- .x: �.n.s :t -.?:%:'.fi-'fi.,.v' ,.t .y • �. �':o' i .�ti..�A:.,.,...`+. � �.1._}�E� �a_�-_ _.�.o...:..ioti.tia...�_ - r.V:a.�.�:R..'�s; ` ��.Zr ,�.s^y_—'•_. .v�,- . a.��:i�<t:�..�
<br /> -���,.�.�._,���.�.<._?�s-.�d�¢t a.���5-c's�;�r.:;�:�t��r�A'sa..- '��'�� - -- - -�a.-�s�ai�`�ari.�iw.�c�Y'Srii�`����:__::::�:zi';,z�—��.�^^.ti�a'.-�,'�i§cr. =�''� =ti,.—
<br /> t.T,--� ' .�.,� '•\ � �._... �. _
<br /> � � ADJ�CISTA�;�� IiATE RII�ER 9p--:lOt�617 � � �
<br /> � !1 YettrTre.�;�.�y:�tl4ex-RateCaps)
<br /> TH[SADlUSTABI.ERATERfDERiscr.�d:�fi:� � • b�ya� �3nuaFY .19 gd�
<br /> and is incorporated irzn 9rrr•sha!!Dc deemed cp Rr_C�r�i ar.+�ffu�;,'etrFn�.�t�;�A!�G{t�l�e, Qted of Trust. or Seeurixy Deed(the"3ecarity ,�
<br /> � lnstrumrnt")of the sun-d�tegivzn by the uy!erfid;r:�:�ttw.'•B:�:t���t"Xit►s���,�;I}i:rnw•u's Adjustable Ratc I�Iote(the"hote")!o FiOME �
<br />� ��ERAL SAYlNdS i I.C1AN AS.SOClA'fUf!!_Q�.QRA�V iFtA. l.AR��.�'Nf��Alf�`�CA(chs••Lendes")of sbe s�date aud c��the
<br /> �Property dncri6ed in the S�xurity instrus�n.�a�sr�tc�c�us;. ,
<br /> 1��4 5out� Ha�r�.,e�n, Grand Zslanrl, Nebraska E88D3
<br /> ` cr:c,qc�y aaaress�
<br /> 'riis wte eoattint �t+r+ittMes t�Jen�iqs Cc�t,a1�.ae,le vy hterest ak .,td siy mo�tl�ly � �
<br /> psyse�ti.T�b nt+�cr dfso ti�sitl tht s�!r�if�R�Y�d�►tee+esst r�te p�c�nae at�i�o�e tL�e ud, ,'
<br /> � �bo tie sid�sstafr}El�cmLdlL�clttt��lt�rttpsy.
<br /> � AD191'I'IONAL COt'J�"iANfS.la 3dd::�.�tcr t�i::eni�enants and agreemEnts arade in the Security Instniment,Barrower and Lendu , � �
<br /> , tvrther cavenant apd a�ree a4 Pt�'lcma:� .
<br /> 'f'Ge Note provtdes for w dnftia!intx�t rate of 11_5 �o.Section�a[th�Note provides far changa in the interast r�tc and the
<br /> .month[y payments,as fa4ows: � .
<br /> ; , . . '
<br />-� _� (A) CVrteData ' .
<br /> i Tt�einterestratr��.�t71.i.�ytr�Ytts��santhefirstdsgof �����`:,, x -. ,t4��.andonthatQayevery . .
<br />- � �'"P7 �p irvsnti�:*�reuttir_Ea�fi date o�,aldxh my inir�-�:.ia:e catil�c��ge is called a"Change Date."
<br /> � t�) TreI�dex
<br /> . Beginning with the frst Change D�te,my inter�t r-�tr.tviU be based on an lndez T;1e"index"is[he wcekly av�rage yietd on United States
<br />-� , irasury securities adjusted to a constant mawrity af 1 S�ar,as made available b�.tii�Federal Reserve BoarQ.'L7s�eiost reant Indea Ggure
<br /> crailable as of the date 43 days 6efore rach Cnangt Date is calted the"Cunent Inuez."� • .
<br /> if the index is no longer available,the Nflte Holder wil!choose a new index which is bascd upon camparuL+C�:iifarai,;:oa.The Note � �
<br /> Hnlder wil!gi�e me no[ice of[his choice. , ,
<br /> (� C�icdatlor oi Ciu�a .
<br /> �;,
<br /> &fare each Change Date,the Note Holda will calcvlate my new��.,��,�.e��t;��ding threa �nd et'aTha��---P�rcentstgr � ` -�
<br /> points 1 �,�, riy to the Cunent Indtx and rounding to t�e�':�..^.i i f;ttc`r 4�;0.subject to the limiu stated in Section�I(D)below.
<br /> This rounded amount wip be my new interest rate unGl the next ChanEe tJ��:.+a, .
<br /> � The Nat�f3otder will then determino the amount of the montPSS',�;++3�ent�F.at would be sufficient to repay in full the princiy�l�am '=
<br /> ;
<br /> • r.r.pested to cs�►i�en thzt Change Date in substantially equal payments by ti:e trtawsir%�;:�u at my new interest ra+p.The result of this caicularion __
<br /> ' w�il1 Ix the nt�amoum of my monthly payment.
<br /> , (D) LLni4 0�I�terest Rate(�go!i , . ,
<br /> The icr,rKt rate I am «quired to nay at the first Chang� ��;� �:.11 r.oc be greaicl- z.:1an 1�_� „�'n 6r less than �;�
<br /> � ' 9•� °10.Thercafter,my intere5t rate will nevrr be incrrase��s7�e�_�c3cz:1 c.r_any single ir�nge Date by mUre than r'�"� rr�nt ' �.
