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2� 1 ��8485 <br /> a��� QF TRUST <br /> �C�11t�C1u�Ci� }�age f <br /> prohibEti�g Lender from�eeking a d ef ic��ncy�udg ment aga�nst the Trustor to the exten�such action is perm�tted by <br /> [aw. ���ct�on by Lend�r to pursue as�y remedy shali not exc[ude pursuit of any other remedy, and an el�ction to <br /> make exQend Etu�es ❑r to t�Ke a�tion ifl perform an obligation of Trustar under th is Deed af Tr�st, afte r Trustor's <br /> failure to perform,si�alC not affect Lender's right to declar�a defau[t and exer�ise its remedies. <br /> E�equest for Notice. Yrustor,or�behalf of Yrustor and tender,he�eby reque$ts�hat a capy of any Notice of Default <br /> a�d a cop}+of any Notice af Sa�e Under if��s Qeed of Trust be m�ile�to them at the addresses s�t fortF� in the first <br /> paragraPF�oF tF�is �eed ot Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. �f �cnder ins�itutes any sui# or action to enfarc� an�+ af th� terms af th i� D�ed vf <br /> Trus#, Lsr�der sf�aal be entitled to rec;aver such su�n as the court rryay�dju�ge reasonable as att�rneys' fees at tria! <br /> and upan any appeaf, VVi�ether or not any coUrt act�on is i��alve�, and to the ex#ent n�t �arahib�ked by law, all <br /> r�asonable exp�nses Lender incurs tF�a�� in �ender'� �pinion are necessary at ar�y time for ti�� protect�on af its <br /> interest or the enforcemen#of its r�gfnts s�al[b�c�ome a par�of tF��Indebtedness paya��e on demand and sha[I bear <br /> int�rest at the Note rate from#he date of the expen�it�,re unti I�epaid. Ex�nses oovered by th is pa�agraph inc[ude, <br /> vuithout I imitation, ha�veWer subj�ct ta any limits under appf icable I�vu, Lend��s at#orneys'fees and�.ende�'s�egal <br /> expenses, vvhether ar nat ther� is a lawsuit, includin� attarneys' fees ant� exper�ses far bankruptcy pror.�edi ngs <br /> (�n��ud��g efforts to mfldify or�cate any autamatic stay or injuncti�n},appea�s,ar�d any antici��ted pvst judgment <br /> caf�e�tian servi�es,the cos#of searching records,obtaining title reporfs{includir�g foreclosure reports},surveyors' <br /> repar#s, and ap�rais�l fees, title insurance, and fees far the T�ustee, to tfne exte�t per�it�ed by applicable I�w. <br /> Yrustar alsa will pay any cou�#costs,in addi#avn to aEC other surr�pro�i�fed by��w. <br /> R�ghts of Yrustee. 7r�stee shall have all❑�the rights aRd du�ies of Lender as set fort[� �n this sectior�. <br /> P�V�ERS AN D DBL[GA71�N5 O�TRUSTEE. Th e fal Iowin g p�ovis ivns ielati n g ta th e paw�rs a nd oblf�atians of Trustee <br /> are part of this beed oi Trust: <br /> �o�rvers of Trustee. In additian#o a!�powers of Trustee arising as�rnatter of law, Trustee shal[hav$tf�e power to <br /> t�lce t�e follovtiring ackions with r�sp�ct tfl the P�operky upa� t�e v+lrrtten req��st af Lender and Trustor: �a��oin �n <br /> preparing a n� fi[ing a m a p o r �lat of t�� �eal Property, includ ing th� d�dication of streets or ather rig�ts to t�e <br /> p�blic; �b� �oin in granting any easement �r creating any restrictian on the Rea1 Pr�perty; ar�d �c} join in any <br /> subor�ination or other agreemer�t a��fecting this�eed of Tr�st ar th�interesk af Lend�r under this Dee�vf Trusl. <br /> '�rustee. �'E-ustee s�all meet all qual�f cat�ons r�q uired fo r Trustee under applicable law. I n additivn ko lF�e rights <br /> and remedies set farth above, w ith respect to aI� or any p��. a f the �roperty� the 7rustee shall have tl�e �ig ht t❑ <br /> foreclvse by nvt�ce and sale, and Lender shall have f he rig ht to forec�ose by judicial forec[flsure, f n ei�her case in <br /> accordar�ce vv i�h and ta the ful I exten�provided by applica�le 1 aw. <br /> Su�cessor Trustee. Ler�der,at Lender's o�Otion, may from time to tirne a�point a success�r Yrust�e to�ny Trustee <br /> appoi nted under this Deed af Trust �y an instru mer�t executed ar�d ��know�ed�ed by L.ender and recorded in the <br /> off ce ot #he recorder of Hal� Gou nty, 5�ate of Nebraska. The in strument sha�l co�tai n� i n add itian to al I ot�e� <br /> matters reqt�ired �y state law, the narraes af the original L$r�der, Trustee� aR� �rustor, �f�e book and page �or <br /> computer sys�e�n reference} `r+,rhere this Deec# of Trust �s recorded, and the name and add�ess of the s�ccessor <br /> trustee,and the instrument shall be execufed ar�ci acknowledged by all the benefic�a�ries Under this Dee�of Trust or <br /> their su�cessors in interes#. �he successor t�ustee, wi#hau�canveyance af��e Property,shall succeed to all �he <br /> titl e, �owe�,and duties co�f�rred u por�th e Trustee in this �eed of 7ru$t�n�by applicable f�w. This procedu re for <br /> substitution of Trustee shali gavern tti the excl�sion vF