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<br /> �ii. t �t'�a s.� ;:ti:ti c y 7i5' - c` •7,�,".'y S ":a -�;•A`.y..- r:i'
<br /> �::v' _�.. C. k':':: �rl�:..:'•::�:.:i�c 'l t' .t= Y�._*`::
<br /> ..r �-�k�c�� ,.s.5:w'�i '`�K:'af;`��.��'s� . n1r'.� l,c; r„�a�x�'� :i��a�£�2;�'��>:.. ,i� �::-i-��r�: - :i�y `;in"6.-
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<br /> 3 .. 4� " •-- �. ''C�1="' • - s.:��. ;lM;,�car3.'�Y�A'c ,�a, �..� k � ' c'�53�4"��.__�_,��.5!_-=b.. �ScFi�1.��=:�..:,_-':��� -i'.4k`�.�e.t r�� _ _ ..
<br /> L .i� .s� ,�.....,.. �l .�_�<<.-..._SkYL'Si�L. _' "" �2.�tr. � `- ''� ` ___ -a_�.�i. T l uC16c1�
<br /> �W ... � ,...-.......
<br /> r.�� ����lll ���L�GS' - _ -�4 o�a�'1�J1 e ��.- -
<br /> —_ _�' ' � � �:�•
<br /> u��Mco�,►�. ��►����d��y«�t�d�����o�o�: 9Q— i Q061'7
<br /> � l. P��eat oR Priaci�ud Iatcrrst;P�p�yaeat�si I.uc Ase�n. Boaower shsll pr6mptly psy w�hen due
<br /> the princxpa!of and interat o�the debt evidenced by the Note uad any prepayment�nd late cbugss due under the Note.
<br /> 2� F�far_'�u�e aad I�uarasca. Sabjae tcs applir,sbk Vv�o:coa wreaten�rai�ns by La�er.Rorrowtr shalt p�Y ...
<br /> � to Leader on the day manthly payments are dut under the Note,uatil the Not+r is paid in full,a sum("Funds")aqual to
<br /> oaat�relR� of: (a}yarty tua and asussments�tuch mry att�in priority over this Saurity tnstrument; (b)yurty
<br /> kdeltpld payments or sround reats an the P�operty,if any; (c) yatty h�nr$insurance premiums; and {d) yariy
<br /> mo�tp�e�nsuran�e preminaas.if tny.TtKSe items are c�llsd"escro�v items."LenQrr msy estimata the Funds due on the
<br /> b�sis ofcurre�t d�ta and nasonabk estimues of future escmN items.
<br /> TI�e Fundt slnU be 1u1d ia tn institution tbe depaits or acx;ouuts of wbich ue insur�d mr guu�ntad by a fedtnl or
<br /> state�maY(fncludina Lender if Leader is such an iastitu�on). Lrnder sh�11 apply the Fna�s to pzy the acroM items.
<br /> La�der may not charse for hnidinj and agplying the Funds,�aalyuna tbe accnunt or vuifying tbe acra�items,unlas
<br /> I.md�pay�Bomawtc intetcs.t^es�tbe Fuads tnd appLicable Iaw permits Gen€Ier to mvice such s cbuga Borro�ver and
<br /> Leade�msy�apree in�rit�f ltst inter�esi s�ll 1x paid on the F�uds. Unless.aa agament is made or apptic�ble bw
<br /> requites iat�esi to be paid,�der shall not be requirad to psy Aorrower any intesat ar�amings on the Funds.Ler�der
<br /> ' sbai��iYe t��rmtt�Va.wi1�b�:t ci�arg�aa�nnual ac�ountina of the Funds sho�..nB credtt�aad 8ebits to the Funda aaci tl�
<br /> pusp�E�r ivhic�i esch deli�t-to tlte�w�s wu madrs:l3e Funds ue pltdgad as ltdditiaaai�r�iv fos.ib�su�s secutrxf$�g
<br /> tt�Se�rityln:trummt. .
<br /> di the amouat of the Funds heW by Lender,to�ether aiih t�e futu�moattily p�yran�ts of Fan3s payable prior w
<br /> tltie nue dates o�the acro+v item�,ah�ll°a�.v�ed the amount reqaiml W psy the escroH ifa�ss,w�ien due,the excas sbaA ae,
<br /> at BormMer's option►rit6er promptly rep�d to Horrower or credit�ta Borrower on mauPh�a paymenu of Funds.If the
<br /> �� aawunt of tbe Funds held by Leader is not au�cient to pay the eacrow itens�when duG Hcrrower shall pay to Lender u►y
<br /> amouat neass�ry to malcc up the deficiency in one or a�orr paymes�ta�s requi�ed by I.ender.
