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<br /> L��et..��u'�lia�Q�Q��FC11�`a��l�t1 — - �'r�. �:r. 4 - - 'Si 3'i _�� a �__ �� .
<br /> '�.;.,,,:._ c ....
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<br /> �
<br /> � .
<br /> 90—=100b19
<br /> _ � If Leader required mortgage insurance ss a coad.ition of maicing the loaa socured 6y this Security Instrument.
<br /> Borroq�er shaU pay the premiutns reqvired t�stinaai�t�.i�t insurance in�ffect until such tima as the requiremertt for the
<br /> — insunncr terminatas in acc�rdmce with B��s�•�dds writtai agrammt srapplicabte law.
<br /> s. Ieqeet[os. Lends or its ageat��y mak�.,'�sonible entries upoa aad iatpections oFtbe Fraperty.Leader
<br /> sl�all pve Borm+ver notice u the time of or prior to aa'�ori specifying reasonable cat�se forthe inspectiaa,
<br /> 9 CaMaiuttioa. Tt�c�raceeds of any award ai claim for damages,direct or coasequential,in�e��s�iih
<br /> aay condemmtion or ather.ta�ag of any put of We Property,or for conveyance in liou of cond�!ns�<�*r.'�s f�e� .
<br /> --� assigned and shau be psid w L�ender. . .. . �. ; .
<br /> In the evmt of a total of the . �� .
<br /> �B p�P�Y.th���,S:�rn31 be applied to the sums sectued b�t,�s�Sects�s:
<br />� Iattrument,wihetber or nat t�.duq with any exr.es��h.���c�wEr.In the event of a partia!talcing of ehe Property. , . .
<br /> unless Banower and I.ender at&envise agra in�vritia�'�i,tseas secured by this Security Instruraent shall be red�cad by , • �
<br /> - tbe amount of tltc�racads mWtiptied by t�e follo�vin�fr'.a�ciion:(a)the total amount of thr sums sccurod immadiateiy � " � . `�
<br /> before the ttkia�,::��ded by(b)the fair at��vatae of a�e Praperty immediateiy before the ttking.My balance shall bc .
<br /> p�id to Berr.�� .
<br /> ��''�= ��.� �.. . is sbattd�e�by $arrcwer�ot if,.:t�ir.ga�ti�6y Lender to Borrower that tht coademnor offers to
<br /> Tntie:�rr��c�3f a cI�£�-�es„Barrowa�7:�r����d to Lender within 38 days after the date the notice is � �
<br /> : �.ve�,.�xfsc.k�iiatd�t��1'S+�t ti�r�rl.�the pr��at:ts¢�tion.either to restoration or rtpa'u of the Property af
<br /> ' Lo�esr.t�ssoca�f�•�isSt�.-��tyL�s�s�s�,::ixhether-a�tac�t?s�due. .
<br /> ., '� ���,.=cilsss�d'r.r aad�itii�er cthe�*��ee in g�tia�,,a�,c�s�rplication of�rocads to principal shall not extend t�
<br />- p�r�3�e dae dace of thc rrf�y psysnsst�rderrat nz s.��ars�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sucb pay�mmu.
<br />— � �. i�3t Borrawa Not R��Forbaraace B�r,.�et Not s WaSter. Extension of the ttme,l'ur;�jyn�at or
<br /> , ' �a.�'��on of amortizarion af the su�s se�ured 6y iT�s.Seci:rit� Instrument granted by Lender ta r.g.v;�::.:,c�s,r¢r.isa � . .
<br /> - as•��;Bo3raaa shW not opaate to re�e tHe lisb�:,:y of t�e ariginal Bonower or Borrawer's sucr�sa�uc intcc►�,t;,. �
<br /> Lecdez�,,.,,�a,ll aa� be regu"ued to comrttats��°�eeedings.agaiasi aay suecessor in iaterest er refnse ta e�.,���ime fiic. � . . '.
<br /> Ps����¢t�rs^�s�se xnodify ffnsr�zst�v��'s`:�s,:���:.red�y th�s Security In�crumtnt by reasan af�:�aa�t�e � � .
<br /> � by tIs.��,��•�B�r�wer or�r's sue:��ine�crost�.i�y Parbearance by I.ender in exercirag�s��i�it arrcmz;tu .
<br /> sha:I cea�e a w�vaof or prectude tl�e exe�se c�;i�ay st�s:�r rccaa€�_
<br /> ii. �reees�ees a�d AsN�n Boo�Titlat aei Se�er�1 F.Lbilttgr,Co-sipieri. The cave��nt�and agraments.af
<br /> tbis Socurity Irutrumeat ahal!biad and beneflt the auccason and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to�be prov��ions ,
<br /> = of puagraph 17.BorroNer's covenanu and agrameats shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-s€�n�this Security
<br /> Instrumrnt but daa not execute the Nutr.(s)ia co-aigniAg this Seeurity Instrnment only ta martgsge,gram and c�mvey
<br /> that Borrower's interest in the Pcoperty under the tesms of this Soctadty lnstrument(b)is not personally oblig�ted to pay
<br /> the sums securcd by this Security Instsument;and(c)agreGS that Ltndu and any other Borrower msy agra to eatend, ' '
<br /> modify,forbear or maics any accommoditions with regaM to the terrns of this Security Instrument or the Note without
<br /> that Bonower'econsent. -
<br /> 12. Las Ctiar�es. If the lwn secured by this Security Instn�ment is suDjett to a law which sets ma�imum lo�n =
<br /> chuta, and that Is�+ is finally interp:etod so that the interest or other lan chYrges collxted or eo be collected in -
<br /> connxtion�vitb the lwn txceed the permitted Gmits,then: (a)aay such loan charge shall�b: reducod by tha amount —
<br /> neeasary to reduce the chuge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already coltected from Barrower whicb exc�cd •, {'�
<br /> permitted limits wiU be refundcd to Bonower. Lertdet msy choose to m�ke this refund by raducing the principU o�ved �
<br /> under tbe Noie or by making a d'uoct Q�yment to Borrower.Ita refund reduca principsl.the reduction will be treated as a �
<br /> partiat prepayment without any prepaymmt chuge under the Nate. f.
