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2� 1 ��88�3 <br /> ❑EE�] �F TRUST <br /> L,oan Nv: '1 D7��824� ��r�r�tinued� �ag� � <br /> c�urts a�Hai�C�unty, S�a��ot Nebraska. <br /> N❑Vlraiver by Lender. Trustor understands Lender wili not gi�e up any of Lender's righ�s under this ❑eed ��Trust <br /> unless Lender dves so in writing. The fact tha� Lender delays ar ami�s ta exercise any right wifE nvx mean tha� <br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. If Lender dves ag�ee in writ�ng to gi�e up one o� Lender's Cf��'it5r tha� d�es not <br /> mean T�ustar wili nat ha�e ta compiy wi�h the ather pro�isians of this ❑eed o�Trus�. Trust�r also understands <br /> �hat if Lender dves Gonsent t� a reques�, that daes not mean that Trustvr wi�! nvt ha�e to get Lend�r's �vns�n� <br /> again i�the situativn happens again. Trus�or furth�r understands that�ust because L�nder�ansenfs to❑ne vr mare <br /> vf Trustor's reque�ts, th�t daes not mean Lender wiil be required tv cansent ta any v�Trus�ar's �Fu�ure r�quests. <br /> Trustor wa�v�s presen�ment, d�mand#ar paym�nt, pro�es�, and nvtice❑�dishonar. <br /> Severabi�ity. If a c�urt �inds �hat any provEsEon a�this Deed a�Tr�a�t is nat �alid ar shauld nv� b� �nfvrced, that <br /> fact by ��s�E�will nat mean�hat the rest o�this C]eed �f Trust will not be�a1id or en�nr��d. Therefare, a ��ur�t will <br /> enfvrc��h�res�v�t�e pravisions o�this Qeed v�Trust e�en i�F� pr��isivn o'�this De�d af T�ust may�e�ound�a be <br /> in�aiid Qr unenforceable. � <br /> Successars �nd Assi�ns. 5uhje�t to any limi�a�ions stated in this Deed a�Trust on tran��e� of Trustor's interest, <br /> �his De�d ❑f Trust shali be binding upvn and inure �o �he benef�t o� �he parties. �h�ir su�cessvrs and assigns. If <br /> ownership v�the Property becames �es�ed in a person �th�r than Trus�ar� Lender, without notice �a Trustor, may <br /> deai with Trustar's suc�essvrs wi�h reference t�this Deed of Trus�and fihe lndeb�edness by way of�orbearance ar <br /> ex�ension wi�hout releasing Trustor from�he❑bligations vf this Deed o�Trust or liabi[Ety under the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is o�the Essence. Time is a�the essence�n the p���armance o��his ❑eed o�Trus�. <br /> Vllai�er v� Hvm�stead Exemp��an. Trustor hereby re[eases and w�i�es all righ�s and bene�its of th� hvmest�ad <br /> exemp�ian laws vf the Sta�e a�Nebraska as�a aii lndeb�edness secured by this D�ed af Trus�. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. Tf�e follvwing wvrds shall haWe th��al�owing meanings when us�d in thi� �eed v�Trus�t: <br /> Bene�ici�ry. The ward "B�ne�iciary" means Fi�e Pain�s Bank, 31�C� ItS SUCC�55�C5 �nd a551gCiS. <br /> Borrower. The w�rd "gorrvv+rer" means LARRY DAVlS and includes all co-signers and ca-makers signing th� Nate <br /> and a�!their succ�sso�s and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The vr�ords "Deed o�r Trust" mean this Deed o� Trus� among Trustar, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without limitation all �ssignment and securi�y in�eres� prv�isions re�ating ta the Pe�sanal Property and <br /> Ren�ts. <br /> En�ironmental taws. The warals "En�ir�nmental Laws" mean �ny and all state� �ed�ral and 1vGai statutes, <br /> regulatians and ❑rdinances r�l��ing to �he �rv��G�i�n Qfi human h�alth or #he en��ranm�nt� including wi�hau� <br /> limitation �he Comprehe�nsi�� En�irvnmental Respvnse, Gompens��ian, and Liability �I��t a� 198�,•as am�nded, 4� <br /> IJ.S.C. 5ec�ian 96�1, et seq. {"CERCLA"�, �he Super�und Amendmen�s and R�au�hariza�ian A�t v� 'I 9�6, Pub. L, <br /> N�. 