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2� 1 ��8��5 <br /> a�ma�.nts d�.e �der �hi� Sec�r�.� Ins�.���, �d t�h�x� �� �r�duce t�h� �ri.�.c��a� �a�ance of �he <br /> No��e. - <br /> If L�nder�ec��ves a pa�xne�x fxom �orro�r�r far a c�e�aquen� P�r��dY� P��rnent�v�rbich <br /> ���ude.� a su�c��n� amoun� �o pay a��r �.ate ��a�r�� d.ue, t�� pa�m�nt �rna� �b� app�ed �� the <br /> �e�qu�nt pa�nent anc� �e I��e �harg�. �f ���� t�a� aa�� P�r���� �a�m.��� i� �u���an.�ai.�g, <br /> I.�nder m.ay ap��y any Pa�rA.en� r�����re�. f��m. �orz�o�rer fv -the re�ayxn.�n� of t�� Fe�v�i� <br /> Pa�m��.�s if, and �a the e�te�.� tha�, eac�. paymeIl� �an be paid in fi�l�.. T� t�e exten� �at any <br /> ��ces� �xis�s af�er the pa�ent Ys appl�e� �v t�e f�U �a�en��f vne ar am.or�Fer�adYc l�a�en#s, <br /> su�h e�c�ss ma�r �e applied to an� �a�e ��arges due. Vo�unta� prepa�rnen�s s�al� be a�plied <br /> first t�an��re�a�e�t charges and�en a�described in the Na�e. <br /> A��r appl��atinn af pa�e�ts, insura�n.ce �rnce�c�s, or Miscellane��s �'ra�eeds to <br />�al d�.e under the���e shall not ��tend vr p�s�pane t�i� du�da��, n�change�e ax�.�unt, of <br /> t�.e�eria�i.c Pa��n�s. � <br /> 3. Fun.ds for Escr�� Items. �arxc��rer sha� pa� �a Lender o�. the da�r Per�o�ic <br /> Paym.�nfs are due�der the No��, unt�l �e �1]�n�e ��pa�d � full, a s�m ��he "F�unds"} to pro�.de <br /> �for pa�men� �� amoun�s �ue far: �a� �axes and a�s�ss�ments and oth�r ite�ns �h�c� can at�a�n <br /> pr�a�� �ver thxs 5�cur�ty Ins�r�rmen� as a lien vr �n�u��rance �� t�ae Pr�pert�; �b� �easeha�.d <br /> pa���n�s �r gr��.d �en�s ��. �he ���pe�, �f an�r; �c} pr�mit�mms fo� an��r a�d a�. iurzst�ran�c� <br /> req�r�r�b�Len��r u�.�er Secti�n �; �€� �d} �or�gag� Za�surance prer�xu�ms, if�.�, �r a��r�um� ° <br /> pa��.�b�.e h� �vrr��rer �a �.ende� in �i��. �f �e pa��nt �� �1IIvr#gag� ��sura�c� pre�%�.�n.s �.n <br /> a���xdan.ce v��th t�he prv��ons of �e��.a�. I.D. �Che�e ��em� are c����d f F E��r��r I���s v" �t <br /> �r���na�.an or a� a�n� �.�rne ��ing the ��a�m of �Yie Laa�., �ender x�aa�r require ��t �onr��i�y <br /> A�s�c�a�an I��es, l�e�����ssessm��.��, �.f�ny, b�esc�o�red b��ar�•o�rer, �.�.suc���.es, ��e��, <br /> and���ss�er�f�s����e��s�ra�r It�m. ���r��r�r�h��Sr�rmp#1�fu�.rn�����a Le�.der a��za�ice� <br /> o�a�r�oun�� �� �e ��i.d t�der �i.s S���i��.s ��x�°o�r�:� �h.�l �a� Le���e�r �� �unds �ox Escxo�r <br /> Item��e�s L�nder�ra��e�]�����rer's o�i��a.�.o� �� pay�e Funds f�r a��v�a�.Escra�r Items. <br /> Len���°ma�r�rarv����xo�r�r's��ligat�o�� �� pa� �� �Lea�d�r��nd�f�r a�.��r aI��scra�Z�ems at <br /> any��ne. 1�n�r such�raiver�na�an�.�be iu�i�ng, I�the e������suc��rai�re�, �orr�v�rer shal�. <br /> pay dYrectl�r, �rh��. and �her� p�.yab1�, �.� arnn�.�s d-�� �vr an� ]�scrovir Items �ar �r�iic�Z <br /> paym�a�t of Fux�ds �as b�en�ra�v�d b�r]���,�er an�., � ��nder requui.�t•es, shall furn��h �a Lende� <br /> rece���� e�den��g such �a�men� �� such �i�.e p�x��d as L�nde�may r��u�re. �orra�rer`s <br /> Qbl�gat�on �o m�e suc�payme��s and ta pr�v�.de recexp�s shall for a1����rp��es]�e d�em�d�o be <br /> a c�venan.� and �greem�nt can����. i�t � Sec�r�t,� I���an���, �s t�� ��ra�e "co�renau� a�.d <br /> agreer��n�°' �s �se�. in Sec�i�� 9�. If Bor�ro�rer i� o�I�ga�ed �a pa� Escro� �fe�ns dir��tly, <br /> �ursuant�a a�ra�.ver, an�.Bvrro�r�r�ai���o p�.�r the arr�vu.z��due far au Escro�v I�e�n, Ler���r ma�r <br /> e��rc��e �ts x�g��s �nder S�ct�on � a�nd pa� su�h am�un� ari.� �vrro�rer s�.a�. then be vb�iga�ed <br /> un�.er Sec#�vn � to repa� �o L�en.der�n� su�h amo�u.r�.�. Len�er�na�r re�o�e t�he �srai�rer as to any <br /> or�. �s�ro�����s a�any time �y�.�v��� gyven�r� a�cardance��. Secti.or� �5 and, upvn su��. <br /> r��ro�a�.�n, ��rr��rer s�a� pay�� L�n�.e�r�Il F�.�s, and in s�.ch amvw�t�, �ha�axe�he�require�. <br /> u��er th�s�ec�an 3. <br /> Le�dex may, a� any�ime, col�e�� and. �o�d F�nds �n ar� amvunf �a� suf�c�en� ta pe�m�� <br /> I�ender to ap�Iy the �`�,ds �� the t�me speci�iEd u��.er R��PA, and �b� no� t� e���e� t�.e <br /> ma.�mu�. a�x�.oun� a �en�er can r�q�re under R.��PA. Le�.der sha.�. estir�a�� the a�aun�� af <br /> �8�.��.A--Single Famiiy—Fan�nie 11r�a�lk'reddie Mac�Q�INSTR[IM��N''�'Form 3U28 ]l�X <br /> G�C-C'r3 a?S-�5��9I4��.� (Page�of�9) <br />