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2� 1 ��841 � <br /> the underlying delat. <br /> 6. No�hing �n thss Agreement sha�� be understov� or constrUed ta be a sat�sfaction or release �n who�e or �n <br /> part of the Note and Security Instrument. Except as otherwise specif cally pravided in this Agreement,the <br /> Note and Security Instrum�nt ►�vill remain unchanged, and Borr�wer and Lender will b� bound by, and <br /> comply with,all af the term�and pr��isions th�reof,as amended by th�s Agreement. <br /> 7. Borrower agrees ta make and execu#e o�her dvcumen�s or papers as may be necessary to �ffec�uate the <br /> t�rms and�anditions of this Agreement wh�ch, if a��ra�ed and ac�epted by Lender, shall bind and inure to <br /> the heirs,executvrs,administrators,and assigns of the Borcower. <br /> HUD Modr�cati�n Agreement Ubd92D 16 45 99U�4�7392 <br /> Page 3 <br />