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<br /> (� If L.ender reqoired mortgage insuruice as a oontitioo of malciag the loan secured by tbit Sccurity insirummt�
<br /> 1 Bonower shall pay the praniur�s required to maintain the iasurance in effect until such timQ as the requiremeat for the
<br /> � iaseirsnce termiesarts ia acc4rdanc�with BorroNer's an,d I�ennder's w�riuen�aresment or spplicabtc taw.
<br /> S. I�qectioi. I.mder or its agent msy make reawaabte aiuies upon and inspection�oi tha Property.Lmda .
<br /> shsll�ve Borrowernaicx at the time ofor�rior to sn irapa�tion spxifying rason�blec�use for tbt inspxtian.
<br /> 9. Co�dewtlo�. 'I'�e proceeds of any a�rud or clsim for damsg�s,direet os consequential,in conasctiun witb
<br /> aay cc►ndemnation or other takinE of any part of t6e Propaty,or for eonveyanee in lieu of condemnation,ue bere6y
<br /> mi�ned snd shaU be pud ta I.ender.
<br /> Ia tl�e evmt af a total taking af ths Pra�perty.the proeeads shall be applie�ta the sum�securod by this Sacurity -
<br /> Iustrummt,�vhdhtr os not tl�en due.��vith tny excat ptid to Bonoker. In the evrnt of�p�rtial takin�of the Propesty.
<br /> unl�ess Borro�a aad Lead+er ather�vise agree in writing�t4t suats secured by this Security Instrummt shall be reduccd by
<br /> tLe amovn�of the gtz�ceeds muliip�ied by the followrin�f'raction:(a)the[ocal amoant of t6e sums socured immedittely :
<br /> befooe the talcina.duvisPed t�y(tij tht fair tnarket value of the Property immMiately befare the tt�ing.My�balance shell br
<br /> psd to Horro�ver. �
<br /> _ ff the Pr�-�s a�adoaec!bg Barna�r�r.ar if.after notict by Lxnder to Homsit��:tlttt�the candemaor aBe�w
<br /> miice aa sward or settte t slai�t'�r damsges.Borro�Yr f�to respond to Lender�ritlri�r�3!d iisys aftcr the due the nrniv=i�.. .
<br /> • �ive�,Lasder is snttur��buii ta aal�+ect a�d apply the praoeeds.at its option,eitfler tn t�stontttion or repair of the Propertl ar,...: ���;'•;, :"
<br /> � to tk��ums secured h�ttids Securbty Instrument,whether or not thm dua � . .
<br /> Unlas I.mder�nd Borro�ver otherwise agree in ariting,any application of�roceads to�ancipal shalt not cxtcnd qc ;�
<br /> � postp�ae the�c�e�r.�of the manthlY psYcnents tefecred to an parsgraPhs 1 and 2 or change the arafluns of such payrittnt�;
<br /> � 1A. Boerowa Not Releared; Forbeufuwe By�mder Not� Wd�er. Extension of the tims fnr,p�ymsnt"or:
<br /> , mod��t�3ioa of amortization of tl�e sums secured 6y this Security Instrument granted by I,ender ta s����ss�o�es,sor in �
<br /> - interest of Borro�ru shall not opente to relase the liability of the original Bo�oNer or Borrower's sucoessv�s in interest.
<br /> I,ender shall not bs reguired to commence proccedings against any successor in interest or refuse tu extend ame for
<br /> psyrnentor other�vise modify amartintian af ttte sums secured by this Security Inrtrum�nt by snwn�f any demand made
<br /> J by the oripnal Honower orBarraives's suar,.ssors in interes�.Any farbearance by Lender in ex�scising any ri�t or remedy
<br /> � ahall not be s waiver of or prael�td�:he exacise of any riaht or remedy. . � .
<br /> L1. S�cea�oes a�d Ast�ps Bo��:Joist ari Se�e:fl Iiati(llty;Co� The covenant9 ans�ugreements of � . �
<br /> � this S�,rity Instcum�at ahaU bind and bene8t the sueeasors md assi�rts of Lertda and Borrower,aubjoct to tha proviss�nf
<br /> _= of paragraph 17.HanoMer's covensnis and agraraents�h�ll be j�a�annct;several.My Bonower w�ha co-signs 3his 5aurrt� .
<br /> Insaxu�mt but does na eaecute tbe Note:(a)is co-signiag shi��rny Inssrumrnt only to mortgsge,grant ar�d cor�w�
<br /> tha�t Hc�crawer's interest in the Property under the terms a�'ti�:s Sxurity Instrument;(b)is aot personslly ob�ted to pay ;
<br /> th�e sw�secured by this Sacurity Instrument;and(c)�gras that I.cnder and any other Borruwu may agra to extersd� ' ,
<br /> mo�ry,forbar or make any accommodations with rtgud to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without ; _
<br /> that Bonower•a consen� .
<br /> l2. Lw�Clur�es. If the loan sxured by this Socurity In�trument is subleCt to a!aw which sets maximum L�.� . _
<br /> charg�. and th�t le�► is fin�11y intcrpretcd so that the iaterat or other toan ch_3rgss collxted ar to be coltu�t� in � _
<br /> � coaae�i�an �vith the lwn eaceed the permitted limits.thrn:(s)any suoh toan�1t�rge shsll be reduced b��s1.�e rmflant , �`
<br /> necess�to reduce the charge to�he permicted limit;and(b)Any sums already coftected from Borrower R isir.fi ekccaded • *�
<br /> permii�ed limits will be refunded to Borraa�cr. Lender may choose tu make this reflmd by reducing the peir�cipzZ mv.� ,=#,
<br /> undec the Note or by making a direct psymerst to Borruxer.If a refundrednces principal,the reduction will be trcat�ra�;¢ �'��
<br /> , parti�G�repayment�vithout any prepayment charge unda-t�he Note. � .
