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<br />_ Mar�ageme�t-oklahoma, inc. having been. assa�r�ned to De�ator) and
<br /> � all docnments exe�uted in connec���tn these�•a.�hs:.
<br /> (ej aSt�l� .unearner3 prea�.wx�,�.:a�'cruea; accruing or to
<br />— accrue, under insu�:anc� � po�icies ncr:Y� �� hereafter obtafried by
<br /> _ Debtor and Debtor�s inte�est i�� anaP.. �a all proceeds of the
<br /> canversi�n and the interes� �qa�abZA thereon, voluntary or
<br /> in��Luntary, of the Real Estats,,, ar-� �ny part thereof; into cash '
<br /> ar I�quidated claims, including,, withaut limiting the generality �
<br /> o� t:�e foregoing, procees�s af "�asualty insurance, title '
<br /> insuranc� ar any other 'insurance m3iintained on the Real Estate
<br /> , and �.he Fixtures arjd Equipment, arid the right to collect and
<br /> rec���ry the �am�, payments made by the T�nant under the LeaYe a.n
<br /> � lieu af insur�ri�e proceeds representing "self-insurance,�� and
<br /> all a�,rard� and/or other compensation including the interest
<br /> _ paya�r�e th��on and the right to ccllect and re�eive �e same,
<br /> heref�c��o=e and hereafter made by the ilnited States, the stat� in
<br /> ' whi� �t1zs R�eal Estate is located or any political subdivi�ion �
<br /> ` the���i ar any agency, department, bureau, board, commission, or
<br /> J' � �.nst�u�eentality of any of them, now existing or hereafter
<br /> � crea�3 for the taking by eainent domain, condemnation ar � �.
<br /> oth��wise, of all or any part af t?ne Rea� Estate and �ze .
<br />_ Fixtures and Equipment or any easement or other right therein, ,
<br /> including, raithout limiting the generaZity of the foregoi.ng,
<br /> A4�ards far any change or changes of grade or the k°adeninq of � �
<br /> streets, roads or avenues affecting the Real Estate; :
<br /> (f) all right, title and interest of Debtar. in and
<br /> ' to all extensions, �i.provements, betterments, �enewals,
<br /> substitutes and replacements of, and all addit�.vns and
<br /> appu.�-tenances to, the Real Estate and the Fixtnres �nd •''��-�
<br /> Equi�:nent, hereaf�er acquired by or released to Debtar or ���
<br /> constructed� assembled or placed by Debtor on the Rea1 Estate, �
<br /> and all �a�versions of the securit�€ constituted thereby,
<br /> �.�r.:ediately upon such acguisition, release, construction,
<br /> . aswe;nbling, placement or conversian, as the case may be; `-
<br /> (g) all right, title and interest of Debtc� in and
<br /> . tc� a11 indemnities and general intangibles (incZudin�, without �
<br /> 3initation, any trade names, trademarks, servicemarks, logos �nd •�'�;
<br /> gocc�caill) now or hereafter relating to �he T�eal Estate o� ��y � .
<br />_ part thereof;
<br /> (h) all dep�sits (whether g�neral or speci�l, tims
<br /> or demand, provisional ar final, c�r individual ar joint� a�nd
<br /> oth�r assets and properties of D��;t�r at any time held in the
<br /> possession, custody or contral of Secured Party (includirig,
<br /> • without limitation, security depesit accczunts (if any) and all
<br /> . . . ,
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