all other�ravisiaRs for substifutian. <br /> NQTI CES. Any natice required to be�iven u�der��is �eetJ of Trust, in�f u�d�ng�nrithaut lim ifation ar�y notice of default <br /> and any rtofice ot sale s�all be gi�en in�vriting, and sha�! b�sf�ectiv� w�en actua��y delivered,�nrhen actually receiv�d <br /> by telefacsirnile�unless athen�rise rec�uired by la�v},w�en deposifed w�th a nationaliy recogniz�d o�ernight courier, ❑r,if <br /> rnailed,vvh�n deposited in#he Unit�d Sta�es m�i1, as firsi c1�ss, cer#ified or�egistered mai� postage prepaid,dire��e�to <br /> the addresses shown near t�e beginn�ng of f his D�ed of Tr�st. AI� copies of notices at forec�osure fro m the hQl�er o f <br /> any lien�nr��cf� has priority ov�r this �eed of Yrust shall be sen#ta Lender's address, as shown r�ear the beginnfng o� <br /> this Deed of Trus#. Any party rrtay ch�nge i#s a�dress for nvt�ces ur�der tF�is �eed of i"fust by �i�ing formal �rvritten <br /> nvtice �o ii�e ot�er parties, specifying th at the purpose of �he notice Es to change the par�y's address. For �otice <br /> purpases, Trustor agrees to ke�� �ender infarme�at af(times af Trc��tor's currer�t address. Unless othen�rise prowided <br /> vr required by lav�r, if there is inore�F�an ❑ne Trustot,any notice given by�ender ta any Trustor is deemed fa be notice <br /> giWan#a all Trustors. <br /> ELECTRO�fiC C�PI ES. Lende� ma}r capy, electronf eally or oth�rwise, and th erea�ter d es troy, Ei�e o rig inals of tF�is <br /> Agreement andlvr Re�ated Docur'nents in the regular cvurse o� Lender's business. All such copies prad�ced from an <br /> e[ecironic forin or by any atl�er reliable means {i.e., pnotographi�fmage or facsimile�shall in af[ respects be considered <br /> eq uiva�ent to a�orig ina I,and �arrower hereby waive s any rlgi�ts or❑�jections to tf�e use a�such copies. <br /> M15C�L�AN��115 P��V1S1�iVS, �'he following miscellaneous pravisions are a parf of thEs C�eed of fr�st; <br /> A�nendments. This Q�ed af Trust, �ogether with any l�elated flocumen�s, constatutes khe entire unders#anding and <br /> agre�ment of the p�rties as ta the matters set iorth in this Dee� af Trust. Na alteratior� of or arnendrnent to this <br /> Qeed❑t Trust shal�be effective unless given in writing and sign�d by the p�rty Qr parties sought to be charged or <br /> bound by t�e�Iterati�n or arnendment. <br /> Annu�l E�eports. If the �raperty is Used for purposes vther than Trustor's residence, �Frustor shal� fumish ta <br /> Lender, upor� reauest, a certi�ied sta#ement v�net op�rating incarne rec�ived fram the Property durin�Trustors <br /> previous fiscal yeaT in such form�nd de�ail as Ler�det-shall require. "t�let operating incame" shall me�n �!I c�s�r <br /> �eceipts from the Properfy�ess aIl casF�ex�enditures made in connection with the�p�r�tion af the praperty. <br /> Capt�an Headings. �aptian headfn�s i� tf�is Deed af Trust are far convenience purposes only and are not to be <br /> ��od t�intar�arot vr dofino tho pr�v[esfonr,s of tF-fics lavvd ar Trut�l. <br /> N�erger. There shall be na mer�er of the interest or estate �reated by this aeec�oi 7r�st with any ather fnterest or <br /> estate in the Pro��r��at any t�me held b}r or�or the benefit of Lender in any capacity,wE�hout th�wr�tten cvnsent <br /> o f Len�er. <br /> Gov�rni�g Law. �'his Deed of Trust w�ll be gvve�ned by fecieral law applic�ble tv�der and, to t�e extent nat <br /> p reempted by federa�I law, th e laws of the S tate vf Nebras ka w�th ou#regard ta its contl�cts of law provis�ons, T�is <br /> D�ed of Trust has heen accepted by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Chaice of 1l�n�e, if tf�ere is a lar�vsuit, Trus#vr agrees u�on L�nde�'s request t� submit#a the ju�risdiction of the <br /> co�rts a�H�II Caunty,5fate of Nebraska. <br /> .?o�n� and Sever2�� L�ab�l itJr. �II obliga�ions ot Trustor ur�der tf�is Deed of Trust sh�lf be joint a�d several. and all <br /> references to Trustor shafl rnean eacE� and every Trustor. This means that each Yr�stor signing be�o►1v is <br /> r�spansibfe for all obllgations in this De��i of Trus�. <br /> No V1�aiver by Lender. Lender shall r�of be c�eemed to h�ve wa ived any rig hts under f h is �eed of f rust unless such <br /> waiver is given�rt writing and signed by l.ender. No dela�r or omission on t�g�art of Lender in exet�isin�a�y right <br /> shall operate as a waiver of such righl or a�y oiher righ�. A waiver by l.ender of a prov�sion of this Dee�of Trust <br /> shall not prejucf�ce or cans�itute a waiver of i.ender's rlght otherwise ta demand stricl compli�nce with tha� <br /> provision ar any ot�er prvvision o f th is D eed of 7rus�. No prior �raive r by �.ender� nor any course of �ealing <br />