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2� 1 ��848� <br /> �4��1��V l�E�l�' �F REN�CS <br /> ���nti�1U��� Page 3 <br /> or aecam�nodation party of any of the Indeb#edness or any�u�rantor, endars�r, suTety, or accammodativr� party <br /> dies aT becomes in�ornp�terit, or revokes or disputes the r�al�dity of, or iia�il it�+ u nder, �ny Guaranty af the <br /> Indebtednes�. <br /> Adverse Ch�nge. A mater�al adverse �hange occurs f n �rantar's finanaal conditian, or L�nder belie�es th� <br /> prospect of payment or perf�rrnance of the Indebtedness is im�aired. <br /> �nsec�rity. Len�er in good faith believes itself fnsecure. <br /> RI�NTS AN D �t��I�DI ES�N DEFAI]LT. iJpvr�the occurrence of any�vent af Default and a#any time thereafter, Lender <br /> may ex�rcEse�r�y one or more of the follo�ing rights�nd rernedies,�n addition to any other righ�s or remedies prov[�ed <br /> by law: <br /> Ac�e�e��te [nt�ebtedness. Lender sha11 F�ave the righ t at its option tv declare the �r�ti re Indebtedness immediate�y <br /> d ue an��ayable,in c��di ng any pre payment�e�a Ity th a t G rantar wvu Id be required to pay. <br /> Co�lect Rents. �ender shall have the ri�F�t, without notice to Grantor� fo ��ke possession of fhe P�'ope�#�r an� <br /> coilect the R�nts� incauding amounts Past due and unpaid, a�d appiy t�e net proceecis, over and above L�nder's <br /> Cfl5f5, against the Indebtedness. In f�rthera�nce of ffnis tight� [.en�er si�all have �11 the rights }�rovided for in the <br /> Lender's Right ta Re�eir�e and Col[ect Ren�s Sect�on, abave. If the Rents are coflected by Lender� tfnen �rantor <br /> irrevocabay desjgna�es L�nder as Gran�or's attarney-in-fact to endvrse �nstrumenfs received in payrnent thereof in <br /> the name of Gr2�ntor and to negotia�e #�e same and collec��he proceeds. Payments by tenanf�or otFter usets to <br /> Le�der in response to l.ender's demand sha�l satisfy the obligations for which the p�yments are matle,wF�e�her ar <br /> n ot any proper grounds for the dema n� exis ked. Lend�r may exe�cise its righ ts unde r th is subparagra�� eith er in <br /> �erson�by agent,or th�ough a receiver. <br /> �ther Rernedies. Lender shall have a11 othe� rights a�d remedies provided in this �ssig�rnent or the Na�e or by <br /> Iav�r. <br /> �tectjon of l�ernedies. El�ction by Ler�der to pu�sue any remedy shall not exclude pursuit of any other rernedy, and <br /> an election ta make expenditures ar to�a�Ce action tio per�orrn an obligafion af�rar�tor unde�khis llssignrner�t,af�er <br /> G rantvr's f�il ure to pe rform,shall not af fe ct�erider's righ t ta declare a default and exercise f ts remedies. <br /> Attorne�s' Fees; Ex�enses. Zf l.ender�nstitutes any sui�or a��ian to enforce any of the t�rms of ihis l�ss�gnment, <br /> L�nder shal� b�entitled ta reaov�r such sum as the court may adjudge re.asanabl�as attarneys' fees at#�ial and <br /> upon any appeal. Whet�er or r�ot �r�y cou�t action �s invol�ed, ar�d to t�e extent nat pr�hi bited by [aw, a11 <br /> reasonab�e expenses �ender incurs that in Lende�� opinifln are necessary at any time far the pro#ection of its <br /> interes�or the enforc.emen�of its rights shall be�ome a pa�rt of ffne I�d�btedness payable on demand and sha[I bear <br /> interes�at the 1�1ot�rat�fram the date of the expenditure until repaid. �x�er�ses oavered by tf�is��ragraph inefude, <br /> �rithout limita#ion, ho�nr�ver sUbj�ct ta any Iirnits under appCicable law, Lende�s attornEys' fees and Lend��s lega� <br /> expenses, whe�her or r�ot ther� is a la�vsu�t, incl udin� attarneys' f�es and �x�enses for bankn�ptcy proc�edings <br /> �includi�ng effarts to mvdify or wacate any sutomatic stay or injun�tion�� ap�eals,and any anticip�ted past jut�gment <br /> callection servive�� the cost af s�arch�ng records� abt��r�jng#itle r�ports �including foreclosure reportsy,surveyors' <br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees for#�e Trustee, ta the exter�t permitted by appl ica�le l�vv. <br /> Gr�ntar also wi[1 pay any court costs� in addition to�1�other s�ms provided E�y i�w, <br /> ELEC'�R�N[C CaPIES. Lend�r may copy, eleclranical[y ar ❑therv�is�, and thereafter destroy, ihe originals af tf�is <br /> Agreement andlor Related Doc�m�nts in the regular course of Lender's business. AII sucF� copies �roduced fr�m an <br /> electronic for� or�y any oth er r�liable mea ns ti,e., photog r�phic irnage vr fa�csimile}sE�afl in all respe cts be cvnsi�ered <br /> equivalent to an vriginal, ar�d Borrower her�by