2� 1 ��841 �
<br /> the reaf property described is�vca�ed in HALL C�UNTY,NEBRASKA and being set f�rth as follows:
<br /> In consideration vf the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the parties h�reto agree as fal�ovvs
<br /> �notwithstanding anything ta the contrar�contained in the Note ar Security Instrument}:
<br /> 1. As of, ,IANUARY 1, ZQ17 the amount payable under the Note and the Se�urity Instrument (the "Unpaid
<br /> Principal Balance"} is U.S. �84,85Z.15, cansisting nf the arnount�s} loaned �� B�rrawer by Lender, plus
<br /> capital�zed interest in the amount of U.S. �1,873.17 and other amounts capitalized, which is �imited ta
<br /> escrows and any �ega� fees and related farec�osure�osts that may ha�e aeen accrued f�r vrrork comp�ete�.
<br /> 2. Borcower promises to pay �he Unpaid Principal Baiance, plus interest, to the order of Lender. Int�r�s#wi�i
<br /> be charged an the Unpaid Pr�ncipal Balance at the yearly rate of 3.5U�0°/o, from JANUARY 1, 2�17. The
<br /> Borrower promises to make monthly payments of prin�ipal and int�rest of C].S. $381.�2„ beginning on the
<br /> 1 ST day af F�BRUARY,Z017,and continuing thereafter on the same day of each suc�eedin�month until
<br /> pr�ncipa! and interest are paid in fu�l. If on JANUARY 1, Z047 (the "Maturity Date"}, the Borrower sti11
<br /> awes amounts under the Nate and the Security �ns�rument, as amended by this Agreement, Borrower will
<br /> pay these amounts in ful�on the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. if all or any part of the Prop�rty or any inter�st in it is sold or transferred �or if a beneficial interest in the
<br /> Barrvwer�s sold or transferred and the Borr�wer is not a natural person�without the Lender's prior written
<br /> consent,the Lender may re�uire immediate payment in full of all sums secur�d by this Security Instrument.
<br /> .
<br /> If the Lender e�erGises this aptinn, �h� Lender shall gi�e the Borrower not�ce af acc�leration, The notice
<br /> shal�pro�ide a p�riod of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is deli�ered or maile�within which
<br /> the B�rrower must pay all sums secured by this SecurYty Instrument. If th��orrower fails to pay these sums
<br /> prior ta the expiration of this period, the Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by thrs Security
<br /> Instrument without further notice ar deman�an the Borrower.
<br /> 4. The Barrower alsa wi 11 comply with all other co�enants, agreements, and requ�rernents ❑f the Security
<br /> Instrument, including withaut 1im�tatian,the Borrower's�o�enants and agr�ements to make all paymen�s of
<br /> taxes, insurance premiums,assessments, escrow items, impounds, and a11 other payments that the B�rrower
<br /> is obligated to make under the Security instrument;howe�er,the fo��awing terms and pro�isions are fore�er
<br /> cance��ed,nu11 and�oid,as of the date specified in Paragraph Na. � abo�e:
<br /> (a} al� terms and pro��sions of the Note and Security Instrument�if any} pro�iding far, impiementing, or
<br /> relating to,any chang�or adj ustment in the rat��f interest payahle under the Note;and
<br /> �b} a�l terms and pro�isians of any �dju5tahle rate rider, or other instrument or document that is affixed
<br /> t�, wholly ❑r partially incflrparated inta, or is pa� of, the Note or Security Instrument and that
<br /> contains any�uch�erms and pro�isions as those referred to in�a}abo�e.
<br /> 5. If the Borrower has,sin�e inc��atian af this�van but prjor to this Agreement,recei�ed a discharge in a
<br /> �hapter 7 bankrupt�yy and ther� ha�ing been n� �alid reaffirmation of the underlying debt, a�
<br /> ent�ering into th�s Agreement, the L�nder is n�t att�mpting to re-establish any personal liability for
<br /> HllD Mod�ficat�on Agr�ement D��92�16 45 990I42739Z
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