, : . : • .
<br /> �? y C� .� ���� wc �[ e .'� c• 1m Ei�.�.2..• �.�_ f��t: � �s:.Z:,'" �ek��+' L c
<br /> r_ •; y�r` :ts_ aa. r.` �m��an�ci+�..�,; ���'^="o.i' :c-.. _ _ �"' •F' _'c.�=,m..,-ax- •ti :w�:3,_.��.3c ��.Q`uuk-�Nt��•;�.,rio-_a:i'�s.cti-c"
<br /> i � ...•.F ' .i:::S� �� •Vk:i� S: V:(�`diF '[�� _« . . ... 6 D.�1�4']fl
<br /> s�u..�:.�'`^�i�.^�ni'esiYS:'.�r'��IiG � � 11 TIR f - _:sc�lfa5.4.e�l+}'sl�f'7'�h����i `����""-''�`G�=— -�.af�d.l''"�rxc.. - . - -_- __ _-.
<br /> . . "_ � �
<br /> i .
<br /> _ UNtF01eM COv�f:�,�,�. Barrowu an�l.tnder covena,nt and agrcr as fqliows: .i7�� �����.�
<br /> � 1. P��t oP t�r�fci/al u�Iitereit;Prtpyseat u�I.�te G�ar�es. �arrower shall pramptiy psy when due
<br /> che principal of and interes[on the debt ev;dertced by the Note and sny prepsyment and tate charges duc undes the Nate.
<br /> i 2. F�sdr for?u�a asd Ias�nsre. Sub}s�t to applicabje taw ar to a writtes�weiver by Lex[Ber,Bonowcr shait p�y
<br /> w La�der on the day mon�ly psyments ue due undu ths Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")eqw!to
<br /> ane.f�vr�tth of: (s)•ynrly wces and�.ssessmmts which may attnin priorit�r over this Security Instr�ment; (b) yeuiy
<br /> lts�ofd p�yments ot grouad rents on the Propersy, if anp; (s) yeuly hazu�d insunnce prtmiums; and (d) ycarty
<br /> � �t�tort�p�e�n�rancx premiums,if u�y.'Tf�ese items are callsd"tscrow item�." Lendu msy estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> batis ef�ur=�aat�dau and reasonablt atiansus of futnre acrow iierns.
<br /> Tbe Funds atWl be hstd in in insriturion the deposits or utaunts of which tre insured or guuantad by a feder�l or
<br /> at�te ajency(incioding I.ender if Lender is such an insatution).Lender shall apply thr Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> Lender cnsy not ciurge far holding�ad.applying the Funds.an�dyaing th=eccount or verefytng the acrow items.unless
<br />— I.eader pays Bono�rer intcrest on the Fuads u�d applica6le law permits Lender to make sucb a cl�arge. Bonawet and
<br /> I.eadsr rtuy agcte in_writing tt�as intertst shalt be pid c�n the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or apptica6le law
<br /> req��iras intetest to be paid,Lender sbill not be rcqu'ued to pay Barrawer any intuest ar earnings o�the Funds.I.ender
<br /> a1Wl�ive to Borro�ver,without cbsrge,an aanua}aecoupting af t�se Funds sha..ving credits and debits to the Funds and tfle
<br /> �e for�vhich ach dehit to the Funds was madc Zb�I=a�:�re pledged as edditianal sea�i�t��i��t�sums sxured by ,
<br /> tfs�,sSecurlt3rlar.��mestt::: . . • : ,:. .• ,�. : ..:...�:::. .::.� �:. ;:_: •.�: ...:., . . - ..
<br /> s, ;_ ...
<br /> , If the.�n.t af fiic'Cunds hel�l.by I.ender.fAb��'witii,tiir�fuLUrE csiontTily pcfitix�'�'�F�cni�s�,esyalsl;�c 20 . . -
<br /> � : ' the due d�cd'ti'tec�+�'i�,�,,r,ltr�l.e�a�td the atuaur�t t�gui:cr„�i�psy t�e escrow Ite�a��x ctw�r�t excas ss�Ii be, .. . � . �. � . . .
<br /> u Horrower'�s�rr:.c�dsix�tscsgtig��aid to Bascawa or ere�ifed to Borr.�ver on acct�;�gau�z�L�af Funds.If the .