<br /> 13. L�do� AR�et1�I,e�er's Rt�b. If rnactment or e�cpir�tian of applirabie 1�ws h�s the eR'ect af
<br /> renderina any pro.mcu�s otthe Note or this�urity Instrument unenforceable according to its terms,Lender,at its optian.
<br /> rasy require immaiu�`,s:p�yment in fuDt af a:l sums securod by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies ` � �
<br /> � permitted by pu L I5�Lf A.ender eaercises this option,Lrnder ahall take the steps specified in the second p�rsgrs,qh of �;`
<br /> Ps�tnPh 17.
<br /> 14. Nodaea. �1.z�1 r�:ict to Borraa�r provided for in this Security Instrument shail be given by delivcring it or by .�
<br /> muling it by A.ist�r,�ass mail u:aless applicable 1sw roquires use of another method. The notia shall be directed to the i
<br /> Froperty Addr�2:any othcr a�dress Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to I.ender shall be given by ' .
<br /> — flrat�a a�tiD to�.eeder's sddteSS atated herein or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provzdl�fac in t�cs Secur'sty Instrument shall be damed to have boen given to Borrower or Lender when given as providcd �
<br /> in this pua�rsF�•
<br /> 13. Gqr�tt�fiatq�I,aw;SeTen6tlity. T6tis Security Instrumene shall bc governed by federal I�w and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is located.In the event that a�y provision or clause of this Secuaty lnstrument or the
<br /> Note conAicts with applicable 1aw,such canflict shall not a}fect other provisions of this Stcurity Instrument or the Note
<br />� w�hich csn be given effecs without the con}ficung provision.To thls end the provisians of this Security lnstrument end the
<br /> Note are declared ta be severable.
<br /> Ib. Be�rawer's Cooy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of thc Note and of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 17. Tr�o!ti�ProPerty or� Beneflcfal Ieterest in Bortower. !f all or any p�rt aP thc Property or any
<br /> intaest in it is�oid or trsnsferred.�or iPa beneficial interc�t in Horrower is sold or transferred snd 8orrower is not a natural
<br /> person)without I.ender's pri�r v��ritten consent,Lertde�r.nay,at ita option�require immrdiate psyment in full of aU sums
<br /> - secured by this Se�:rity Ias2���ent. H�waver,this+r�ti+��a shall not be ezercised by Lender if exercise is prohiblted by
<br /> foderal isw as o�t:L'rr:�,t:aT1B�5ecurity 1a�.���:n3eat. ' __-_.—---_
<br /> ; If L.endt�ci:r,r,r�ises this r,�tion,Le•rr�i��sk;ali giv�?�.�*.'ower nrzt;ce of acceleration.The notice sha)l provide a period �
<br /> � j� of not ks�a tEun�G:a js frcm.cii��ate the nat;ce is deli��a��r maifed v�ithin which�iarrower mnst pay ell sums securcd by -
<br /> this Ss�:u��':;+�as!r,�ment,ICt�'vn c�F•er fails to pay thase sums priar to the eapiration of this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> remeGtisl�ti�ar=tittc�C�5y L}is��i+y lnstsumsnt With�ut�utzhet notice or demand on Horrower. �
<br /> `� 1�.Ba�r+pi't�Ri�,►t tss,,�tetmtate. [f�ionu��r�ats certain conditinns, Borraw�r shall have the right to have �
<br /> _ — fn,f�►�n��nf ti1�+i��G�r��rYf�Iet�w��n�gt�I"+,e�.��r�n�in�wrb iN��n�/jM��nn!��fl��wg�rlii*Af•In�9 days lor such other neriad as ���
<br /> •pplicable l�w may apecify for��:nstatement)befote sa�.�:�af Ihe Propeny pursuant ta Any powu aP sale contained in this
<br /> . L Security lnstrument;ar(b)r.:t:ry of a judgmtnt enforcing this Seeurity lnstrument.Those conditions are that Bondwer. �
<br /> (a)psyF l.ender all sums�vhich then would be due under this Serurily Inst�mern and the Note had na erceleration ,�
<br /> occurred; tb) cura any dePault of any othtr eovtnants ar agrecmcnts: (c)Rays all exptnses incurred in enforeing thig ��
<br /> Security lnstrument, irtcluding,6ut nat limites!to,reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)takes such aci�on es Lertdrr may �
<br /> reu�nibly rt�{uirc ta assure that the lien o!this.5esurity Instrument, t.rnder's tights in the P�openy end Uc�nower's , .,�,,
<br /> oM�j�tiun ta p�y Ihe sums srcuted by th�s 5ecunty Jnstrument sh�lf conttnut unrhenged U�n remstatemrnt by �. �-
<br /> , 1'fortawer.this 5ecunty Instrument and the ablig�tions secure��hereby shtill rema�n fully eft�ct�ve as J nU accele�aho►r hed
<br /> � otcutred Hawever,lhts n�ht to rt�nstxte shaU nut eppl y m the crsse af accelerntwn eander psrn�raphs 13��r !7
<br /> �.:
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