foregoing, �ze right to ta�c� possession c��; the �llateral ar � . <br /> � any par� thereof, and to take such ot�.�c� meas�sres a� Henef iciary � . - <br /> ., may deem necessary for the care, prot�tion asac3 pres�rvation of ' ' <br /> the Collateraid ,IIpon request or demand of B���ficiary or <br />— ,, Trustee, Gran��s� shall at its expense asaeml7��. the Collateral and , ; ,� <br /> � make it a•��i].a�Ie to Beneficiary and Trnstee at a convenient . � '� <br /> �..�' <br /> place ac��table to Heneficiary. Grats��s shall pay to � �, <br /> Heneficiarry� and Txustee on demand a»y��r�d a].Z expenses, includin� '"�_ <br /> legal expenses and attorneys' fees, inc�rYred c�r. paid by = <br /> = Heneficiary and Trustee in ptc�C�ctin� �he in��rest in the � <br /> Coilateral and in enforcing the ris�h�� .itereun��r w�.th. respect to - - <br /> the Col7.ateral. Any rr��ice of sale, s�.�:r��xosi�i�n or ather . <br /> � intended actiorL by Beneficiary or Trust�� c�ih;G respect to the `'' <br /> � • . Collateral sen� tA Grantor in accoralance witli. �he provisions � <br /> hereof at ,leas�. �ive (5) daye �axier tcr such �a��ion, shail <br /> � constit��� comm�rcially reasonable notice to Grantor. The <br /> � , proceeds nf any dispor�ition of Che Cc���ateral, or any part <br /> � thereof, may be �appli�d by Baa��iciary� to th� payment of the Debt � • <br /> , iZ sueh prioritiy and grr�gortfc�na as Benefici��y in its discrc�ion� � � <br /> ghall deem proper. �`` <br /> � <br /> 30. Actions and Proceeain �. Henefici ary or Trustee � �� <br /> has the right to appear in and defen any ac�irn or proceeding . <br /> � brauqht with respect to the Trust Property and: to bring any <br /> actio� or proceeding, in the name and on behal� of Grantor, which <br /> Benefici��y, in its discretfon, decides should be bro�ght to <br /> proteet �heir interest in the Trust Property. Benef s��ary shaii, <br />— at ita eption, �� subrogated t� the lien o� an1+ deed Q€ tru��:, <br /> - martqage or o�.CT�e� securfty insl:rument discharge8 in w��le vg in <br />_ part by t�e Defst, and �n� s�uci� subrogation rights s}1�,�1 <br /> conetit�u:�� add��tional �:�:�urity for the payment of tize Oebt. <br /> � , <br /> , -16- <br /> .-_--__- <br /> . ; . <br /> T <br /> � � L. � ' � J <br /> � <br /> . <br /> , h> � <br /> � <br /> � � � � <br /> _��r� <br /> ..*.. <br /> - ,:_ <br />�����-�..,�.-. .. . . . . . - �:-=t�--•-- __-��':����--- . °'� :�,._- _-,�-, x T. <br /> _... . <br /> -- .. . . , , , _ <br /> __ _ -�- ----�----------- _ ' <br /> _ - --- ._- --- -- ---- -- ---- - -- - -- <br /> _ ___ ------�..- --- -- - - -- - <br /> �,._._--�--r�-�-__._, -----� -� - -- - _ , --- _-- -. <br /> ------� � -- - � — , - <br /> ��- <br />-. . . . . . . • ..,:;�� . � , .. . . . . � . . <br />