<br /> �mouat of tlse F�inds k�d,b�:�der is not su�ciart fn psy the eacrow ii�n�w�herr.dne,Barrmwer sFu�S�ay to I.ender any
<br /> � . �anuuat necess�ry tn ma?ce vp the de�ciency in one ar more psyments as req��i by Lender. ' ° � ' ,
<br /> - . Uyoa p�a.yment in.full of all suaas se�ure�b��r t'his Securety I�strumen�Lender€�ll promptly r�fund to Banower ,
<br /> any Fuud�fidd:�j Lender.If under pzngraph 19 the Propercv is�.I3�r ac.�u'ued 6y Lenifer,Lender.s's9tll ap�Iy,no later ,.
<br /> �Ia�imme��xl,�r�arior to i.�e aate of the Property n_x its acqni�tzr��z b�Le�t�,r,any Funds hetd b��T.�dtr at the time of •
<br /> � q�lux�acu�s��it�iu.��c 4be sums seeurod byr t:fis.�SxurIty i�u�e�ueh.� . .
<br /> �e �i�atJo�ot'P�y�ts. Unlas�r�lsle IaM pm�,.d�s uth�se,sll p�yment�r�ceive3 by Lendar�.�der
<br /> pata jn�Pl�s I a�2 ahall be apptied:5m�;�r ts:e cl�as due uuuder t[�e Natr.aecond,to prtpsymrnt ohuges due ua,dar t6e .� �
<br /> Not�third,to arnount�payabte uader ptra;raph Z;faurth,to tnterat du�and Iut,tu prineip�l due.
<br />_ 4. Ciury�I.te�. Hosro�ver shall pay a]1 tuxa,suessmmts.charga,tina aad impositions attributab2e w the
<br /> Pr+operty �►�ich auy tttain pdority,over thi�Security Irutrurneat, snd leasehold payments or �round rents. iP u�y.
<br /> Borrowtr�h�U psy thae obti�atians in the manner provided in para�raph 2,or if not paid in that msnrter,Barro�er ahat! ;
<br /> psy tlxrn on time directly to the peison oMa!p�yiaen�Hosrower ehall prompdy fumish to Lertder all notir,es of amounts
<br /> to be paid undes this p�ra jnph. It BorroMer nukes theae p�y�uents d'arxtly.Sonower�halt promp!!y furaish to Lender �
<br /> rxdpta evidencin j the paymenu. ' -
<br /> BortoMer shall promptty di�char�e any lien�hi�h�u ptiority over this 5ecurity Instrument unlas Horro�rer:(a) -
<br /> a�rea in Mritins to tlsep�yment oPthe obll�stion�ecured by the lien in a m�nnet�ccepuble to Lender.(b)contesu in�od _--
<br /> taith tbe IieA by.or defrnds apintt enfotoennent of the lier:in,le�a1 proceedinp�hich in the Lender's opinior�opente to _"`
<br /> pnveat the e�t'orcement of the lien or forfeiture of any past of the Propeny;or(c)secura froaa tbe hotder of the lien an • �
<br /> _� s�ceement s�W�factory to Lender subordinstin�the liar to tbis Security lnstrument.IPLender determines that�ny p�rt oP ;
<br /> the Propaty is subject to s lien which may attain priority over thi�Security In:trument.Len�der may�ive Barower a
<br /> ncnia identifyin�the llen.8orrowos shaU ati�fy the lien or talce one or more of the actions�et forth above within 10 days
<br /> oft6epvia,�afnotiee. �:
<br /> �. F�d Iaaeuee. Bonawser shdl keep the improvaner�ts noM exiitin;on c�naeftec erxted on the�mpecty ;
<br /> insuied ajaie�t fAnby 8re,hazarda irtctBded�rithin the term"esteaded cover��e"and u�y at�erE�a�asds for which I.ender ;.;�:
<br /> i.�.�p'
<br /> reqnira insurance. This iaswana�hall be mdntdnod in tha amounts�nd !or the periods a�.a�t L:aaz�:er requlres.The i���,>,;
<br /> f�cranae curier proviQirs�p che iniurana shsU ba�JZOSen by Borrower subject to Lender'a a�pravs"i i�`hich shall not be ''�"•
<br /> untr+iuoei�bi �tbheld. ''
<br /> Y �;.�;�,
<br /> Atl ut�ce policia and rette�v��1ull be�eeeptable to Lender and shslD include a stan�us�mortg�ge slause. '�"z .-
<br /> I.ender�baE!f��+e the�t to hold thc�Zicia�td aene�vala.IF Lender reguira,Horrowcr shall Qromptly�ive to I.ender � '
<br />— aal eeceipu of paid prrmi�urrx u�d reneaval notica.T.�¢he event of low.Horrow�ahall�ive pr�mpt ac�tic�e to the insurance
<br /> cu��er and Lrnder.Lendrd naay m�lce proof of las if c�ot made promptiy by BanroMar. �
<br /> Unla�Lender tnd Borro�rer othenvise sjree in Mritin�,insurance procads shall be apDlied to ratotation or repsir
<br /> of the Psoperty damajod.if the ratoration or repur is ecunomially feasible and Lende�'s secutity is not lessene�.If ths
<br /> r+ataation ar repair i�not ecoeomiplly fwible or Lender's iecurity wautd be les�enod�the Iasursnce proceeds sh�ll be
<br /> �pplied to the�umt eecured by Ebi�Seaurity lnstrument,�vhether or not then due�witb any exces�pid to Horrower. 1f
<br />—� Horra�vtr ab�ndorts the Property�or does not ans�ver Mithia 30 days s nuticr from I.endet th�t the insurance carrier h�s
<br /> ` olfered to attk a cium�thrn Lender msy callect the insurance procads.Lrnder msy use the proceods to repair or ratore
<br /> tlse Property ar to p�►y�uma socurad by thia Security Iastrummt,whether or not ehen due.The 30�day period wilL begin
<br /> whrn tbe notice a pven.
