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2� 1 ��8552 <br /> Any appli�ation af payments, insuranc�pro�eeds, �r M�scei�aneous Praceeds ta prin��pal due under the No�e <br /> sha�l nat ext�nd or p�stpone the du�date, or change the amoun�, af the Per�odic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds far Escraw I��ms. B�rravver shal�pay to Lender on�he day Per�od�c Paymen�s are due under the <br /> N�te, untii the Note�s paid in fu��, a sum�the "Funds"}�a pr��rxde for payment af amaunts due for: �a�taxes <br /> and assessments and o�her items wh�ch can a�tain pri�r�ty ov�r�his Secur�ty Ins�rumen� as a lien or <br /> encumbrance on�he Pr�p�r��; �b}�easeh��d pa�rments or ground rents on�he Praper��, �f any; (c}premiums <br /> for any and a�l insurance required by Lender under S�c�ion 5; and�d� Mar�gage Insuran��premiums, if an�, <br /> or an�r sums payable by Borrower�o Lender in��eu of the paymen�of M�r�gage Insuranc�premiums in <br /> accardance w��h�h�pro�isions of�e�t�on ��. These�tems ar�called "Escrow �tems." A�or�gination or a� <br /> an�r time during�he�erm af t�ie Loan, Lender may require�ha�Commun��y As�oc�at�on Dues, Fe�s, and <br /> Ass�ssmenfs, if any, be escr�wed by Barrower, and su�h dues, fees and assessmen�s shall be an Escraw <br /> ��em. Borr�wer shali prampt�y furni�h t�Lende�al� n���ces of amounts�a be paid under this Section. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender�he Funds f�r Escrow �tems unless Lender waiv�s Borrower's ob��gatian to pay <br /> the Funds for any or a11 Escrow ��ems. Lender may wai�e Borrower's abliga�ion�o pa�r to Lender Fund� f�r <br /> any ar a��`Escrow Items a�an�time. Any su�h wai�er may on�y�e�n wr���ng. in the event of such vva�v�r, <br /> Bonrower shali pay directly, �vhen and v�her�payab�e, �he am�unts du�for an� Escrow Items far which <br /> payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, �f Lender requires, sha.11 furnish�� Lender receipts <br /> e�iden�ing su�h paymen�within such t�me p�rio�.as L�nder may requ�re. Borrawer's abliga�ion to make <br /> such paymen�s and to pro�ide receip�s sha�I fnr ali purposes be deemed�o be a co�enant and agreement <br /> cantained in this 5ecurit� Instrument, a5 the phrase "�ovenant and agreement" is used in Sec��on�. If <br /> Borrower�s obl�gated���ay Es�row I�ems directly, pursuan�to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay�he <br /> amount due for an Escraw ��em, L,ender ma�ex�rc�s�i�s righ�s under Se�t�on 9 and pay such am�un�and <br /> Borrower sha11�hen be abligated under Section 9�o repay�o I.�nd�r any such amoun�.. Lender may re�oke <br /> �he waiver as to an�ar aIl Escrow I�en�a�any time by a na��ce given in a�cordance wi�h Sect�on �S and, <br /> upon such revocat�on, Barrower sha11 pay to L�nder a11 Funds, and in such amoun�s, that are then requir�d <br /> �nder thi� Se�t�on 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time, collec�and ho�d Funds in an amflunt�a� suffic�en�ta pern�rit Lender to appiy the <br /> Funds at th�time spec�fied und�r RESPA, and ��}not�fl exceed�he max�mum amount a lender can requ�re <br /> under RESPA. Lender shal�es�imate the amaunt�f Funds due an�he�as�s af�urrent data and reasonab�e <br /> es�imates of expenditures of future Escra�v �tems or��herwise in accardance with App�icab�e Law. <br /> The Funds shal�be held �n an instituti�n whase deposi�s are insured by a federal agenc�, instrumentaiity, vr <br /> en��ty (�ncluding Lender, if I.�nder�s an ins�i�ution whose deposits ar�so insured} or in any Federa� �om�.e <br /> I.oan Bank. Lender sha��appl�the�unds t�pay the Escrow �tems no Ia�er than�he t�me sp�cif�ed under <br /> RESPA. I.�nder sha.11 no��harge Borrower for hold�ng and a�plying th�Funds, annua�ly anal�z�ng�he <br /> escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Zterns, un�ess Lender pays Borrawer interes��n the Funds ar�d <br /> App�icable Law permits I.end�r to mak�such a�harge. Unless an agreemen��s made in writing or <br /> Applicable Lavv requires �n�erest�o be paid an the Funds, Lend�r sha�� not be require�.�o pay Borro��r any <br /> inter�s�ar earnin�s on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agre��n wri�ing, hov�e�er, �ha�interes�s�a��be <br /> paid on�he Fund�. Lender sha��gi��tn Bflrrawer, w�thau�charge, an annua� accounting of�he Funds as <br /> requi re�by �.�5 PA. <br /> �f there�s a surplus af Funds he�d �n escro�r, as d��ned under��SPA, Lender shall account to Borrawer for <br /> the e�.cess funds in accardance with RESPA. �f th.ere�s a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha��notxfy Borrower as required by R�SPA, and Borraw�r sha��pa� ta Lender�he amoun� <br /> necessar��o make up the shartage in accardance with RESPA, hut in no more than 1�mon�hly payments. �f <br /> there�s a de�ciency of Funds he�d �n escraw, as defined under R.ESPA, L.�nder shal� notify Borrawer as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3Q28 71�j <br /> VMP� VMP6fNE1{�3023 <br /> Walters Ktuwer Financiai Ser�ices Page 5❑��7 <br />