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2� 1 ��848� <br /> ASSIGNhI�ENT OF l��[�TS <br /> �Cot�ti��eC�� Page � <br /> defau�t shal! have occurred under this Assignment, to�allect and rgce�We the�e�ts. For tfnis purpos�, Lender is F�ereby <br /> given and granted the fallowing rights, powers and aut�vrity: <br /> No#ice to Tenants. Lender may send natices to any and all tenants o� the Praper#y advising them of ihis <br /> Assign�ent�nd ditecting all Re�ts to be paid directCy ta Lender or Lender's agent. <br /> �nter the Proper�y. Lender may enker��on and take p�ssessiar� af the Pra�erty;der�and,collec�and receive from <br /> �i�e kenants or fram any vther pers�ns liab�e fher�for, all of the R�nt�; ir�sti�ute and carry an all legal pro�eedings <br /> necess�ry far the protectivn of fhe Property, incfuding sucf� proceedings as rnay be necessaty to recover <br /> passession af�he Property;collect�he Rents and rer�ov�an�tenant or ter�ants or ather persans from the Property. <br /> Maintaln the Property. Ler��e�may enter upan the Praperly to mair�tain the Praperty and lceep the same i� iepair; <br /> to pay ti�e casts thereof and af all services of a!! err�pt�yees, including their equipment,and of all continuing casts <br /> and expenses of maintai�ing the Property in proper repa�r and conditior�,and also tv p�y a11 tax�s, assessments an� <br /> water u�ilities,and the prem�ums or�firc and other insurance effected b�r Lender ori tf�e Property. <br /> Campliance �rvith Laws. Lender may do an}r and �Il things to execute and �amply with the laws of the Slate of <br /> Nebr�ska and also all other laws, rul�s, orders, ordinances a�nd re��irements of all other gvvernmen�a[ agencies <br /> a�iect�ng the Properfy. <br /> Lease the �roperty. l.e�der m�}r rent or lease the r�v�ol�or�ny part�f th� Properi}+for such kerm❑r terms ar�d on <br /> such cor�ditions as Lender may deem appropriate. <br /> �mploy Agents. Lender may engage su�h ��ent or ag�nfs as Lender may deem appropriate, either in Lende�s <br /> n�rrte Or iCl G�antor's name�to rent and ma��ge the Propeny�ineluding the�o�lect�an and apPlic�t�on af Rents. <br /> ather �cts. Lender rrtay dv all such other th�ngs and acts witi� respect fo t�e Property as Lender may deem <br /> �ppropriate and may acf exclusively and solely in the place and ste�d of Grantor and ta have �II o�the powers of <br /> �ra ntor fa r�he puTposes stated above. <br /> [�v Re�uireEnent to Act. Lender shall nat be required ta do any ai the f�regoin� acfs or thin�s� and the fact that <br /> Lender shali have performed ane or more of the foregaing acfs or thangs shall not require Lender to do any�ther <br /> speciFic�ct or thing. <br /> APPLICATION OF RENTS. A!I costs and expenses incurred by Lender irt cannection with #he Propeity shall be for <br /> Grantar's acco�nt and Lender may pay such costs and expenses f�orn tk�e Re�ts. Lender, in Ets svle discretian, shaEl <br /> dete�-rani ne�he a�p�lcativn of any and �I I Rents received �y f t; hvr�rever� �ny such F�ents received �y Ler�der whi ch 2�r� <br /> not ap��ied �o sucn costs and expe�ses shall be applied to tf�e lndebtedness. Ala ex�endi�ures rnade�y Lender under <br /> t�is As�igr�ment �nd not reimbursed fram the Re�ts sha11 become a p�rt of the [ndebte�ness secur�d by this <br /> �ssi�r�ment, and shall be payable or�d�mand,�nrith interest at the Nate ra�e frorn dat�of expsnditUre until p�id. <br /> FUL,L PERFa�tI�ANCE. If Grantor pays all of the �ndebtedness wf�en ciue and otfnerwise pe�farms �fE #he aio�ig�tians <br /> irnposed upon Grantor ur�der fhis Assignment,the Nate,and the Related docu�nents, Lender shall execute and deliver to <br /> Grantor a suitable satisfactian of this Assignment and suitab�e st��ements of#err�ninatio�vf�ny f nancing statement on <br /> file evid�nci ng Lender's securiiy��teresk in the R�nts and#he Praperty. Any termination fee rec�uired by [sw shall be <br /> p�id by Grantor,if p�rmif#ed by applica�le I�w. <br /> LEl�DER'S E7{PENDI'�URES. If ar�y action�r pro�eeding is cammen�ed tF�at�rould materialiy affect L�nd��s i�terest in <br /> the�'roperty or if Grantor fails ta c;omply�viti�any provision pf this Assignment or�ny Refafed Qocuments,�ncluding�uE <br /> n�#Iimlted to Grantor's fai[ure to discharge or pay when due any arnour�ts Grantor is recEuired to discharge or pay under <br /> this Assigr�rinent or any �elat�d Documen#s, Lender on �rantor's behalf may�but sh�1l n�t be obligated tay t�ke any <br /> action