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� - � 2� 1 ��85�8 <br /> ��cument drafted by and <br /> ���RDI�T�REQUEST`ED BY: <br /> SN Serv�c�ng �orporat�o�7 <br /> 3�3 ���1 Str�et,Eure��.a, �1-� 955�1 <br /> �FA�E AB�VE THIS LINE F�R RE��RDER'S U SE <br /> I�INII7[`�I]]P�'�E���`ATT[]�NEY <br /> 'T`he trusts �dent�.f�ed on the at�ached S�hedule A (the "Trusts"�� by and th�ough <br /> U.S. �Bank Trust N�tion�I Ass����.ti��, a r�atx�nal ba�_l�ing associatio�. argan�zed and e��stin� <br /> under t�ie laws of the Un�ted Stat�s and havi�lg ar�. aff��e at <br /> 6�L�vin�ston Av��ue, EP-MN-WS3I�,St. Pau�,NIN 5 S 107, not �n its xnd�v�dua� capacxty but <br /> so�e�y as Trust�e �"Trustee"�, h�reby canst�tutes and appo�nts SN S�rvxc��.g �ar�o�ation <br /> �"Ser�icer"�, and �n a.ts narne, afaresa�d Attorne�--In-�Fa�t, b� and thraugh any offxcer appo�ntec� <br /> by the Board af D�re�tars of Ser��cer, to execute ar�d ac��nov�ledge �n wri��ng or by fa�simile <br /> star�p a�l d�cum.ents custa�narily and reasona�ly necessary and a�propr�ate f�r th� tasks <br /> des�ril�ed in the item� �1) through �1�� bel�w; provided howev��, that �a} th� docu��aents <br /> des�r�b�d b�X�w nlay on�y be e�ecutec� and del�vered by such Atta�•n.eys--In-Fact xf such <br /> docurn�nts are requ�red �r per��.�tte�. un�.er the ter�ns of the re�ated se��c�ng agreernents, (b� a�1 <br /> actions ta�en by Ser���er pursuar�t to t�1is Limited.Pov�er of Attox�z�y must b� in acco�dance�rith <br /> Fed�ral, Stat� and �oca� �avvs and pr�cedures, as app�icab�e and �c�n�p�Vver xs granted h�r�under <br /> to take an� actian that��uld be erther advers�to the �n�te�rests af��r be �n the naxn� �f�J.S. Bank <br /> Trust Natiana� A.ssaciat�on �n its ind��idua� capa�it�. This Li�nited Pov�er af Attorne� �s be�ng <br /> issued in c�nnectron with S�rvicer's respon�xb���t�es to serv�ce certain �no�rtgage Ioans �the <br /> "L�ans"� held by th� Truste�. These L�ans are secur�d by col�ateral co���r�sed af�nortgages, <br /> deed� of trust, deeds ta se�ure debt and �the� forms of se�ur�ty znstruments �co�lect��ely the <br /> "Se�ur�t� Instruments"} encu�nber��g any and �l� r�a� a-�d pers�na� praperty de��nea��d therein <br /> �the"propert�'�) a�zd�he Notes s�curec�thereby. P�ease refer�o Schedule A atta�hed her�to. <br /> 1. Demand, �ue for, recover, ca��ect and r�ce�ve ea�h and every su�n of mon�y, debt, acc�unt <br /> and �nterest ��hich no�v xs, �r hereaf�er sha�� l�ecozne due and payab��� be�o�zgi�lg to or <br /> c�aim�d by the Trustee, and to use or tak� an� �awfu� means for reco�ery by ��gal �racess <br /> or otherwi�e, �nc�udzng but not ��m.�ted to th� substxtut�o�z �f trustee serving under a Deed of <br /> Trust, the pr�parat�an and �ssuance af statements of breach, notx�es af defau�t, andlor . <br /> not���s of sa�e, ac�ept�ng deeds �n ��eu af fore���sure, ev��t�ng �ta the extent a�lov�ed i�y <br /> federa�, state �r lo�a� 1aws� fareclos�ng on the propert�es under the Se�ur�ty Instrum.ents by <br /> j������X �r nor�judi��a1 fore��osurP, �.ctio��s for t�mporary r�stra��.i�.� ord�rs, inj��.�t��ns, <br /> ap�aint�n�nts of receiver, su�ts for Waste, fra�d and any and a1� ath��r toz-�, contractua� ar <br /> ver�f��atxons in support thereaf, as ma�be �Zecessar� ��r advisa�le in an�banl�ruptcy act��n, <br /> state or fed�ral su�t ar any other actxon. . <br /> �. Execute andlor f�1e s�.ch docu�r�ents and ta1�e such ot�er action as is pr�per and necessar�to � <br /> defend the T�rustee in litigation and ta r�so��e any ��tigation v�here the Ser�vicer has an <br /> obligat�on to d�fend the�e, in�lud�ng b�t not �imxted to C�15I1�.1.55�.�., ter�ni�.ati�n, <br /> cance�Iat�on,res�iss�or�and sett�exnent. <br />