9J-499 �"SAF�A"�,the N��ardous Material�Transportation AC't, 49 U.S,C. S�G�ivn 18Q�� �t s�q.,�he ResourGe <br /> Conser�a�ian �nd Reco►r�ry Act. 4-� U.S.C. Section 69�1. e�seq., ❑r��her appli�able state or federal laws. ruEes, <br /> vr regulations adapted pursuant there�v, <br /> Even�v#Defautt. The words "EWent o�De�FauRt" mean any a�the e�ents of de�auit se�fiorth in�his Deed of Trus�in <br /> the e�ents❑f de�ault section o�this Deed vf T�ust. <br /> Hazardous Substanc�s. The words "Haza�dous 5ubstances" mean materi�ls that, because ❑# thei� quan�ity, <br /> concentrati�n ar physiGai, chemica� or infectivus �haracfieris�iGs, may cau�e or pose a present ar paten�iaf hazard <br /> to human heal�th vr�h� en�irvnment when im�rc�pe��y used, treated, s�vred, dispos�d of, gen�ra�ed, manu�ac�ured, <br /> �t�ansp�rt�d ar atherwise handled. The words "H�zardous Substances" are used in th�ir �ery brvadesfi sense and <br /> incfude wY�hau� lim��a'�ivn any �r�d al1 ha�ardous vr taxic subs��nc�s, materia�s ar waste as de��ned by or listed <br /> under th� En�iranmentaf Law�. Th�term "Ha�ardous Substanc�s" �Iso Enciudes, vui�hvut iimi�atian, pe�roleum and <br /> p�trvleum by-pr�duc�s vr�ny�rac�ivn th�rea�and asb�s�os. <br /> Improrr�m�nts. The word "�mpro�ements" means aI� exis�in� and fu�ure impra�ements, buildings, struc�ures, <br /> mobEE� homes a��ixed on �he Real Praper�y, �acili�ies, additions, replacements and other �anstruc�ion on the Real <br /> Property. � - � . <br /> Indebtedness. The v+rord "Indeb�sdness" means a!I prin�ipaE, interes�, and other amounts, cvs�s and expenses <br /> payable un�er the No�e or Related Documen�s. �t�gether with a1� renewa�s of, extensions of� modifications ❑f, <br /> consviidattans v�F and suhstitutivns �ar the Note ar Refated Da�uments and any amounts expended or adWanced by <br /> Lender �v discharge Trus�or's abligatians or expense� �ncurred by Trus�ee ar Lender to en�orce Trus�ar's <br /> ❑bligations under �his Qeed a� Trust, tog�ther with i�teres� on such �m�unts as pra�ided in this ❑eed vf Trus�t. <br /> 5pecificai[y, wi�haut iimita�ivnr Inde�tednes� �ncludes the �u�ure ad�ances set �or�h in the Future Ad�ances <br /> pro�isivn v�F fihis Deed af Trust��oge�her with all in��res��her�on. <br /> Lender. The ward "Lend�r" means Fi�e Poin�s Ban�C, it5 �ucc�ssors and assigns. The wards "successvrs or <br /> assigns" mean any persvn ar company�ha��Gquires any�nteres�in th� Nvte. <br /> Nv�e. The word "Na��;" means the promissory no�e dated �3ecember �3, �C���, 111 the vri�inal prin�ipal <br /> am�unt of $��,Q��.���r�m Trus�vr t� Lender,toge�her with all ren�wals o�� extensians o�, modi�i�ations a�, <br /> refinancings of, cansalidativn��f, and substitu�ions for the promissory note o�agreement. <br />