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2� 1 ��8��3 <br /> DEE� �F TRUST <br /> �,v�n Nv: 7��3[]�596 ��Ql�t�nuG'd} F'age 3 <br /> DUE�N SALE-GC3NSENT BY LENDER. Lend��r may, at Lender's vption, de�fare immed�a�ely due an�l payabl� a1� sums <br /> secured by this ❑eed a�T�us�upon'�he sale ar�trans�er, wi�hvut Lender's prior writ�en cvnsent, o�all or any p�r��f�he <br /> Real Praper�y, ar any interes� in�he R�a! Proper�y. A "saie ar trans�er" m�ans�he can�eyance ❑�F Real F'ro�erty ar any <br /> right, title or interest in the Reat Prape��y; whether legal, beneficiaf or equitah�e; whether �oluntary or in�olun�ary; <br /> whe�her by autrigh� �a1e, deed, Enstaiiment sa[e contrac�, land contract, �vntrac� far deed, leasehvld interest wi�h a <br /> �erm grea�er�han �hree {3} years, �e��e-opt�on �on�rac�, �r b� sa�e, assE�nment, ar�rans�er o�any beneficial in�eres� in <br /> ❑r to any land�rust holding -�it[e �o the Rea1 �roper�Cy� ❑r by any ��her methvd of conWey�nce o� an in��res� En �he Rea[ <br /> Proper�y. Howe�er, �hES option sha11 no� be exercised by Lend�r i�r such ex�rcise is prvhibi�ed by federal law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TA�CES AND L��N�. The �Fallowing pro�isians re�a�ing �o the taa�es �nd iiens on the Proper�y are part ot�hi� ❑eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. T�us�or shall pay whsn due �and in all eWents priar to delinquency} a��taxes, spe�ial�axes, assessments, <br /> charges �in�luding v►rater and sew�r�, fines and im�asitians fe�i�d against❑r�n accflun�vf the Property, �nd shall <br /> pay when du� a�� claims �Qr work done �n ❑r�For ser�ices rend�red vr material �urnished tv th� Pro��r�y. Trus�or <br /> shall main'�ain th� Proper�y�Free o�a!I liens ha�ing priarity o�er or equal to the interest o�Lender under�his Deed of <br /> Trus�, except #or �he �ien af taxes and assessmen�s not due and excep� as othe�wis� pro�ided in �his De�d o� <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Con�est. Trus�or m�y wi�hhold paym�n�of any�ax, a����sment, or �iaim in connec�Evn wi�h � gvod �aith <br /> dispu�e o�er�he obliga�ion ta pay, so [ong as Lender`s in-�erest in the Praperty is no�jevpar�lized. !�a lien arises ar <br /> is fi�ed as a �esult �f nanpayment, Trustvr shali vvrthin �i�-teen ��5} days after the lien arises ar, i� a lien is �iled, <br /> v�ri�hin �ifteen ��5� days after Trus�ar has notice o��he �iling, secure fihe discharge of�he lien, ❑r if reques�ed by <br /> Lend�r, d�posit with Lender cash❑r a sufficient�orpvrate surety k�and or o�her se�uri�y satisfa��ory�a Lender in an <br /> amoun�sufficient to discharge the lien plus any c�sts and attorneys' fees, vr v�h�r charges that cauid aGcrue as a <br /> result n�a fo�-eciosur�ar sate under the lien. En any con#est, Trustar shall defend i�selfi and Lender and sha�]satis#y <br /> any ad�erse jud�men�be�are en�vr�emen'�aga�nst the Proper�y. Trus�or shali name Lend�r as an additionaE ab�igee <br /> under any sur��ty bond furnish�d in the contes�proCeedings. . <br /> E��den�e of Payment. Trustor sha[[ upon demand furnish to Lender satis�actory e�idence af payment af�he taaces <br /> vr assessments and shaf[ au�harize th� appropriate ga�ernmental ❑f�icia�ta de[i�er t� Lender a� any�ime a wri�ten <br /> s�a�ement o�th��axes and asse�sments against�he�'rop�r�y. <br /> Not�ce v�F Construction. Trustor sha11 notify Lend�r a� least fifteen ��5} days be�ore any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furn�shed, or any materials ar� supp[ied t❑ �he Property, i�any mechanic's lien, mater+aimen's