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<br /> EXHIBIT nAn
<br /> - A3.I right, ti���� .and i.nterest of Debtor in and to the
<br /> — folla�ing, whether noyi� rro;ned� or herea£ter acquired or created:
<br />— ja} all �nachinery, apparatus, furniture,
<br /> furr�i.shinqs, �• fittings, fixtures (�rhether actually os �
<br /> constrnctively att2�ched) , equipment and other articles of
<br /> tangible persanal property of every kind and natnre whatsoever
<br /> . (other than those awned or leased by tenants of all or pa�rt cf
<br /> �the Rea� Estia�� (hereinafter describedj , except to the ext�t of
<br /> II�btor's inter��t therein) , and ail appurtenances and adc�i.tions
<br /> tliereto and substitutions or replacements thereof, now or
<br /> hereafter attached ta, or intended to be attached ta (though not �
<br /> attached thereto) ar used in connecti�n with any present or �
<br /> future operatian of the Real Esta�e ar p�aced on any part
<br /> th�reof (c�llec�ively, the "Fixtures and Ec�uE�r�ent");
<br /> � (b) all and singular tls.c�. tcn�aents, hereditaments,
<br /> �p�av.rt�naa�ces, �asements, riparian ri��ts, permits, rights of � �
<br /> �'��.f, licenses, agreEments and privileges b�Ie�nqing or in anywise � �
<br /> �����rta.ining to the Real Estate, and the reversions� remainders, �
<br /> - rEZts, i�sues, royalties, profits an� revanue ther��f; and also � �
<br /> a?3 the estate, right, title, int��r�st, claim and demand � ��
<br /> r�ir�tsoever, both ' in law and at equity, of Debtor in and to the ,� ''�`'
<br /> Feal Estate and aF, in and to every part thereof, with the � -
<br /> appurtenances, at any time belonging or in anywise appertaining
<br /> thereto; -
<br /> (c) a31 rents, royalties, income, rec�xpts, �;_
<br /> . rErr�nne, fees, issues, moneys and profits of and €rcn all
<br /> present and future leases, �ubleases or �icenses oP a�1 or part
<br /> of the Real Estate (to the extent of I�cbtor's int�L�;st t�.+G�ein)
<br /> _ includia�� without limitation, all rents, income, rec�:upts,
<br /> � . revenue, fees, issues, purchase price (i��luding any pu�chase
<br /> price payable by the tenants of the Real r��ate to Debtor on
<br /> • account 4f a c�ndemnation or taking far r�ublic use of all or .
<br /> part of tit�a Real Estate) , moneys and prafits of ar�a from that ��""'`
<br /> c�rtairc Lease c�emising the Real Estate dat�d January 30�. 1990 ����-
<br /> (tL"z.� "Lease") , I�etween Debtor, a�� Landlord, and t�lal°Mart �t�res,
<br /> ITT�. (th� "Tenant") , as tenant;
<br /> (d) to the extent that the folTowing are
<br /> a3�ignable, all estate, right, title and interest of Debt�� in
<br /> ar�c� to a�l c�r�tracts, agreements, plans �t�d specificatians,
<br /> — pesanits, licenses and approvals (of both governmental anc9
<br /> quasi-g�tr�rnmental authorities) in �mnnectio� with the
<br />�� � ac�isitir�n.R dQvelopment, c,wnership, u�e� management or
<br /> � � c��r=�atian �E tlZS Real Estate, inc2uding, �ithout limitati.on, '
<br /> � . �t3�,t� c�rt��i� �greement of Purchase and Sale da�ed as of June 12,
<br /> •1�c 9, a:n�ng Wa2-Mart Properties, Inc. , usnbee M�nagement-
<br /> � Ok�.ahom�; Inc. and t9a1-Mart Stores, Inc. (the Int�re.s�C of Kenbee
<br /> � �. . ' � �
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