<br /> Untar I.ender�nd Borro�er ot�er�ri�e�jr�r in writinj.any appljc�dan of proce�ds to principat shdl not extend or
<br /> � patpone the due date of the monthly payments refrrred tu in pua�raphs 1 and 2 or change the amou�i t tif�he payments.If
<br /> under p�r�nph 19 the Ptr�erty is�cquired by Lertder►Borrower's ri�ht to�ny insur�nce policies��Croceeds resulting
<br /> 1'tam dam�e to ttx Propetty prior to the acquiutio�tha11 ptss to Lender to th�extent of the snms serssred by this Security _ ,_____ _
<br /> t�tc�meat;mntediately prior to the�equisition. ;
<br /> i. �erssHen ui Mal�te�t�ce o!Prope�,Le�clwld�. Borrawer shal!not dntroy.dam��e or subshmi�lly .
<br />� c3�an=e ths Property.�llaw tbe Froperty to deteriorate or commit wutc. If this Security lnstrument is on s ldsehotd, ,
<br />�� Honower�1u11 tanply with the proviaona of the lease.and if Borrower acquira fee title to the Propeny,the IeasehoW and
<br /> fee titk�half not mer�e unlcs�Lender�gress to the rner�er in writing. �/
<br /> + r�-' , r• �__s� efq..�.�.. t.. � .�... lu...�...�u fr.,:3::.�.."!:. :��.^.:f^v.u.'.t ��:�o :^ ^'i�4ren fh� r'.iy
<br /> —_ . ---I� -tTY�i7��{il Li�1i�� ntfaw rir s�'���y� •'.v���c a � -r ---
<br /> coveetnq and ajreemenu contuned in thia Security Instrument�or there is�le�l proceeding fhat m�y aigniftcantly�lfect �Y
<br /> � � Lendw's rijhts in the Property (such u a proceedinr in bmkruptcy, probue,Por condemnuion or to enPorce laws or �
<br /> resulatiaas),then Lendet rt�y�o ind psy lor whattver is necessaty ta protect the vatur of the Propeny and Lender's righta
<br /> in the Property. Len�et's�cnans m�y include psyinj�ny sums s�cured by s lien which has pnonty over this Secunty �.
<br /> , Imtnttnertt.�ppeadn�in court.payina reuonable attomey�'fees uY8 entering on the Froperty to make repairs.Although ���
<br /> LRnder nnxy t�kt ut'vrn under this psnsrapb T.Lender does rtot have to da sv.
<br /> Any�mounts aisbutsed by Lender under this p�rageph 7 ahall becamr additi�nal debt of Bvrnower stcuced�y this '� .�
<br /> 5ecunty Insttumem. Unias 8ar�awet and I.ender aaret to othet terms olpsyr�rnt.lhese amounts shall bcar tntetest from ���
<br /> � ' thc dtte of dttburxment at the �Vote tate and shal)trt p�yablt, with interest, upon nattce from Le�der ta Barrawer
<br /> ,�� requestirt�p�ymcnt
<br /> k
<br /> — ��'r
<br /> �f r} �
<br /> :
<br /> .l'�`
<br /> �
<br /> �,, _
<br /> '.�
<br /> _ 4.
<br />