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2� 1 ��8��5 <br /> F�ds d�xe on the�aas�s c�f curr�n��.a�a and�r��s�na��e e�t�mates n�expendit�res af f��ure �scr��v <br /> I���s vr o�e�.se xn a�cvxdan�e�it�h.�.p��cab7e�a�. <br /> 3`�.� F�unds sha�. �be h��d in an i�.s�itu�v� ��ose de����ts arE insured by a f���ral. <br /> agenc�r, in��.r�.en�a.�it�r, or entit� �in��ud�g �,�nc�er, if�Len��r�s an�ns�tut��z� whos� dep�si��� <br /> a�r� sa ins�tred� �r in �n�r �`�deral �ome Laan ��. �ende� s�a�l. appl� the F�ds tv pa�r �e <br /> �scrn�r It�rr�.s�a ��ter�i.a� �he t�me Spe��ed���r]�S�A. Lend�r shall�.�� c�arg�Borrav�r��r <br /> for ha�dir�� �d app�y�ng the Fu��s, an��a�I.� ana�.y�� �h� �scrQ�r accv��, ar ver'�ing �h� <br /> Escrvvv I���s, ur�x�.es� Le�d�r pays ��rrQ�rer interes� �n �he F�.ds �n�.App�����.� I�a�r�ermi�� <br /> Lent��r �� �a�te s�ch a �harg�. �n.�e�� � a�gr���e�� �.s �.ad� � �r�.t�ng �� .�,������b�� La�r <br /> require,� ��er��� t� I�� ���. an th� F`����� ���d�r s�a�l� n�t �e ����rec� �� pa� ��r�•��v�r an�. <br /> in�er�st �r earning� a� �hc �'�nds. ��rr��r�� a��d I.�nd�r ca.�. �gxe� i� �ting, ha�rever, t�a� <br /> in�ere�� ��al�. be paid c��. th.� ����. �,�nder��a��. ��r� to Par�r��r�r, �th��� ��arg�, a�a anr�ua.� <br /> aecvu��in.g��th��t��.s�s req-uir�d���SPA. <br /> If�.eare �s a s�ur�p�u� o��'u�ds h��d �n es�r��, a.� �e�n.�d unde�r RFS�'A, L��d�r sha� <br /> a�cQun� �o �orrv��r f�r the e����� fu�.d� �. a���r��.�c�� 1��I�A. I�'t�ere �s a ��.�r�age �f <br /> Fu��s he�d �n ���ra�, as ���.nea ��.nder ��SPA, Le���r shal� r�ot�f�r �orra�er �s ��q�ir�d �a� <br /> RES�'A., a.��3 �v�x��r�r shal� p��r �a �.ender �e a�o�� ne�e��ary t� no.a�e �� the s�or�age �n <br /> acc�r�.an.�e �ith R.ESF�, ���: �. �a� m��� �a� 1� �Q�z��r p��n��z�. � �here is a c���.c��nc�r <br /> vf�`���� hel�. �es��ro�r, a��.��x���.u�d+�r F�SP.�, L�ndEr shal�nat�F�r��rr���r����q��d b�r <br /> R�SPA, a.nd Bo���re���a�l pa�r �� ��nder t�e amo�� �eG�s���� m�� �x� �he d��C��n��r �r� <br /> a�c���ance�sr�i��S�'A, ��.t ir�an����°�tha� 1�Yrr.ox�t�.�.y p��.p�.ts. <br /> Upan pa�.ent �n fi�.� v�' a.�I su�s ��cured �� tbis Se�.r��r Instr�m�n�, �..,ex�d�r sha1�. <br /> prorr�p�y a�efund ta��raro�rer a�y�'�.nds�e�d b�Lender. <br /> 4b �harges; �.�ens. ��r�o�er s�a1� �a.� all �a���, �ss�ss�e��s, charges, �es, and <br /> ��.po���on� at�b�.ta�1e tv �Ze �'r������rh��h ��.� ��a� p��r�� �v�r�s Sec�.ty��s�en�, <br /> �ea�e�ald pa�.en�s a�r g�a�.d ren�� �x� �.� ��a���r, xf a��, �d ���r�m��.,�ssaci�.t��n I3�e�, <br /> Fe��, �nd As��ss�n��t�, �,f��. �� �x� ���ent t��.� t�i����.���.�a.��Es�ra�r Ite�s, ��rr��rer s�al� <br /> pa��he�n ua�e nlanuex prov�de�in�e�t�an 3. <br /> BQrrv�r�r s�al� prnmp�ly c�scharg� ax�� �.en �r�u�h has pr�va�-it� vver #h�.s S ecur�t� <br /> �n��.e�.� �ess �a�v�re�: ��� ��re�� i�. �r�t�n� �� �� ��.�e�� v��� o�1�g��i�r� ����r���b�r <br /> th� l�en �. a r��e� a���p�a�b�� �a ��nde�, ��� ox�� �� ��ng a� �o�r��v�� �� per����g ��.ch <br /> agree�me��; �b� ��n���� the �ie� �� �v�d fa��.x ��r, �r �����nd��g��� e��rce�a��t of�� l��n �, <br /> �.eg��ra����g���ch.i�L��zd��`s op��� a��ra�e������ren��e�n:far�:���r���f��J���,�rh�Ie <br /> t�os� pr��ee��x�s a.�� p��.di�g, ��.� o�I�r ���. ����� �ra����.�� ar� c��c��d�d, or ��� �eea��� <br /> fro� �� ���d�� �f�.e ��� �. a�°�����.� �������t��y �a Le��.�r ��.����at�.n�� �.� �i��. �€� �u� <br /> Se��i�r �r�s��.���. I#' Le��.�r �.e������ �.a� aa��r �a� �� �.� ���p�r�r �s s�.����� �o a �i�� <br /> �h�c� can a�t� ��iar��r ��r+�� �is ������r In��en�, ����e� �a� ���� �or���r�r �. ���i�e <br /> a���nt�f�rin� th� �en. �'x�ai� 1� d��rs ��th� d��� ��n�h�.�h t��t �.a�ce i� ��re�g ��r�a�r��r�h� <br /> sa#��f�r t�he��m or tak�one vr n1n�e af t�e a��t�ons�e�far�h ab��r��.�hi��ee�ivn 4. <br /> �.end�r�a�r�q�i.r� �arrov�rer�a ����. ����taim� �harge�or a r�al�sta�� �a��e�ca�iar� <br /> a�dlt�r�epax�ting servi��used�by�.end�a��.cv�n��t��n�ri�h�s�oa.n. <br /> �. 1'�opert,� Insuxance. �arr��rer� �ha�l ke�p �ie �mprav�me�ts nv�r ��is�.� o� <br /> �erea�f�er erecte�. a�. the Prapert� insur�c� agains� �a�� by f�re, �aza�rds inc���e� �ri�. �h� ��rnz <br /> 'I�xt�nded cov�rage,'� and an.� Q�.e�• ha2a�r�.s �ncXud�ng, b�ut �o� ' 't�d t�, e���akes ax�d <br /> NEB�ASI�-�5iugie Fam�y—Fa�nic��.�l�xeddie Mac UNIk�pRM�TRUIv�T Furm 3U� z1oY <br /> ���-Cx3t��.8����D91�I� (.�age 6 0#"1'9) <br />