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2� 1 ��88�3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST � <br /> Loan No: '1 D'i 298��'I ��ontinu�d} Page 7 <br /> a#ter Trus�or's faiEure �a do so, that �ecision by Lender w�ll not a�ffect Lender's right ta declare Trustar in de�ault <br /> and tv exercise Lender`s remedEes. <br /> Reques#fvr Noti�e. Trustor. on behalf o�Trus�or and Lenderr hereby reques�s tha�a�apy❑�any Na�ice of Default <br /> and a cvpy of any Notice❑�f Sale under�his Deed of Trus� b� mailed ta#hem at�he addresses set�or�h in the fErst <br /> paragraph a�this Deed v�Trust. <br /> Attornsys' Fees; Expenses. 1� Lender ins�i�utes any suit or ac��an to en�arce any of the �erms ❑f thEs Deed af <br /> Trus�, Lender shaE� be entitled to re�oWer such sum as the court may ad�udge reas�nable as attarneys' fees a�triaf <br /> and upon an� appeal. Whether or na� any cour� action is in�al�ed, and ta �he extent nvt prohibited by iaw� all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender in�urs �hat in Lender's vpin�on a�e ne�essary at any time �ror the pro�e��ian a� its <br /> interest❑r the enfiarcemen�ot its r�ghts sha!! becvme a par�a�the lndehtedn�ss payabie on demand and shail bear <br /> interest a#the Nv�te ra���rom the da#e v�the expendi�ure untii repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph in�fude, <br /> ►nrithout �imitativn, however su��ect to any �imits under appiicabfe law, Lender's attvrneys' �ees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether or nvt there is a lawsuit, including a��vrneys' fees and expenses for loankrup�cy proceedings <br /> �includ�ng e#�For#s t❑ madify or vaca�e any au�vma�ic stay ar in�unctiany, appeais, and any anticipa�ed pvst judgment <br /> collec�ivn services, the cvst v�searching recards, obtaining tit�e reports �inc�uding fa�eciosure repvrts�, surveyars' <br /> repor�s, and appraisa� tees, titie insurance, and fees tor the T�ustee, �a the exten� permitted by applicable law. <br /> Trustpr aEs❑will pay any�aurt casts, in addi�ion ta all other sums prv�ided by law. <br /> Ri�h�s o�Trus��e. Trustee shall have a!I o��he�ights and du�ies vf Lender as set forth in fihis sectEvn. <br /> P�WERS AND �BLIGATI�NS OF TRUSTEE. The�ollowing �rv��sions rela��ng �o�he pawers and obliga#ions flf Trustee <br /> are par�of this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Pvwers of Trustee. In addition to ��1 powers v�Trustee arising as a matter❑f law,Trustee shall ha�e�h� power�❑ <br /> �ake �he �ollawing activns with respect�❑the Proper�y upvn the wri��en request vf Lender and Trustor: ta�jvin in <br /> preparing and fifing a map ❑r plat af the Reaf Property, inc�ud�ng the dedica�ion o� streets ar ather righ�s to the <br /> public; {by join in gran�ing any easemen� or creating any restriction vn the Real Property� and �c� jvin in any <br /> subordina�ion or o'�her agreement afFecting#his ❑eed of Trust or�he interes�❑f Lend�r under this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Trus�ee. Trust�� shail meet all qualitiGa�i�ns required �or Trus�e� under applicab[e law. ln additian �a �he rights <br /> and remedies se� �or�h abave, with resp�ct ta ali or any par� ❑� the Praperty, the Trus�ee sha�I have �he right ta <br /> �ore�fase by no�ice and sale, and Lender wiil ha�e the rEght ta �orec�ose by judicial �oreclosure� in either cas� in <br /> ac�vrdance with and�o the�uli extent prv�ided by applicab�e Iaw. <br /> Successvr Trus#ee. Lender, at Lender's vption, may from�ime to fime appoint a successvr Truste��a any Trustee <br /> appvin�ed under this Deed ❑�Trust by an ins�rument executed and acknow�edged by Lender and r�corded in the <br /> v��ice of the recorder af HALL Cvunty, State o� IVehraska. The instrumen� �haff contain. in addition to all ather <br /> matters r�quired by s�a�e ia►nrr the names o� the ❑riginai Lender, Trustee. and Trustar, the bvok and page {ar <br /> �ompu�er system re�erence� where this �eed o� Trust is recarded, and the name and address of the successvr <br /> trustee, and the instrumen�sha�l be exeGu�ed and acknvwledged hy ali�he ben���c�ar�es under this aeed of Trus�or <br /> their successors in interes�. The successor trustee, wi�hout can�eyance ❑f the Property, $ha11 succeed to all the <br /> title, power� and duties con�erred upan�he Trus�ee in this Deed ❑f Trust and by applicable Iaw. This procedur�fo� <br /> suhs�titution v�Trustee shai!govern���he exclusion of�1�other provisions fvr subs�itu�i�n. <br /> N�TICES. Any nv�Ece required to be gi�en under�this ❑eed o�Trust, including ►rvithvut iimitatian any notice ❑�de�ault <br /> and any no�ice ❑f sale shall be giWen in wri��ng, and sha!! be effec�ive when ac�ualiy deli�ered. when actually re�ei�ed <br /> by tele�acsimile �unless ❑therwise required by iaw}, when depos��ed wi�h a na�ivnally �ecvgnized o�rernight courier,ar, if <br /> mailed, when depasited in�he United States ma��, as�irst class, certified vr�egistered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed to <br /> �he addresses shown near the beginnEng o��his Deed o�Trust. AI! copies ❑f notices of fareclosure �rom the holder ❑f <br /> any lien whi�h has prio�ity aver this Deed o�Trust shall be sent�o Lend�r's address, as shvwn near the beginning o� <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any person may change his vr her address #ar na�ti�es under this ❑eed af Trus� by giving farmaE <br /> writ�en no�ice to �he o�her persvn or persans, specifying tha� the pu�pvse of the notice is �o change �he persvn's <br /> address. Fvr nvti�e purpvses, Trus�or agrees to keep Lender in�ormed at all times v�Trustvr's curren�address. Unless <br /> ❑therwise pro�id�d ❑r required by law� if there is more �han ❑ne Trustvr, any nv�ice gi�en by Lend�r�❑ any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be natice gi�en ta all Trustors. It will be T�ustor's responsibi�ity to�e11 the o�hers❑�the na�ice�rom Lender. <br /> MISCELLANEQUS PR�VIS�QNS. The foi[ov+ring miscellaneous pra�isions are a part v��his❑eed��Trust: <br /> Amendmen#s. VIlhat is written in this Deed of T�us� and in the Reia�ed Documents �s Trus��r's entire agreement <br /> ►rvi�h Lender�vncerning �he matters cv�ered by�his Deed o�Trus�. To be effecti�e� any change ❑r amendment ta <br /> this Deed o#Trust must be �n wr��ing and mus� be si�ned by whve�er wi�i be bound or abligated by the change or <br /> amendment. <br /> Caption Headings. Captivn headings in this Deed ❑f Trust are far convenience purpases only and are no� to be <br /> used to interpret or de�ine the p�vWi�ians��this Deed af Trust. <br /> Illlerger. There shall be no merger of th� interes�❑r estafie�reated by this l�eed fl�F Trust wi�h any o�her interest vr <br /> esta�e in�he Property at any time heid by❑r for the bene���o� Lender in any capaci�y, withou�the written cvnsent <br /> ❑�Lender. <br /> �hoi�e v# Venue. if�there is a fawsu��, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request tv submit�o �he �urisdictivn vf the <br />