2� 1 ��8485
<br /> ���D �F T�USY
<br /> �C�C�t1�lU��} Pag� T
<br /> be#�veen L�nd�r and Trustar, shall const�tute a v�aiver af any Qf Lender's r�ghts ar af any a��rustor's ❑bllgations
<br /> a�s ta a�y future transae�ions. V1Jhene�er the cansent of l.ender�s required unde�this Deed vf Yrust, the grantin�
<br /> ❑f su�� cvnsent�y Lender�n �ny i rrs#ance shall n�t con�titute cantinu ir�g consen#tv subsequent instances w�ere
<br /> such car�sent is required and in ala cases such�onsent may be granted or withhe�d in the svle discrerion�f Lender.
<br /> Severability. if a cou�of competen�jurisdictian finds �ny provision of this Deed of Trust to be i[�e��l� inWal�d, ar
<br /> Ur�enforceable es#o any person or cir�umstance,that finding sha�l not rr�ke tF�e affendin�provisio�illeg�f,in�alid,
<br /> or unen�arceable as#o any other p�rson ar ci rcurnstance. If feasible, the of�endi ng provision sha11 he aonsidereci
<br /> modiFied so tY�a�it becomes Ie�al� �ralid and enforc�able. lf the offendin� pro�isi�n�annot be so modifed,it shall
<br /> be cons�dered �eleted frorn t�is Deed of Trust. Unless otl�erwis� required by law, the ilEegality, invafidity, or
<br /> unenforee�bility af a�y provisivn of this deed of Trus�sf�a�I not afFect the lega�Ety,validity❑r e�farceabflity of any
<br /> ot�er prav�sifln of this D�e�d of Trust.
<br /> Success�rs an�Assig ns. Su bject to an�lim itatior�s stated in this Qeed af Trusk an tran�fer o f Tr�rstvr's interes�,
<br /> t�is �eed�f TrusE sf�aal b� bir��in� uPon and ir�ure ta tF�� benefit af the parties, �heir successors and assigr�s. If
<br /> ownership of the Prope�ty becornes vested in a person other than Trustvr� Lend�r� �nrithaut natice ta Trustor, may
<br /> dea�wi�h Trustor's successors with reference to th�s a�ed�f�rust and the lndebt�dness by way of forbearance o�
<br /> exkensian without releasing Trusto�f�om the obli�atians of this Dee�of Trust ar liability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> fime Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence In the performance af this Qeed af Trust,
<br /> V�aive Jury. Alj par#�es ta this Deed of Trust hereby vvairre t�e right to any jury trial in any a�tiar�, proceed�r�g, or
<br /> count�rciaim bra�ght by any party agatnst any ot�er part�.
<br /> Vwa[ver of Kvmestead �xemptian. Trcastor hereby releases and �rv�iv�s a11 rights and benefits of the homesfead
<br /> exe�n�tion laws af the St�te o�NebrasKa as to�[l Indebtedness secure�E�y this Qeed of��ust.
<br /> a��INI7I�NS. 7F�e folivwing capitalized wor�s and terms sh�ll have��e follov�i�g meanings when used in this aeed of
<br /> Trus�. U n[ess sp ecifica IIy s�af ed to the cv ntrary, all iefe rences ta do�lar amo u nts sha11 mean amou nts in !aw fu I mon ey
<br /> �� the United S�ates of America. 111�vrds and terms used in the singufar snall inc�ude the plu��l, and the plu�al sF�afl
<br /> inc[ude the singula�r� as the conkext may require. 1111ords and ferms nof vt�er�rise defined in t�is Deed of�rusi sf�a�[
<br /> have��e mean�ngs a ttr�buted�❑ such te rm s in the lJniforrti Co m m�rcia!Ca�e:
<br /> Beneficia ry, Ti�e v�rard "B enef�c ia�ry"rnea ns First Nativn al B�nk of Ornaha,and its su ccessors and assig n s.
<br /> Bvrrower. The ward "Borrawer" me�ns A[vin A Avery and Teresa K �lvery and includes 2��1 co-sigr�ers and
<br /> co-makers sig ning th e Nate and a!I thei�s�accessars and assig n s.
<br /> aeed af�'rust. Yhe vtirords "peed of Yrust" mear� this Deed of Trus� arnong Trustar, Lender, and �'rustee, and
<br /> incEudes withou t 1im i�ation all assig nrrte�t a nd se cu rity intere�t pravislons rel�ting ko tfne Personal Property and
<br /> I�ents.
<br /> Qefau�#. �'he�ro�d "Defaul�"means t[�e �efa�al�set fortfn in this Deed of Trust in tf�e section�it�ed "Qefault".
<br /> Er�v�ronmenta� L�ws. The word s "�nviro�m ental L.avvs" mean any a nd all sta te, federaC and lac2�l st�tu kes�
<br /> regulations and ardinances rel�ting to the protec#ion of huma� heallh or the envi�onment, including w�tE�ou�
<br /> lim itati�n th e �om�reher�sive Envirvnmental F�esponse, Campensation, ��d Li�b il it� Act ❑t 19 8 D, as a m en�ed, 4 2
<br /> U.S.C. Section 9�0�, et se�. �"CER�l.A"}, the Superfunci Amenc�mer�ts and Rea�thorization 1�ct vf�986, pub. L.
