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». ::t -^''C� .2 - s1 - C '=.�.\> '3,;, r. :i�1Y�i�y1r1�Y.W�tarlirltie. " �' <br /> � .N'' v"{�'_"s :t� L ��a \ _ <br /> _ ��': �y� <br /> �-jv .S: ' ' ,�'.' -'� b„w't 2�C.i:: <br /> :'M;.. „�.::,.:.�... -.4:�� '�la� ' i:i�t ':_Y.;.� f� _"ti:� � - <br /> :'t �.n. - �S" ':.a:"i9' '���� .�:�`,'\' " .ti:�..: _ '}� .l„•1Y�:":S- �n '"jre.s. �� r. . <br />_"��Jti Lt1::As..« .�..;:':: ,.��� � �. -ns'l:y;y:" �1':�� _ `i�Cj�' �l`��;.r.�i4£�,LL�l;��.:4r`��Yili'�'!�••_ . - <br /> �tr- � ^•:'�-.� '+� ��':Z� < _L'kc��.�..�ltcl��,i:�.�•:::,?'�ti:;�:�.:�`�5i �`e~i����_ :-w.- <br /> , ` � _ � <br /> � ' . <br /> � <br /> f . .. <br /> � <br /> _ I � ` <br /> r •�' f4 � . � i�Og�4 . . , . <br /> ` 4.As additinnat security,Tru.stor hereDy gives ta and confe!l�Upnn Seneficiary tI�e right,power and aathnrity,during the wntinuaate <br /> of these Tnute to colIecL the rents, isseies nnd pmfits of said pmperty. reserving unto Tn�stor ti:e right,prior to enp defauit bQ'['rustos <br /> in paym,ent of any iadebtedaees secured heraby or in performance of any a�reement hei+eeunder,tio coIlect nud retain euch rents,iasues <br /> and pmft;as they became due an�payable. Upon any euch d�fiult,Beneficiary may at any time wi!2wut notice,�ither in peraon, by <br /> agent,or by a reteives to be appointed by a court,and without regerd to tfle adeqtssc�r of anp eCCUnity for the indebtedness henby eecuied; <br /> — enter upoa and eake paeee�oa oF sai@ proprrty ar any parE thereof,iit his o�vn rtame sus fAr or othsnvise eo3[eet etcd►rtnte,iernua and <br /> profds,inclading tbaee past due and unpaitl,end appIy tke eame upon any indebte�sese secur�d her�y,and in eisch order as Beeeficiary <br /> ; map determine.The enLening upon and faking po�eiaion of eaid pmp�ertg.t}:e collection of nuch rrntn,ieeues and profits u�d the epplicatian � <br /> thereof as afaresaid,shaIl not cure or waive any default or notice ot defar�t hereunder or invalidate sisp act done purewai ta euch notioe. <br /> i . <br /> 5.Upan defanit 6y TY�ustor In the payment of any iadebiedneae seeured hereby or in tbe p��'Qrmance of sny agreemrnt contained htrrin. • <br /> ` n11 tums seciued herebY shall is�ediatefp became due nnd paqa�le at the option of tt.e Bene*npary.In such event and tapon writtea reqaest <br /> of 8eneficiary,Tni.gtee shalt aelI the tn:st property,in aaordance with the Nebraaka Trust Deeds Act,at puBlic auction ta the higheat <br /> , bidder.Any gerson ezcrpt Truats,�may 6id at'Itiustee's sate.Truatee s2�a11 apply the ptoceeds o8 tbe ssle as foltoNS:tl)W the e=penae <br /> — • ofihe sale,including a reasoaabte'!'tustee'@ fee:12)to the obligatian secu..-�6y this Deed of T'aust;f3)thtt surplus,if eay.ehsll be di�tribuRed <br /> to the peieom eatil:Ied thereto. <br /> S. Trautee�ii da2iver tn th,�:�taschaser at the sale it8 deed,svithout warranty,�:hich�hall convey to the purchat�er the intereat in <br /> � tF.�gmpertq�rhict►Tn�ter bad er.�i+�d the power to convey et the time of his e:ecutinR nC this Qeed of Tenat,and eu�ch aa he auy have <br /> aeq�aired thereaftet.Trustee's dr�sE shaA recite the facta eLawing the sale was a.�.Fieted in crmnlianae wiib sU the requirements <br /> af taw aad of t�isr.TJzed of T`rust; arhich reciEal shall be psitaa C3cie evi3er,r.e of such complinuc� a.*.d r,„n�d:,�ire e��de�nce thereof a� fnvor <br /> � j of bona fade pu�hu�and encr�brancees for v-�iue. � : <br /> ?.Ths power of f,•,ale eonfQtr�!