<br /> . Uptsn p�ytneat in fult of all sums savred by this Security Instrum�t►,Y.ender s6a11 prompdy rdund to Borro�+er
<br /> auy Fwjds held by I.atder.If uuder paragspb I9 the Pmp4rty is soid or,scquit�by Lender.Lender shall apply.no l�isr
<br /> tban immediitcly prior to the sde of tbe Property or it9 ac.quisition by Lender.any Fuads hcld by Leader at the tia�af
<br /> � � spplication as a r.r�dit�=ain�t the aums secured by this Socusity Instrummt�
<br /> 3. A�tio�of P�eab. Unlas apQlicabk 1sM provldes othr.nvtt�tll p�ynuuts received by Lender aas�er _�:;-
<br /> paryraphs 1 and 2 sball b��liad:flnt�to late clurae�due us�der thz Nosr,se+o��e,w prepayment charses due undar che �� '
<br /> Not�tbird,te�mounu p��under patsjraph 2;fo�rth,ta ir�terat du�and E�cst,to principal due. '�'' '`'
<br /> 4. Qur�I.ier. Hartmvec thaU py aU taxa► assestaia�.ts�ehsr�a.flna uid iu��osidon�attributable ec�qhe ;:`:',;,�
<br /> �`;�;,:-::
<br /> �rty ahich may attsin �riastcY.orer thi� Security In�trumeut, �nd Iessehold p� .. or�round rrnts, if any. �:,;,;;
<br /> H�c�Ner sba11 pay thae obli�eti_-�n�in the manner provided in pangrnph 2,or sf not pud in tbat manner.Bono�ver shall �'°� ���'��
<br /> :-��,�:.:-,,
<br /> �t•tbem on time directly to the pes�on oMed payment.Hortowet shdl ptompEly furnith to Lender all natica of amounta �'�'�.,�;�.
<br /> s:�e paid uader this panjrapb.If Harro�►er nuke�thae p�ymenu dimtly,BorroNer sh�ll promptly furnish tc Leader _ . -
<br /> rooeipu evideacin�tbe goynua►u. � :-
<br /> HorreMer shall promptly diichar�e my lien Mbich�prio�g ava this Sacuriry In�trumrnt unlas Bona�:�:(�Z .l_„`�:.:
<br /> �ln Mriti�W tlu psymait of the obliptiun�xured by the liea�s tna.�uccephbfie to Lender;(b)contesta ia�+td .,�;..,-....:.
<br /> fiith tbe liai by,a dd'eads apirut entoc+cemeat of tbe Ikr�ia,kpi procee�ia�s Mhich in the Lrnder's opinion opec�rP t� �; ,
<br /> p�rent the eaforcement of the lien or torfciture otany pRSt of tbe Property;or(c)secura frem the holder of thc�iax ac� 'r��
<br /> � qneao�ent utufutory to Lender�ubordinstinj the liert to thu Se�urity Instrument.If Laider determina th�t any pa�rt of '?
<br /> � the pr�perty is�ubjxt to a lia�whkh ar��sttain priarity over�his Sacurity In�trument,E�ender msy�ive&rtreMer a
<br /> e�ice�tigyinj the Uen.Borrowrer�haif ratisf'y the lien or tahe one or more of the�ctlons set forth above arlthin 10 dsys
<br /> oL•'1?�e=iv�of aetice. :
<br /> s. Hatir�Lwt�oa HorroMer shsl!kaep the improvemenu now eaistin�or heratter crected on the Froperty � � �
<br /> inured apinu las byllra.har�rds included�+ithin the term"exten�dedcovcn�e"snd my other huuds for whicb Leader -, �
<br /> raquira inwnrica This insuru�ce fha11 be muataiaed ln the�a6aunu and for tl�e periods that I.ender requira. The y'
<br /> intur�noe aarder providinj the iruurance shall be chosm by Baree�ver subkcs to Lender'a approv�l x�teich�hall not be
<br /> unre�tooably�vithheld. ;`�,
<br /> __ All 'uuurmce policia�nd renewal�:lull be ucxpeabk to Lender and s�al1 include a stsndaad cnonga�e ciause.
