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<br /> �` '�Z.f,r'�t,�,.�k�i.t.7" f '==���":,. '.��:.:'�- •�`•E. ��.r �',..4�tF.�JV2`ilw'11t�"_,_�."'�.�vft i'�-��"
<br /> , � � --�--°-.• , �
<br /> !
<br /> _ � . ' • •
<br /> � Uniform Caverant!S of the Serurity Insmuuent is amendrd eo read�S fN�,;�o�s�, •
<br /> 15. Udfotw se�dty bstn�t;Go�eratK Lss;Sevet�Diittg.T?iis�'tvrt�fst,�ccurity Instrument combin�uaifonm covenants for national eue
<br /> � r and non-uniform covenants with limited variatians by jurisdixivr to r.�a�st32iite a uaiform securit3r instrumsnt covering reaf property.TEiis ,
<br /> -- , Seeurity tnstnsrnc�t sh�it be gozerr�ci t3 F.:d�al tasv u�tivt!�x es€ttu.ja;.?i�fi�iion in whirh the Praperiy is Loratal.in Lht evt�t.t�tat any
<br /> prevision or cJauso of this Security In.�-tsursent or the Noc:ca2fli�:ts wi:h�;�^t;�=ablo iaw.such conftict sht�l nat affect athea proviaiatu af chis
<br /> Se�urity Instrument ar the Note�ii.th san Irs given e£fecE��iEh+�at th�:;.�fliit3r,3 provision.and to thi�end the prm�sfans of this Secvrity
<br /> !a»trsmtent and the Note are deciared to be severable. ,
<br /> � Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security instruieewt is amend•d cc�read s�s fN,;ra+s:
<br /> i�. ?�nsfet oi t6e Property or 9&aefki�l lnterest ia Bum-rwer+if ati�a•,any part 4f t��Psoperty or an interest tP��.n is sold or trans�c:rrs�
<br /> (or if�.beneficial interest in BU;rowu is soId qi ts�r.sffrrc�i_r,ns,3�B,rror�er i�nct a n:,a��at person)wiihout Lender's prior written conseEt,::
<br /> , l,end�say,at Lend:t's option.,dxtnre aLt th�,-�i�,secure�'�r��h{�;�5c�v,.�ifX Ir_strument Fo be immediniely due and payable.Etowtver�tlus
<br /> • aptio�sts:�i aa}tr�Er.�cEised by 4.ssr'�r if eqerti,,r:i�.no:auth�ri.�hy�:�r�s�,T.:zw.Lenda may waive the exercise of this option if:(a)Boaower
<br /> • cauus r.�C�e ssbm'st€zd to Lender ir.,.f��rrc►ation required by J:�.•to ecaf�se ihe iniended traasferte as if a ntw!o�w�se beiag mada to the
<br /> transfaroc:and(b)Lender reaso;tabiy�etertn�nes thar L�r,�ict.'!�;security vriIt r.ot be impaired by i�t�r,n ass�ztn�;r�a�d thzt e'at risfc of the � . ,
<br /> breac�af any covenant or agrcement'sn ths Secu.-ity Lnsmi�ec.:;.�acccp*��:'��.e.Lender. . .. �• � - -
<br /> To the a[tent permitted by app±icabte l3w,.J'��n��er m3�cf;s�rFe a�rra..4ccrz�te fee as a condition tu�ec�er's consent to the(or�a�swnpteon. '
<br /> � L,ead�may atso requ;re the uansfere�to kee�r:Jl:t9:�:pr�,,��;e�,ar�,:salr,recmen.'s made in the Note and in tbis Securicy lnstrum�nt. , •
<br /> '�i�Lender exercises such o�:i��a to accelerate.L�r.,,'.:r:t�;a;f;l:;��it Borrower notice of acceteratian in accordance with paragraph 14 hereof.
<br /> Sucn r,7�t�ce sha11 provide a peried of not 1e�.s thsr.3r�da�7 fr1►ris.i�ii:date the noticY is maited within whiCh Soanwer may pa�r 4he sums dectared ;�:. _
<br /> due.if Borrower fails to pay such su..�ns p.rior ta rh�crs�?r,nc��n af su�h period,l.ender may,wit6out further notice or demand on Bonower. �
<br /> • invoke any remedies permiitcd by tA:s Sccurity t�t;ur.c.r.n°."
<br />__ "Natwithstanding a sate or uansfer,Borra�:cr wit�cnr.t:^��r:+��o����N�ed under thr Note and this Security Insttument unless Lender has , .
<br /> J - retta.v�t Qonowes in writing." ' �
<br /> •t`�-
<br /> F. LOAN CHA�GES
<br /> tf the loan seeured by thc Securiey lnstn:rr�:n:„sc't;:cs tn a law whieh sets maximum laan charQes,and Ehat laa•is finafl}�'snta'pteted so � ` '
<br /> . that the intetest or other loan charges coliectec!�.�ta P��:c��'6�r.ted m connectic►n tivith the Inan eYCeed permitted limits,th;n: (!}any suc6 loan ; ' •.
<br /> charge shaU be reduced by che amour.*.necessary tc�rec?•��:G�h:char€e[o the permitted limil;and(2)any sums alrezd3 collected f`om borrower -
<br /> which exceeded permitted lianit;wil,be refu.rr2ed ra B�c��-ro•r.er.i.rnder may ehoosr,ca make this refun�hy Peduc�ng the prin.•ipat owed under the '`-�`
<br /> Noteor by making a direct pa}nr.ent to Bario��,cr. fi.3 ret'wnd rec!ucec principai,the reducrion will be tr��.;::ed as a partial prepaym�nt uadPr the ,'
<br /> Note. =-
<br /> 3`�I WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrawer ha.9 execueidtC.E.Adja5tuble Rate�tlder. -
<br /> �. .," ' ;� .��
<br /> �/-�:�-�^-,--''._ _ ,r� (Seal.1,
<br /> Peter J. G�y ord �nRKntv�K
<br /> /� `
<br /> . - --- -•..�_�„�,� _, _(5�a1)
<br /> K , t
<br /> ut Ann G�;► ord ���
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