��this ik�t#cf'Ttust ie ur_t¢u esclusise�?=medy;Benefciary map ca�ta=s L�a��f Trust to be t'aneclosed ' <br /> as a mostgage. . <br /> � 8. In the event of LF:e deat't. �.s,:;.;-u.;:t}; :iis�,a'ility or res:p,nafion of Tn�tee,IieneWg::,ry may appoint in wrriting a euccessor trnstee, <br /> and upon the recording of sucb:�-�:;atx�s:;r_t,i�:.-.he mortgage records of t�'�wunty in which this Deed of Trust ia recorded,t�he suc.azasor <br /> trustee ehaU 6e va.�with ali pEZa��cf,ti:.e��:fginal tnistee.'I'he tru���;s aot obliged to notify enp party hereW of pending sate under <br /> — � • any ather Dee�a£"`£'r.;st or of a�u�;;,;���r�.��nceediag in which Trust.:� S t�:�tee or Beneficiary shall be a party tsnless euch action or ' <br /> -! .' proceeding is brar��:L'-y the Ttr,..�.r�e. <br /> - 9. 71u���:,��'r�st appties r,a, inures to the benefit of,and is binding nnE only on the pattiea hereto,but on E6eir heire,devisees, <br /> �• le�at��r;r:���r,-�.:s� e:ecutors,saccessors and assigns. The term Beneficiary sha11 mean the holder and awner oP the note secured � <br /> . herr�:�,r��,ctiF�er:m:t e��med a9 Benefcciary herein. ' ' <br /> _ ia. Requeat tcr i�i�t7rce of Default or Notiee of Sate. It is requestea thist e capy of any Notice of Default ar Notice of Sale he r.s,a,iled to ° <br /> ' each peison who:s r..amed in this Trust Deed at tho mailing address of euch perEwn as set out above. ' <br /> � <br /> y� <br /> NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign thia paper before you read ik 2 You ere entitled ta e copy '�''�;. <br /> of this paper. 3.You may prepay the unpaid balance at any tlme without penalty and may be entitled � <br /> to receive e eefund of unearned charges in accordance wfith law. _ <br /> Signed this 5 day of F�+,a r,v_ ,A.D. 19�—. � <br /> STATE OF NE$RASKA ► x �.-:� � <br /> - Ha 1 I 'Bg' � <br /> COUNTY ► <br /> C�+s-t!lis _� day of Februar�.A,D., 19 g� ,before rr�.,r}:,E undereigned,•a Notary Public, duly <br /> commiseioned and qualified for and residing in said county, pereonally c�:fi�s _ SUS811 A. El I i�,gson,,,� a <br /> S1(igl� pt{"a0n to me knor�c to he the identical person — whuse name _.._ affixed to tFie foregoinq <br /> instrument as't�'rustor —. and acknowledp,eci the s�me to be_�.,...:i+=r vol- <br /> � untary act and deed. <br /> my hand nnd Notarial Seal the day und year laxt abovr written. ��•�" <br /> My Commirt�in,.•� expires the --8___. ._.._ _. du 6ENfqA►NOIA�1'.$L�M�M�Iti <br /> of ..._ Febr�,r 1 �s�w�r.Lr�*� %� � <br /> �� i .l._-_-- ' 19 •_.�.�..1� �_�f�'*� <br /> .����� l�t�baic <br /> S�`�'T�; OF _...__ �_._ � ► <br /> � 188. <br /> � __. �__.._.._ County ► <br /> ''''� �ntered in:Vurnerical Index and fited J.��r record in th�otlice of the Re6�iater of Deede at�!�_d county,thc� ____._____. <br /> _ . day uf ._ --.-.�.-----_--..____�� . 19 , at oclock and �.,___.`. ___ <br /> mirtutee __....._..�......,._.___..,___ _. __A—_ M., und duly recorded in Boak .—_.�_.___.,..__ of .__...��...�_� <br /> Mortgages p;y;e .._.____...�_ ------- .^�,__ _ _ _ �.�.. <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �----- • -- - --- -------�-- Hegister uf[Deeds --_._,__-- <br /> __..._ . .. � <br /> y�iN::+a�:�t:� - -. .. ...--- ..__ —_�_-- <br /> Deputy <br /> � - <br /> � L � � J � <br /> � <br /> � �. <br /> e <br /> P <br /> ��, _- <br /> ��` � J <br /> _ f <br /> .:.�... <br /> _�,,.. <br /> _.�,��. <br /> .. � <br /> �;: ,� <br /> - :� <br /> _�• �4 <br />