that �ender deems appropriate, inr�udi ng but ri�t limited to discharging ar payin� al l taxes, liens, secu rity <br /> interests,encumbrances and other claims,a�any time levied or pla�ed on the Rcnt�or tne Property and psying afl costs <br /> for insuring, mair�taining and preservi ng the Property. �1( suci� ex�en�itur�s incurred or paid by �er�der for sucF� <br /> purp�ses�ri[l th�n bear intcr�st a#the rate charged under t�e Not�from tfne date in�urr�or paid by Lender t��ha date <br /> of rep�yment by Grantor. Al[ such expenses vvill b�corne a par�of the Indebtedness and, at L�nder�s aAtion, wili �A7 <br /> be payabfe on dem�nd; ��) be 2�d�ed to the balance of the Nate�nd be appartioned amang�nd be pay�b�e vvit� any <br /> installrnent payrnents t� be�ome due during either �'i} the ter�n af any applicable insuranae policy; or �2} the <br /> �emaining term of the f�fote; or ��} i�� treated as a bal]oon paymer�t wh�ch v+,ri I( be due and payable at the Nate's <br /> ma#urity. �he Assignment�lso will secure payment o�these amounts. Suc� right shall b�e in�dditian to al[other rights <br /> and�emedies to vtirhich Lender rr�ay be entit[�d upan Default. <br /> DEFAULT. Each of the followin�,a�t Lender's option�shall cvnstitute an��ent of Default under this Assignment: <br /> Payment�?ef�uit. Grantor fails to make any payrnent w�en t��e under tf�e Indebtedness. <br /> �ther �efa��ts. �rantor fai�s to corn�ly rnrlth or to perfvrm any o�her tertn, o���ga�ion, covenar�t or cvndition <br /> eflr�tair�ed in this Assignrnent or ir� any of the ReEa�ed Documen�s or to carn�iy with or to perfo�m any ter�n, <br /> abli�ation,coven�r�t or condition contai�ed in any other agreernent between Lender and Grantor. <br /> aefauat�rt ather�a�ments. Failure oi Grantor vtirithir� tF�e time required by khis Assignmen�to make a�y payment <br /> for faxes or insurance, or any other pa�rment necessaryr to prewent fi�ing of ar ta effect�ischarge of any lien. <br /> befaujt in Favvr of Third Parties. Grantor defau�ts under any Ioan, extension ❑f crediti� se�urily agreement, <br /> purcrase ar sa�es ag�eement, or any other a�reemen�,in favor vf any other creditor ar person that may materia[[y <br /> affect ar�y of �rantor's prvpert}r or ability to perform Grantv�'s obligations Uncier this Assi�nrnent or any of the <br /> Related E�ocuments. <br /> Fa1se 5tatem e nfs. Any tirtirarranty, represEntation or stat�me n# made vr furnisheci to �ender by Grantar vr on <br /> Crantar's bel,a�f under this Assign mont or the F�elated Dvcu ments is false or misle�d�ng in any material respect, <br /> �1tt�Br C1ow�r�t th�tlme mad�or furnishad or becomes fal9e or m[slea�ing�t ony c[mv therso�tsr. <br /> aefective Collaferatization. This Assigr�ment or any af t�e Refated aocuments ceases to be in full force ar��.effe�t <br /> �includ�ng fai�ure of a�y colla#era[documen�to create a va[id an�i per�ected security interest or lien�at�ny time and <br /> far any reason. <br /> Death or Insvlvency. The death af Gra�tor�the inso�vency of Grantor�the appointmer�t of a recei�er for any part af <br /> Grantor`s praperty� any assignment for �he benefif af �reditors, any type of creditor warkaut� or the <br /> cammer�cement vf any proceeding under any bankruplcy or insa�ven�y[aws by or against Grantor. <br /> Cred�tor or Forfe�ture Proceedings. Cornmer��er'r�ent of fareclosure or �arfeiture proceedings� whether by judicial <br /> Praceeding�self help, repassessivn or any other method,by any credito�af Grantor or by any governmental agency <br /> against the Rents or any proPe�ty securi n� #he Indebtedness. Th�s ir�clucies a garn�sF�ment of any o f �rantar's <br /> acco�nts, inciud�ng deposlt acc�unts, v�rith �ender. H�wever, fhis ��en� af Default sh�l� not apply if there �s a <br /> gaad faith dispute by Grantor as to the�aEidity+or rea�onableness of the cEai�n wh�ch is the basis of the cr�ditor or <br /> forfeikure proceeding and if�rar�tor gives Lender written notice of#he cre�itot or�orfciture�raceeding and deposits <br /> witfn Lender rnonies or a sure�y bond far the creditvr fl�farfeiture praceeding,in an amount determined �y Lender, <br /> in its sv�e discretiv��as being an adec�uate reserve ar bond for the ciispute. <br /> Property Damag e or l,oss. Yhe property is 1a st, stalen�s u bsta ntia C�y�amaged�sold,ar bo rrow ed a��inst. <br /> Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the pre�eding ever�ts a�curs vvitF� respect to at�y gu�rantor, endorser, surety, <br />