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2� 1 ��8��3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 7�'i 34�59� �C�nt��ued� Page 2 . <br /> grants tv Lender a Uni�vrm Commerciai Code securi�y interest En the Persanal Proper�y and Rents. <br /> TH15 DEED DF TRUST, lNCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS AND THE SECURITY lNTEREST [N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS GIVEN TD SECURE �A} PAYME�IIT �F THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND �6� PERFQRIVIANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL OgLIGAT[�N5 UNDER THE NQTE, THE RELATED DQCUIVIENT�, AND THIS DEED �F TRUST. THiS <br /> DEED�F TRL�ST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED DN THE F�LL�IIUING TERIIl15: <br /> PAY�UlENT AND PERF�R�IIANCE. Except as o�hervuise pra�ided in this Deed o� Trust, Trusto� shall pay t� Lender all <br /> amounts secured by this Deed o� Trust as they hecame due, and shall s�ri�-t�y and in a timsly manner p�rform a�� of <br /> Trustor's obligations unde��the Note,this Deed vf Trust, and the Related Documen�s. <br /> P�5SE5SIDN AND MAiNTENANCE QF THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees that�Trustar's pvssession and use v� �he <br /> Pr�perty sha[f be go�erned by the fallowin� pro�isions: <br /> Passession and f�se. Until the vccurrence of an E�en� of Defau[�, Trustor may {�} remain in possession and <br /> control a��he Property; �2y use, ❑pera�e or manag�the Propertyr and {3� collec�t the Rents�rom the Pr�perty. <br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trustar shall maintain the Pr�Perty in gaod �andition and pr�mptly perform aE[ repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to preser�e Ets�alue. <br /> Cvmpliance With Environmental Laws. Trus�or r�presents and warran�s tv Lender�hat: ��} During �he p�riod o� <br /> Trus�ar's owne�ship v�the Property,�there has been nv use, generation, manu�a�ture, stvrage, �reatment, dispasal, <br /> release ❑� threatened release o� any Ha�ardous Subs�ance by any persan on, under, about ❑r �rnm the Property; <br /> {2} Trus�or has no knowledge of, or reason to b��ie�e that ther� has been, except as pre�iousfy dEsc�osed �o and <br /> acknowE�dged by Lender in writing, �a} any �reach or �iolation o# any En�irvnmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generatian, manu�acture, storage, trea�ment, disp�sal, release ar threa�ened release ❑� any Hazardous Substance <br /> an, und�r, about or trom �he Property by any prior vwners ❑r ❑��upants vf th� Property, vr ��� any actual vr <br /> threatened litigation or claims vf any kind by any pers�n rela�ing ta su�h matters; and �3� Except as pre�ivusly <br /> discfased�o and acknowledged by Lender in writing, ta� nei�her Trustor nvr any tenan#, c�ntractvr, agent ar vther <br /> authvrized user of�he Praperty shai� use, generate, manu�actur�, s�ore, treat, dispase of vr release any Ha�ardous <br /> Subs�tance on, under, a�ou�or from the Prvperty; and �by any such ac�i�ity shaf! be conducted in campliance with <br /> a!! applicable �Federal, stat�, and local laws, �-egulations and ordinan�es, including withou� limitatian all <br /> En�ironmenta! Lav►rs. Trustor au�hori�es Lend�r and its agents ta enter upon the Property to make such <br /> snspecttons and tests, at T�us�or's expens�, as Lend�r may deem appropriat� ta de�ermsne camp4ian�e o� the <br /> Property wi�h this sec�ivn of the aeed �� Trust. Any inspe�tions ar tes#s made by Lender shall be tor Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and shall not be cvnstrued tv �reate any responsibili�y vr Eiability an the part vf Lender to Trus�or vr <br /> to any ❑ther p�rson. The representations and warranties cvn�ained hereEn are based on Trustar's due di[igence En <br /> inWestigating the Prvper�y f�r Ha�ardous Subs�ances. Trustor hereby ��} releas�s and waiW�s any �uture c[aims <br /> aga�nst Lender�or indemnity ❑r con�ribu�ivn in the e�ent Trust�r becvmes �iahle �ar c�eanup or oth�r �osts under <br /> any such �aws; and ��f agrees to Endemni�y, d��end, and hald harm�ess Lender against any and aIl c�a�ms, iosses, <br /> fiaf�ifitEes,damages, penalties, and expenses whiGh Lender may direc�iy or indire�t[y sustain ar su��er r�su�ting-Fram <br /> a breaGh o�this sect�on o��he Deed o��rus� vr as a consequence of any use, generation, manufac�ure, starage, <br /> disposal. release vr th�eatened release occurring prior to Trust�r's ownership vr interest in th� Property� whether vr <br /> not the same was or should haWe been known t❑ Trustor. The pr��isions v� this s�c�ion of the Deed ❑� Trust, <br /> including the o�[igatian tv indemni�y and defend,shall sur�i�e�he payment o��h� Indebtedness and the satisfactian <br /> and reGon�eyan�e of the l�en of this De�d o�Trust and shaii not i�e affected by Lender's acquisi�ian a�any interest <br /> in the Praperty, whefih�r by��reclosure❑r otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Nas#e. Trus�ar shall no� cause, conduc� or permit any nuisance nor �ommit, permi�, ar su��er any <br /> stripping ❑� ❑r was�e ❑n vr to i�he Property or any port�on of the Property. V1ii�hout limiting the genera�ity ❑�F the <br /> fvregoing, Trustor will not remvWe, or gran�to any other par�y the right�❑ remo�e, any timber, minerais �inciud�ng <br /> oil and gas�, coa�, clay,scoria, soE�, gra�e!or rock products wi�hout Lender's privr writ�en consent. <br /> Removal of Impro►►em�nts. Trustar shall not demolish or rema�e any imprv�ements�rom the R�al Property wi�hou� <br /> Lender's prior wri�ten cvnsent. As a conditi�n to the remv�al ❑f any [mprvWements, Lender may require Trustor�to <br /> mak� arrangemen�s satis�actory to Lender tQ rep[ace such lmpro�ements with lmpro��ments o� at [east equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right#o Enter. Lender and Lender`s agents and representa�i�es may enter upon �he Real Property at all <br /> reasonabl� times tv attend t� Lender's in�erests and �o inspe�� the Rea! Property �vr purpos�s of Trus�or's <br /> compliance with the terms and canditivns of this Deed❑�Trus�. <br /> �Compliance wi�h Go�ernmental Requiremen�s. Trus-�or shall promptfy comply with ali �aws, ❑rdinances, and <br /> regulati�ns. naw ar herea#te� in effect, of all ga�ernmentai authvrities app�icable t❑ the use �r oG�upancy ��the <br /> Property. Trustor may cantes�in good faith any such law, ardinance, or regula�ion and w�thhold compliance during <br /> any proceeding, including appropria�e appea�s, so long as Trustar has notified Lender in writing priar t� doing sa <br /> and s❑iong as, in Lender's sv�e vpinion, Lender's in�erests in�he Pr�perty are no�jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustor to past adequate security vr a surety bond, reasvnab�y sa�isfactvey to Lend�r,to pro�ec�Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Protec�. Trustar agrees neither �o abandon vr lea�e unattended the Property. Trus�ar shall da a�l o�her <br /> acts. in addi�ivn ta�hvse a�ts set for�h abo�e in�his sec��on, which fram the character and use vf�he Prvperty are <br /> reasanably nec�ssary tv p�a�e��and preserv�th� Property. <br />