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<br /> � , � NEBRASIiA DEED OF'�'AU9'�' ' _
<br /> (Wit1�Po�er o4 HaIe3'
<br /> Amount of Firat�h.�,?,�,t=268.64 Amannt nf Ot2�er iaatatmenu 5.�68.6�-- :
<br /> Taeal of Paymenta;48�55.20 First IastslrnentDtie Daic-N�dr�h 9 ���:
<br /> . NumDer oi:4bnthtr instdments.�� Final tnat�lment Duo Date.FPbT'�r���V...���:1�'.
<br /> TfiIS DEED OF TRUST. made thb 5 a3�o� . Fe�rc�a�'Y , 1.�90—, ,
<br /> � �„ Susan A. E�i i nason a s inql e gersc►r ,
<br /> «t�o.�,�;L��,ti,s� 202� W 10th Grand Isla�� t�ebras6ca 688�b ,
<br /> � as��,, J�+�n M G�nninaham
<br /> _ wbose msi�:�add:ess is 222 N_ Cedar P.O. Box 2?3t? Gr_�nd ��± , I��.i�ra�t�a ��'3�t��:� ,
<br /> ae Tnutee.and Nae�res6 Fiaanciol Nebraska, Ia�,whuea mailing sddr�se is ��' "' ���'�� R1=$�E'
<br /> P 0 Bnx 1�7�! CranA Ieland,_..�(�r.ac � ��jR�19 � „ as $eneficiary, •
<br /> WITNESS�TH,'Tnistors h.eteby irrevocablY,grant,bargain,sell,and eonvey�o'i'ruatee i�c traat,wiL"���ower of sale.the following de-
<br /> � scribed PrvpettY ia fld 11 Caunty,DlebrasYa
<br /> � Lat 11, BIoLk 10, Boggs and Nill Addition to th� City af Gr��►�� I�I���; ,Flall County,
<br /> � Nebrast�a.
<br /> �
<br /> i. Toge�r'�aitfi cenrraents,hec� '3i".uru:r:..=;and apputtenances thereunto beloagins or in nnyrvir��appertaining and the rents,issues aa� . '
<br /> profits d`.ese�. , '
<br /> ,
<br /> This conveyance ia inteaded foP Lhe puepose of securing trn�t►yment ta Benefu:iery vt�Ttustore'promissory note oi even date in tl� ' '
<br /> amount stated a6ove as"Total of Paymenta".Said'�'otal of Yuyr.ientn°is repayable in tf:e number of monthly inatalments etated' above. . _
<br /> The amount of tho in�talment payments due on said laan is stated abnve.The fu�t and fiwl instalment due dates on eaid loan are stated �
<br /> a6ove.Paya:r�L may be made ia ndvnnrs in uny amount at any�imo.D�zfault is�mohinq any payment ehall, at the Beneficiary�s option '
<br /> and withoat�f�:iee os detnand,render the entiec unpaid bulance of aaid loen at ono�duo and payable,less any required rebate of tharges.
<br /> To protect the eecurity af this Deed of Truat,Trustos ccv,enantn and agraes= �'-
<br /> !.To keep tl�e property in gaod cundition and repair,w permit no wa>.c thrrer4 eo�camplete any buitding, etruMure or iniprovemers '�"
<br /> deing bnilt or about to be bnilt thermn;to restore promptly any building, rstrnc�a�re or impmvement thereon �vhich may 6e damaged r.r :��
<br /> destroyed;aad to comply with all taws,ardinances,re�ulntions,ccvanantca,rc�diti�rna e�nd rastrictions nifecting the property.
<br /> r
<br /> , 2.To psq�[aefore delinquent ali lawful taxes and nsaessmentn upon tha proprny;.in�keep.the property free and clear of aU other churges,
<br /> fier.s cr ear.ur�bran¢es impalrin�the security of thia Tk�d uf TttcE"..
<br /> � �. Tcn�txep all buildinge naw or hereaRer erecta3 nn thvµraperty de?cei6td f�rtein continuous►y insnt�!r�geinr�t loss Gy fite or other �
<br /> )wzu^be 9n an amount nat te�tbart the total de5t r:�u:Un3d fiy thin ik.�d of�7Yuht. All policies shall be hr;ld by tho Benoficiary, and be �
<br /> �in auch c�panies as the Iieneficiary may appmcr�iind :huve toss paysblo fir� to the Benefieiary ne ita usCereet may appear Cnd then ,i
<br /> to the Tni:Rr:.�.The amount rn11e�4ed w '�.er nny ineLmnar�policy mey bc applie�!upan any indebtedneae h,�r�by se�cund in such order as ,
<br /> the Bena�c�rsrZ�ehalf determine, Such application by tht,.8eneficiary bhaii :tot cause discontinuance of am,:proceedinga to foreclose thie
<br /> � Deed of'1 f�t,i:sr cure or wuive pny default or naiic.�af drrfault or�nvalidutp any r�c:..done purauant to auch aatirn.Tn the event oP forecto5ure,
<br /> sil rights oC the Trustor in inaurnnco policiea then irt furce ahult paas ta thu ptucltnser.at the foreclasure seie.
<br /> 4.To obtain the written connent oI 8tneficiary IxArxo seliing,ecnvt�•ing ur atl:erwiae trnnsferring Ehe Fr��7erty or any part therr�s��.nd �.L
<br /> any such eale,con�oynnco or transfer without the fkmufi�ary n written cnnt;ent ehall constitute o dePault uttder the terma horeof.
<br /> � L.To defi!nr�nny ection o�praceedinq j;u.�.�ortin�to sSi'eat the security Ae?eoS'or the rights or�sr.were of Beneficinry or Trustee.
<br /> 6. Shoul�Tn�swr f<1i!to pny when dce: any taaas,asseasmentt►,intutunte premiumA,liens,encumbrances or othar churges againat thc
<br /> pmperty hereinabove descdbed,�3enefcclnry mfly pw�the samt•, and the��omounC so paid,with interest st r.hv rate set forth in tho notc:
<br /> e�ecured hereby.ehal!6c+ndded to and become A�a.r2 of 1bE debe hecured in thitJ 1Hfid uPTrust as permitted by Li�.
<br /> � �
<br /> a. [i� 4�sr!event any pnrtion uf the property iq t�Arn or dume�ed �n nn er.a:aent dom�ln pr.�cecdins,the entire am�unt of the award
<br /> nr suis �ix�nian thereof Re may Ae necessary to fuUy satir,fp the�SbU�;ataa �rured here!ti�, �:hr:1 bo paid to Renefrriar� to�e applied to
<br /> said obiigs:t,on.
<br /> 2. By acceptinA p�ymer,t of�ny sttm securud�hrrnl��t r_Rer itt�dur date,Benefiisisry dces not waive its r)ifU. tu reqvire prompt payment
<br /> when due of al)nther sume sa�:curtd ar tu cteLut.+�tctilu�t tur f�ilute to.io pay.
<br /> 3.The Tru�tee shal!reconvey ali ur a.ny pa:rt of the pruperty !�n�vred by this iked of Truat to the penwn entitted ih�reto,on written
<br /> reqaest ot the Tttestor und the I3enefic�:iry,rsr u�;n s��t�t;f�.:tiu:�uf Ute�a'�li�atiun secured and wntten reyuest fot reccnre;anre made by
<br /> the Beneficiary ur�}If?Q@►9VIt l'llllttf(��IIfPNLf�
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