<br /> �Vo.99-499 �"SARA''},the Ha�ardous I�aterials Transportaiivn Act�49 V.S.C.Sec�ian �8�'i, et seq.,the Resaurce
<br /> Canserv�tion and Reco�rery A ct� 4� U.S.C, S ecfiv� 6 9 0'1, et seq.� or other�ppl�c�bie sta�e or federal f aws, rules�
<br /> or regulat�ans adopfe�p�rsuanf thereto.
<br /> Event of Defau[#. Th�wor�s"Ev�nt of Defa�it"mean any❑f ihe e�rents of default set fartF� in this Deed of YrUst�n
<br /> ��e events af defau�t sectian of this �ee�of 7rust.
<br /> Guar2�nty. 7he word "Guaranty''�neans t�e guaranty from�uarantor,er�dors�r,surety,or accom�nodation parfy ta
<br /> �ender,including wit�ottt limi�ation a guaraniy af all or par�of the Note.
<br /> Hazardvus Su�stances. Tf�e words "Hazardous 5ubsta�ces" mean materials that, because �f the�r quar�tily,
<br /> concent�ation or pE�ysical, chemica� or infectiaus characteristics, may cause or pose 2� present or poiential hazard
<br /> �o hurnan F�ealth vr the e�vi ro�m ent whe� i m proper[y used, treat�d, store d, disposed o f, generated, ma n ufactured�
<br /> transported or otherwise h�ndled. The words "Hazardous 5ubstances" are usad in iheir�ery broadest sense and
<br /> ir��lu de w ith v ut lim itatian any a n� all h azardous or toxic subs�ances, mater�als or waste as d efined by o� Ils ted
<br /> under the Envir�nmental Laws. T�e term "Mazardous Substanc�s"also includes,wit�out limita�ion, pelrvleum and
<br /> petroleum by-products or any fraction thereof and asb�stos.
<br /> Improvements. The word "Improvements" m�ans aEl existing and future im��avements, bu��dings, structures,
<br /> mo�ile home� affixed o n th e Rea� F'roperty, faei�ities� add it[ons, replaceinen ts an� ather con stru c�ion an th e �eal
<br /> �ro�e rty.
<br /> Ind�bt�dness. The wa rd "In de bted ness" means a!� prjnc�pa f, f�terest, and othe r a mou nts, costs �nd ex�enses
<br /> payab�e under the Nate or R��ated Documents� together w�th all renewe[s flf� extensions af� mvd�ficativns of�
<br /> consalidat�ans vf and s�bstitutions for the Nafe ar �elated Do�um�nts and any amoUnts expended vr adva�ce��y
<br /> Lender t❑ discharge Tfus�or's obligations or expenses incUrred by Tr�stee or �.ender ko ��force Trus�or's
<br /> obligations under this Deed of Trust, tage�her v�vit� interest on such amo�nfs �s provi�ed fn this �eed of Trust.
<br /> Specif�cal[y, v�rithout limitation, Indebtedness includes the fukure advances set forth in the F�ature Advances
<br /> Provision, tagefh er wit� all i n teresE thereon and all a mo�nts #ha t may b� i n d�rectly secured by the
<br /> Crvss-Cv1]ateralization provision vf this De�d of Trust,
<br /> Lender. The word"Lender"m�an� F�rst i�a�ional Bank af Qrr�aha�its suc�essors and assfg�s.
<br /> l�o#e. �'he word "Iil�te" r�ean5 any a�d all of Borro�uer's lia�ilities, obligations and debts to Lender, now existing
<br /> or hereinatter incurred ar created,including,vtiritF�ouf limi�afion, all [oa�s� advances, in�erest� C05tS d��3t5,�ver�raft
<br /> indebtedness, credit c�rd indebtedness, lease ob[igations� ]iabilities and obligatians under interest r2�te prote�t�on
<br /> agreeme�fs or fo�e�g n currency exch ang e ag reements or co m mod ity price prote ction ag reem ents�other o�liga t�ons,
<br /> a�d liabiliti�s of Borrower fogefher witf� all modifcations� increas�s� renev�ra�ls� and �x�ensions of the
<br /> aforement�oned. �ddit�ona[[y� hereby incorporated as it fully sef forth h�rein are fhe terms �nt� condit��ns of any
<br /> prvmissvey note� agreement or ather document exec�ted by �orrov+rer andlar �ender indicat�ng this security
<br /> �nstru m en� or iF�e �raperty d escribed herei n shall be cons�dered "��1�a tera l" securing 5UC�1 promissory na te,
<br /> agreement,or ather i�strument,or any similar refer�nce.
<br /> Personal Property. The words "Persona! Prop�rty" mean alI equipment, iix�ures, and oiher artfc[es of persanal
<br /> property now or hereafter ��rn�d by Trusfor, 2�nd r��vtir ar hereafter attached �r af�ix�d to the Re�l Property;
<br /> iogether w ith all accessions, pa rts, a nd additions tv, �II re�f acetnents of, a nd all su�stitu tions fo r, any of such
<br /> prap erty; and tog etf�e r w ith 8 CI pfOC@@C�5 �fncluding w itha ut li m ita tion all ins u rance proceeds and re fu nds o�
<br /> premiums�fra m�ny sa�e or o�h�r dispvsitivn of the P roperty.
<br /> Property. The�rord "Property"rneans col�ectively the Real�roperty and t�e �ersanal property.
<br /> Real P raperty. �he wa rds"Rea I P raperty"mea n th e real pro perty,inte rests and rigF�Es� as furth er described in ti�is
<br /> aeed of Trust.
<br />