<br /> � �_from the ratz of intcrese 1 have beea paying for the prcccdinp ta�c�ti r.,r..�_a=s.7'hc minimum interest e�,cun tl.is tcas a•ill never be ��
<br /> less than _ 9_� ai�e and the maximum interest rate will ncver be grcatrr�lrra^, 16_0 0,0, . ;,'�
<br /> ' , � f� G�i�ctire Mte o/Cia�es ,
<br /> , . My new i.-,terest rate will berons:ef(ix.:t9ve on each Change Gate.I u�<:1 pay the amount oF my n:w monthly payment beginning on the first '
<br /> � monthiy p2yment d�teaftcr�,�;Changc UsC:unril tho amount oimy rr.or.ihly pay�ment u-anges again. �
<br /> (� Natke of CMar� ' �
<br /> The Note Holder wil!mail or deliver a��he a notice bcforc cach Che,�c f7ate.T.�e�otice aili advise me uf: • _-
<br /> (i) thc new interest rateon mp luan as of the Changc batc; � �'�
<br />— � (ii) the amount of my monthly paymem fal!owing�hc CtranF�Uate; '
<br /> . (ii3) any addition�!matters which the IYote l�older is required to disclusr.;:t�ir3
<br /> � (iv) the address�sf the associatian yot�coutd��untact regatding any yucstin:;s about t6e adjus�ment notice.
<br /> • �� B. CHAAGfS;LlF.NS
<br /> Unifarm Covenant 4 of the Sccurity Instrumcnt is ameaded to read as f�llows:
<br />� 1. Ci�ee;IJe�.Borrower shal{pay all laxes,assessments,and other charges,fines,znd imposidons attribut2ttc ro the Property which may
<br /> attain a priority ov�r this Securiiy Instrument,and leasehold paymcnts of ground rents.if any,in the manner provicted under par�ra�ph 2 Nercof
<br /> or.if twt paid in such manner.by Borrower m�Icing payment.when due.dirtctly to the payec thereof.eorrower sh�ll promptly furnish Lender
<br /> a!1 no[ices of amouaU due unJer ihia puaQraph.aad in ttx eveat Sorrower stull rt�ke payment direcUy,Bonower sh�l!promptly furnish to
<br /> Lender receiptts r,videncing sueh payments. BarroKer sliall�SramDlly discharge any lien which has priority aver tAis 5ec�rity Instrument;
<br /> � ' hawever. Horrnwer shali not be required to discharge any such t�en so long as 8orrower: {a►shatl�ree in writing to the paymcnt of the
<br /> oblijation secured by such iitn in the munner acre�labfe tv Lender(b)shali in hood faith con!es!�:::h lien by.�r defend against entorcemeni vt =_- _
<br /> such litn in.[taal prnctedings which in the npinion of Lender�perate to prevent the enfarcement of the lien or fotfeiture of the Yroperty or uny �
<br /> � pul Iherenf;or(c)shali secure from the holder �f s�c�h lien an ugreement in a form satisfactory to Lender subordinating such lien to this ; .
<br /> SecuN�q instrument. �
<br /> 1�LRf%�!i CCt�[f111iits thit ell Ot iinV Qet!Of the Ptnatertv ic cufi}�ct tn r�IjeT!Whi,h m�y e!!3!!!3 psiQti:y avG lh�.,�',...°°urii�lr.�s�sr„.r.F� : � _
<br />� Lender shali aivc E3orrowe�a notice ident�fying such lien. Borrow�er shalt satisfy such lien or.takr e�ne nr mare nf the actions set toflh abuve
<br /> _ - .�,;,h;��e., �f:!'� ' . � t
<br /> w!v .�d��i�V��1ry'�(V�Ri� .
<br /> , � � ��. ��„��F: � �
<br /> Undurmt'otierant i4vFlhcS.nusity6iatrumcntwam.endedtaresd;�cfultuw��
<br /> f�. NM�te.l=rccl�t tnr�►ny r:c�ti;e reywred undct apylic�hle law t�ti be gi�rn in�nothrr m�nner,(a1 tinp ttot��c to liurtnr.et pro�atcd fur in fh�s
<br /> 5ecur�ty In4ts����u!.hali ltr�cvea t�y dtiizenngitarhy mlding�t hv(iss��ta�amail toi�orrauer at ehe Prot•e�ty Add;r;cc�r at:uch oth,►addr;�s �
<br /> ai avttvaet nuy d:+�att�te hy na��ce tu t.cr�efer as pru�edc�!hercir�,anQ Ih)arE�i,c±ei�r ri+1 endcr�hal!he Fi�etti h�'(r.��t:la�.;h,.ui:�*1 cmirr'� E.
<br /> _ t�idre*sstatedh;re�rturtu�.u;huthctaddrr.sa:[cnd;rznavde:��naichvnutr_c���fi.�sn•Hrra�prr�i�icuhercci� in�:;;��,,c-��r����s;�l �, �n�ttrn
<br /> �.unt�In:ttuntent�h.tlEhcilcrn:ctttnhd:c hetrr Ep�cn t��ft��n:�nri rn!cr.�lcr L,.her�ci�ir�in thc n anncr�ir,��n.ne:t!iercu�
<br /> �
<br /> —j'�'�r .
<br /> =.YY�!�R
<br /> .��,+.l;
<br /> .tr .
<br /> .iy �
<br />