<br /> L�der�full luwe the ri jht to hold the policia and mse�val�.It Lender ra�uires,Botrower ahall promptly�ive to Lcr.ider
<br /> - , vl noeipt�of p�id premiumi and renavv naNca.In the event of las,Borroxer�h�ll pve prampt notice ta the insursnce
<br /> carrierind Lender.Lender msy nuke proofotlots if not madepromptly by HQrroxer. ,
<br /> Unle�Lender and Borm�ver osherwise�jsa in writin=.intunnce proce�df iha11 be applied to restontion or rtpair
<br /> e�1,iLt Propetty dunajed,itthe ratoration or rep�ir is aonomically feasible uid Lender's socurity is not les�ened.If the
<br /> t�atontlon or rep�ir u not aconomically fwible or Lender'��ecu�ity Mould be lesmad� the insuranoe procads shall bc
<br /> spplled to the�ums�ecured�y th�s Security Instrument,w6ether or not tha�due,with any excas paid to Horrower.If
<br />- Hono�ver abuidons the Praperty,or doa not tnswer within 30 days�natice tr�om Lender that the jnsurance carrier hu
<br /> � oQered to settk s claim.tlasr�brnder msy coilat the lnsuranx proceedi.Lender m�y use the proceeds to reptir or ratore
<br /> the praperty or to pay sumt eecured by thi�Security Instrument.whethtr or not then due.The 30�d�y periad wiU bepn
<br /> �hen the nati�c it pven.
<br /> UnlewLaide:and Borrow�er atha+vise�ra in Mritin�.�ny�pplication of proceeds to principsl shall not exttnd or
<br /> patpot�e the due date of tht monthty piirnent�referred to in p�rt�yl�t 1 and 2 or chsngr the�mount of the p�ymmts.Jf
<br />_ � under qra�ph 19 the Property i��cquired 6y L�ades,Horrower's rijht to u►y insurancr policie��nd procads rqultinj
<br /> i7om damye to the B�opecty ptior to the scquisition�hall pw to Lenda to the exteat of the sums�ecured Ey this Sxurity :-_----_--_
<br /> 1n�eroma�t immedistefy prior to the acquisitian. �
<br /> ` 6. �uii MNstaance ot pro�;Lta�e4old�. Honower shsq not dstroy.d�mije or substantially
<br /> ciun�e the Pro�perty,a1{o�v the Property to deteriar�te or commit w+ute. If tbi:Security In�trument is on� leiseheid.
<br /> HOfrOMl��IiIJ CQRlDI y Nlf h L�I!QtD�1fI0lIt O�1I1t IEtfO.and if Borrrnver acquires fa title to the Propeny,the le�sehold and
<br />� fee tftfe�t eot tnet{e untas�dtr��s cache mtr�er in pririnj.
<br /> _ �� 7. �rN�eeio. ot I�e�tv�• Aistin ls t� Proserhrt Mortt�ts Lu�nwee. lf Borrower fWs to oerf'otm the . �
<br /> cavenanu and yreemmt�contuned i»this Security lnstrument�or there is r+legal proceeding that may signiflantly�Qect z
<br /> � L Le�ndet'�tijhts in the Ptoperty(sucb as a proceedins in bmkruptcy.prob�te. tot candemnation or eo enforce laws or �
<br /> re:utations),then I�der may da and p�y for whatever is rte�rs�ry to prnteet�he vatue oi c he proany�nd Lender's rights • .
<br /> in tht Property.I�nder'�actions m�y include psyins any eums seeured by�lien which has pnotity over this Secunty �
<br /> Inurument.apparin�in coun,payin�reuon�ble�ttorncys•tees and enterina v»the Vrvpercy ta make repairs. Althou�h u�.,
<br /> Lender n►�y tdce t�tian undrr ahis ptra�eaph?.t,ender does not havc to du sv. , a�
<br /> —� Any amounts disburttd by i,ender under this partttaph 7 shai i b�ctrme aQditiarrsi debt af Bnrrnwer stcure0 by this , -
<br /> S�curity IrtstQUmcnt.Unless Borrnwer and Lender a�ree to olher term�of payment,these amovnts sh�li btbr inrrrese from
<br /> the�ate af di�burtement �t the Note rAte anA �h�ll be payable,aeth �nteresc, upon rsot�cc fram Lender to Botrawe:
<br /> �� tequntin�piymtnt.
<br /> ��+ �1
<br /> fi�.i �
<br /> _���'
<br /> r�i}'
<br /> ��''�.
<br /> - _-_ `'1 �i
<br />