` 2� 1 ��85�8
<br /> 3. Tr�.ns�.�t bus�ness �f any k�nd regard�ng the Loar�s, as the �`rustee'� a�t and c�eed, to
<br /> cor�t�act fo�-, purchase, recei�e and take �aS5�5S1.(]1.7. axld e�idence of t�t�� �n an.d to the
<br /> Prope��ty and�o�•ta secure p�.y�nent af a�rorn�ssory note or��rfar.mance of a-���b��gatx�n o�
<br /> agreexx��nt relating thereto.
<br /> 4. Execute, �amp�et�, �ndorse or fi�e bands, notes, mar�gages, deeds of trust and ot���r
<br /> co�t�racts, agre��ne�zts and instru�nents xegardi�lg t�1e borr�vvers andl�r the Property,
<br /> �nc�udi��.g but not ���nited to the ex�cu���n of estoppe� certxf�cates, f�nanc��zg statements,
<br /> canti�zuat�on statemen�s, re�eases, satisfacti�n�, reconveyances, assi�mznents, loan
<br /> ��.odxf�cat�or� agreem�nts� payment p�a�ls, u�aiver�, conse�lts, axnendments, forb�arance
<br /> agreem�nts, loan assum.pt�on agree�nents, subordinat�on agree�nents, property adj ustment
<br /> agreements, ��anag�lnent agree��.�nts, ��st�ng ag�ee��ents, purchase and sa�e agr�e�nents,
<br /> short sa�e t�ansact�ons a�.d other �nstru�nents pertain�ng ta znar�gages ar deeds of trust, and
<br /> e�ecutian of deeds a�zd asso��ated �nstruments, �f any, co��eyi.ng the �ropert�, �n th�
<br /> �nterest of the Trustee.
<br /> 5. Endars� o�. b��.a�f of th� undersigned a11 che�ks, drafts andlor ather r�ega�iab�� �nstruments
<br /> rnade pa�a���ta the unders�gnec�.
<br /> �. E�ecut�a���docu�nent or�erfor�n any act�n conne�ti�n w�th th� ad�n�n�strat�an�f any PMI
<br /> pali�y �r LPMI p���cy, ha2ard or �the� insurance clai�r� re�at�ve ta th� Laans �r related
<br /> Property. �
<br /> 7. Execute any d�cument or p�rfor�n any act describe�. �n ite��.s �3�, (4�, and �S} �n connect�on
<br /> vvith the term�nat�on of any Tr�st as necessary to transfer av�nersh�p of the affected Loans
<br /> to the entit� �or zts des�gnee or assignee} passessin� the r�g��t to �btain ownership af t��e
<br /> Loans.
<br /> S. Subord�nate the ixen of a �nor�gage, deed af trust, ar deed or other s�cur�ty �nstrurnent t�
<br /> secure debt ��� for the purpos� af ref�nan��ng ��a�1s, �vvh�re ap��xcable, or �ii� t� an
<br /> easement xn favar of a pu��ic utilit� company �r a g�vernm�nt agenc� o� unxt w�th pav�e�rs
<br /> of em�.nent d��na�n, including but not iimited to the �xe�utxo�. af par�ial satxsfactions and
<br /> r�Xea.ses and�artia� reconveyances reas�nab�� requ�red fflr �uch pu�rpos�, and th� e�ecut�on
<br /> or�-equests ta the trustees to ac�o�nplish the san1�.
<br /> �. ��nvey the Property to the�nnr�gage �nsu�rer, or c�ose the t�t�e to the Property to be a�qu�red
<br /> as rea� �state ow�.ed, or conv�y t�t�e to rea� estate ov�ned prop��ty�"RE�I�r�perty").
<br /> 1�. Execut� ar�d de��ver any d��u�.nentat�on w�th respect t� the �ale, ma�ntenance, preservat�on,
<br /> ren��rat�on, r��aair, d�mo��t�on �r �t��r d.ispos�t��n, of �E� Propert� a�quired th�rough a
<br /> fareclosure or deed-zn--��eu of fore��osure, inc�uding, with�ut ��znitat��n: perm�ts,
<br /> remed�at��n ��ans or agree�nents, certifxcations, co�np�iance cert��cates, heai�h and safety
<br /> certif�cat�ons, ��sting agreement�; purchase and. sa�e agr�e�nents; grant 1 lx���tec� or spec�aX
<br /> warranty 1 qu�t c�a��n deeds or an� �the� deed, but n�t g�nexa� warra�nty ��eds7 caus�ng the
<br /> transf�r of t�t�e of the property to a party c�ntra�ted to puzchase sam�; escro,w �nstructx�ns;
<br /> and an�and a�� d�cu�-nents necessary t� eff�ct t11e transf�r of RE�Propert�.
<br />