Eien, ar <br /> ather lien cou[d be asser�ed on a�coun� ❑f �he wark, ser�ices, or materia[s. Trustor w�ll upon request o� Lender <br /> �urnish tv Lender ad�ance �sSurances sa�isfaG�ary ta Lender �h�� Trustor can and wiii pay the c��� a� suGh <br /> imprv�emer�fis. <br /> PR�PERTY DA�JIA�E 1N�URAN�E. Th��o�lvv�ing pr��isivns relating ta insuring the Praperty ar� a par�of this Deed a� <br /> Trust. <br /> Main#enance of Insurance. Trus�or shail procure and main�ain polic�es n� �ire insur�nce with s�andard e�c�ended <br /> co�erage endarsements vn a fair �alue�basis �or �he fu[f insurabie �alue cv�ering a!! impro�ements vn the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amoun� su�ficien-� �o a�oEd applicat�an o� any coinsuran�e clause, and wi�h a s�andard mortgagee <br /> clause in fia�or❑�Lend�r,�vgeth�r with such o�her h�zard and liabii�ty insurance as Lender may reasvnaialy r�quire. <br /> Po1��ies �ha[I be writ�en in �vrm, amoun�s, CDVEC3gES and basis re�sanab�y accep��hi� to Lende� and issued by a <br /> campany or campanies reasonabiy a�ceptable to Lender. �rus�ar, upvn reque�t r�f LenderF will d�liver t� Lender <br /> trvm time to time th� poliGies or eerti#�Ga�es of insurance in fvrm satis�ac�ary tQ Lend�r, inGluding s�ipuiativns that <br /> Go�erages wi�� nat be �ancelled or diminished withou� at least�en {�Q� days p�Evr written na�tice to Lendes�. Ea�h <br /> insuran�e pt�liGy a�sa shall include an endorsemen� pro�iding that ca�erage in fa�ar vf Lender will na� be impa�red <br /> in any way by any ac�, omission or defau[�o�Trustor ❑r any o�her persvn. 5hould the Rea1 Proper�y be Ivcated in <br /> an area designated by-�he Adminis�ra�ar a�r�he Federal Emergency Management Agen�y as a speciaE �iood hazard <br /> area, Trustflr agrees to ❑b�ain and maintain Federal Ffood Insuran�e, i� a�ailable, #crr �he full unpaid principal <br /> ba[ance of�Ch� laan and any�arivr��ens on the prnp�rty securing the [oan, up tv the m�ximurn policy Iimi�Cs se�under <br /> �he Nati�an�l Fiovd Insurance �'rvgram, ❑r as o�h�rwise required �y Lender. and �o maintain such insurance tv�r�he <br /> term v�the Ivan. <br /> App�icativn v� Praceeds. Trus�vr shall pramp�ly nQ�i�y Lender o�any loss ❑r damage tv the �'roperty. Lender may <br /> make prva�F a� loss i� Trus�Cor �a�ls �o dv sv wi�h�n �i�teen �1 a} days v� the casual�y. 1Nhe�her vr na� Lender's <br /> se�urity i� impaired, Lender may, a� Lende�r'� erection, reGei�e �nd retain the pro�eeds of any insurance and apply <br /> the prviceeds ta the reductivn of�he [ndeb��dnes�, payment ❑f any ]ien affecting the Property, ar �he restoration <br /> and repair fl��he Property. I� Lender eiects to apply�he pr�c��ds t� restaration and repair, Trustor shall r�pair �r <br /> replace th� d�maged or des�royed Empro�ements in a mann�r satisfactary tca Lender. Lender shall, upon <br /> sa#isfiac�ory praof v�F such e�penditure, pay or reimburse Trustor from �he prQc��:ds �or the reasonabie cost o� <br /> repair ar restoratian i� Trus�or is no� in de�aul� under this Deed ❑f Trust. Any proceeds whEch ha�e no� been <br /> disbursed wi�hin 18� days after their receipt and which Lender has nvt cvmmitted to �he r�pair Qr restor�tian v� <br /> the Proper�y�hall be used firs��o pay any amoun�awing �o Lend�r under�his Deed o�Trus'�, then ta p�ry accrued <br /> in�eres�, an� �he remainder, i� any, shall be �pplied to the principal balance v��h� Indebtedness. I� Lender holds <br /> any prv�eeds after payment En �ull ❑� �he Indebtsdness� such proceeds shali be paid �o Tru�tor as Trustflr's <br />