<br /> t�. I,e�tdatlwi Al�ectiq 1.eeder'� ltl�ti. Lt'�:.utment or expiration of applicable laws has the e�'ect of �� �
<br /> render:��any provision of the Note or this Seturity lnstrumrnt unenforceable according to its tcrms.Lender.at its option. �
<br /> , may requirc immodiate psyment in fuU of a11 sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remadiss ': z:`
<br /> permitted by puagrtph 19.If Lender eaereius tbis option,Lender shall take the strps spocified in iht sccond paragrapb of ,�
<br /> ptra{�ph 17.
<br /> : i4. Notka. Any notic�to Borrower provided fbr:n this Security Instn�ntcnt shell be given by delivering it or by
<br /> _ maili�g it by first clus mail u¢ir.ss applicable law requires use of another mc�Jrr,d. The notice shaU be directed to the ��'
<br /> Praperty Address or any other address Borrower designstes by notice to Len��.Any notice to Y.ender shall be given by .
<br /> — flnt clua msil to Lendet's sddress stated herein or sny other addras T.,ender des;�ates by notice to�onower.Any natiu:
<br /> providad'for in this Security lnatnment sha11 be damed to hsve been given to Bonower or L,ender when given as provi�ed
<br /> in this pusgrsPb.
<br /> lS. C�eralNs Lw;Seianbflity. This Secueity lnstrument shall be gavtrnod by federsl taw snd t6e law of the
<br /> jurisdietion in�hich the Property is toc,sted.ln the evrnt thtt any provision or clause of this Security lnstrument ar the
<br /> - Note canAicts�vitb applicable lswr�such cunllict shall not a�xt other provisions oP this Secutity lnstrument or tht Nate
<br /> — which can be givm e�'xt without the contficting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Insttument and the
<br /> � Note are doclared to be severabte.
<br /> 16. norrower's Co�y. $orrowet shall bt given one conformed copy of the Note artd of this Secunt y Instrumrnt.
<br /> 17. Tnrter o!t6e Pro�erty or s Beeneflctal Iituat 1»Boaower. lf all or any p�rt of the Proptrty or any
<br /> interat in it is sold or trattsferred(or if a beneficial interat in Borrawer is sold or ttansferred and$orrower is not a natura!
<br /> � person)without Lender's prior written consent.Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in fuU of ell sums
<br /> socured by this Security lnssrument. However. this a�ption shall noi be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohiDited by
<br /> fc�derallsw u pf the 0ate otthis Security lnstrummt. - -
<br /> :-� --- -
<br /> If Lender exetcises this option.Lrnder shall give Horrower notice of acceltraetion.The notice shall provide fl period �
<br />— of not less than 30 dsys Gom the date the notice is delivered or maited within which Burrower must pay aU�ums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstruma�t.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the exp�ration of this period.Lender may iavokr any
<br /> remedia permitt4d by this Security Instrumrnt without further notice dr demand on borrower. ,
<br /> tf�.i[t�efa+�tr's tiipt to Itd�s[[te. If�orro�cr meecs certain can�irians� gorrower shail hive the nghi ro have �,�.
<br /> -��- :.^.o."'�7'.'..�"`.:���i:S�o�.�'sifiij ii�3iC�aitf.isi wia.vi..:::�•...�.�:o.^.�Si^:�y::^v::.^.::S°...°�°�.'�'.b.T 8f:i.°.i��'5�.+°.��i.^r::'�=1s Mlt��r�.u�n�ec _.
<br /> — �pplicable bw miy speciPy for re�nstatement)befote sale of the Property parsuant to any power af sale cont�itted in this �
<br /> t � Secunty In�trument;or!b)entry ot s jud�tnent enforcin�this Security lns�rument.7hose conditions are that Borrower: �
<br /> (a� psys Lende�all sums which lhen would be due under t6is Sccunty instrument and the Nnte had nn acceteretian
<br /> acurred, (b)cutes any default of ony mher coven�nts oi agretments: (c) psys all expenses mcurted in enforcmg thts �h�
<br /> Secutity Inslrurnrn�. indudm6,b��t nut I�mited to. re�sonable attorneys'fees: and(d)tAke�such acti�n as Lender may �
<br /> � re�sor�bly �eqwrc tn�ssure th�t �he hen of th�s 5ecunty lnstrument, Len�cr's nghts in �he Pr�perty and [Mrrawer's �
<br /> � Oht�dilcbfl [o piy �h� s�t[1s setute� by ehts 5ttu►Ity ins[Nmerlt 9h�ii Cbnt�nuc unrhangcd t��n re�nsietrment t►y r. �
<br /> liuttawer,thts 5ec unty Inittumrnt An�l the obl�g�tions sccurcd heredy shiD remiin tully effecin•r as�f ncr ucceleratic�n had
<br /> �,
<br /> �xrurrcri ilnwerer,th�s nght to rcm�tatrsh�ll n�t apylyin the case c,f ecc�tetat�r�n und�r paro�rnphs 1��sr !7
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