waiWes any rig�ts or objectEans to the use of suc� c�pies. <br /> MIS�ELLANE�US PROVI5ION5. The foElow�r�g rniscellaneaus provis�vns are a part of this Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This �ssignmenk, ta�ether wit� any R�lated Documents: constitutes th� entire understand�n� and <br /> agreement o� the parti�s �s to the rna�ters set fv�th in th�s Assignment. Na aEter�tion of or arnendmenk to fhis <br /> Assignment s�all be efiective unless g�ven �n writir�g and sign�d by t�e party or parties sought to be char�e� or <br /> bound by the alteration or amendment. <br /> Capt�on Head�ngs. �aption head�ngs in ti�is Assignm�nt are for convenience purposes only and are nat tv be used <br /> lo in�erpret or de#ir�e the prov�sions af thfs Assignment. <br /> Goverr�ing Law. 7h�s Asslgnment w1I1 be g�vexned by �ederal law �pplicabl� to ��nder ��d� to the Qxccnt not <br /> p reempted by federa I law, the ]aws of the S tate ot Nebras ka with vut regard ta its confl�cts of law Provis�on$. 7his <br /> Assignment has been accepted by Lender In the State of t�ebraska. <br /> Chaice o�1lenue. �f�here is a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upor� Len�e�s req�ces�to subm�t to the jurisdicfian of the <br /> courts Qf Hala County,5tate of Nebr�sit�. <br /> .?olnt and Several Liab�l ity. A�I obliga�ions of Grantor u�der this Assig nment shall be�of�t and severaf� and all <br /> referer�ces ta Grant�r shali rnean each and every �rar�tar. This means that ea�h �rantor signing befouv is <br /> responsible for all obli�ations i n t�is Assign ment. <br /> Merger. 7here sh2�ll be n� merger of the int�rest or estate creafed by this Assignment with a�y other interest ar <br /> �stat�i�#he property�t any t�rne held by or for the b�neft ot Lender in any ca��c�t�,wikhoct�the written consent <br /> of�end�r. <br /> [nterpretation. {1} in all cases wFtere there i� mare th�n one �orrorMc;r o� Grantor, t�en all words used in this <br /> Assigt�ment in f he singular sF�all be deem�d�o have been used i n the P�ur�!v�rhere th e contex#and constru�tio� so <br /> require. �2} I�mar�th an one peTson signs this Assignment as"�rantvr�"the flbl igations of each�rantor are joir�t <br /> and sever�l. �his means that if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one or more of the Granfars. If <br /> �orrawg��nci�r�antvr a«v r��t thv s�ma pvC�or�,Lrsndrsr ridc�d not�uc�Borrowor iirst,�r�d thot[3arrowor rYc��sd no�bv <br /> jof ned in �ny (�wsu it. �3) The names Siven tv paragraphs ar sections i� th is AssZg nment are fvr cor�venience <br /> purpvses oniy.They are not to be used to�nterptet or def,ne the provisions of ih is Assign ment. <br /> N o U�la�ver b�r �ender. �e�der sfna�l �al be deemed tv have wa i�ed any rig hts urtder th[s Assignmen�u nless suci� <br /> waiver is given in writing and sIg n ed by Lender, �!a d�la}�or omission on tk�e pa rf o f�ender�n exercising any rign t <br /> shal� vperate as a vvatver of suc� right ar any other righk. A waiver �y Lende�of a pravisfon af this Assignment <br /> sha 11 �ot prejudice or co nsti kute a uva iver af Lender's rig�t o ther�rise tv d�man� stri ct compliance w ith tha t <br /> prov�slor� or any other�ravisian of t�is Assignment, No prior wa�ver by Lender,nor any course of cfealing between <br /> te�der and �rantor, s h all con stif u#e a wa iver of ar�y of Lender's rights or of any of G�a ntor's ab�i�ations as to any <br /> future trar�sacfions. 1Nhenever the cansent of �e�d�r is required u�nder this Assignment� t�e granting �f such <br /> eonsent 6y Lender ir� any instance sfnall �ot constitute �ontin�cing co�sent to su�sequen� �t�stances where su�h <br /> consent is re�uired an��n all cases such consen�mayr be granted or u+lithhe[d in the sole discretion of Lender. <br /> Notices. Any notice required ta be giWen u�der this Assig�m�nt sh�ll be given in writin�, a�d shall be effective <br /> when actually deli�erecf, when actually recei�ed by tel�facsimil� �unless flti�e�-v�rise rec�uired by la�}, when <br /> deposited with a nationafly recogni�ed oWernight courier,or,if mailed,vv�en depvsited in the United States mail,as <br /> f rs#class, cer#if ed or regist�red rnail postage pfepa�d� d�rected to the addresses shown near the begin ning af this <br /> Ass�gnme�t. �Iny party may cl�ange ifs eddress for �atices under this Assignment E�y giving formaC vvritten noti�e <br /> to the othe� parties, s�ecifying that the purpose af the notice �s to c�ange the paKy's address, For notice <br />