2� 1 ��83�4
<br /> �EED �3F TRL��T
<br /> Loan No: '�4�3��7�4 ����`���7u�d� Page 3
<br /> such law, vrdinance, ar regulativn and withhald campCiance during any p�-o�eeding, ir�cluding apprapria�� appeals,
<br /> sv lang as Trustor has natifiied Lender in wri�ing pr�or to do�n� s� and so long ��, in L�nder's sofe apin�on, Lender's
<br /> interes�s in the Praper�y are nat jeopardized. Lend�r may re�uire Trustor fa past adequate securi�y or a su�ety
<br /> bvnd, reasonably satisfa��ory ta Lender, �v pr�tect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty to Prvtect. Trus�or agrees neither tv a�andon ❑r Ceave unattended the Property. Trustar shali da all other
<br /> a��s, in addition tv those ac�s sefi for�h abo�re in�his sectivn, which �rvm the character and use afi the Praperty are
<br /> �easonably necessary to pro�ect and preser�e�he Proper�y.
<br /> DUE �1V SALE- GaN5E1VT 6Y LEIVDER. Lender may, at Lender's ap��vn, dec�are immed'rately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this ❑eed vf Trust upvn the sale ❑r�rans�er�, withau�t Lender's priar wri��en conse�n�, a�all ar any �aar�❑�the
<br /> Real Praperty, ar any interest in �he Real Praperty. A "saie vr firans�er" means the c�nveyance v�Rea1 I'roper�y ar any
<br /> �igh�, tit�e or in�eres� in the Real Properfiy; whe�her �egal, benefi�ial vr equitab[e; whe�h�r ��[untary ar in�olun�ary;
<br /> whe�her by vu�right sale, deed, installment sale cantrac�, land con��ac�, cantra�t fvr deed, leasehold int�res� with a
<br /> term grea�er than three �3} y�ars, lease-optian cnntract, or by sale, assi�nmen�, ar�rans�er a� any bene#iciaf in�erest in
<br /> �r �o any land trus� holding ti�l� tv �he Reaf Proper�y, �r by any o�her me�had af canveyan�e v�an interes� in the Real
<br /> Property. �f any Trustor is a carpara�ion, par�nership ar fimited liabifity campany, �rans#er also incfudes any �hange in
<br /> �wnership of more �han tw�nty--fi�e percen� ��5°�0� vf�he vo�ing s�ack, par�nership interests ar limi�ed �iabili�y cvmpany
<br /> int�r�sts, as the ease may be, ❑� such Trustor. Hawever, this vp�i4n shall na� �e exercis�d by Lender ifi such exerGise
<br /> is prahibited by fed�ral law o�-by Nebraska law:
<br /> TAXES A�1D LIEIVS. The following pro�isions relating t� the taxes and liens �n the Proper�y are part af�his Deed of
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payment. Trus�ar sha�� pay�rvhen due (and in ali �vents pr�or ta delinquencyy all taxes, spe�ia[�a�es, assessments,
<br /> charges �including water and sewer7, �ines and Emposi�ions feWied against ar vn ac�vunt of th� Property; and shal�
<br /> pay when due all claims for work dnne an o�-for services rendered or mat�rial furnished to �he Property. Trustar
<br /> shal! maintain the Proper�y free vf a�l liens ha�ing priority ❑ver or�quaf ta�h� En�eres�v�Lender under this �eed a�
<br /> Trust, except far t�re lien ❑� taxes and assessm�nts not due and except as a�herwise provided in �his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> R�ght to Contest, Trustflr may wi�hhald paymen��f any tax, assessmer��, or claim in connection with a g�od faith
<br /> dispute aver the obliga�ifln ta pay, so 1�ng as Lender's �nterest in the Property is nvt je�pardi�ed, �f a Ii�n arises or
<br /> is file�i as a resul� �� nvnpayment, Trus�or shal� within �fifteen ��5� days �ft�r �he iien arises vr; if a Iien is �il�d,
<br /> wi�hin fifteen {�5� days after Trus�ar has nflfii�e of the �iling, secure �he discharg� of#he ��en, ar i� reque��ed by
<br /> Lender, depv�it wi�h Lender cash ❑r a sufficient cvrporate surety bond or❑ther s�eurity sa�tisfac�vey�o Len�er in an
<br /> amount suf�icient�ta disc�arge the lien plus any �osts and a�tvrne�s' fees, or other charges �hat cQuld �rcc�-ue as a
<br /> resul�v�a forec[osure or sale under�he �ien. fn any cvntest, Trustc�r shafl defiend itsel�f and Lender and shall sa�isfy
<br /> any ad�er�e judgmen�befare en#arcement against the Praperty. Trustar shall name Lender as an add�t�onal obligee
<br /> under any surety band fiurnished in�he contest praceedingsR
<br /> E�idence o�Payment. Trus�or sha[I up�n demand furnish to Lender satis#actory e�iden�e o� payment of the taxes
<br /> or assess�nents and sha[( authorize �he appr�p��ate go�rernmental ❑ffic�al to d�li�er ta Lender at any ti�e a writ�ten
<br /> sta�ement of the taxes and assessmer�ts agains��he Prvper�y.
<br /> Notice nf Construc�ian. Trustvr shall noti�y Lender at �eas��itteen �9 5y days befvre any work is �vmmenced, any
<br /> services a�e fu�nished; or any materials are suppiied tv th� Praper�y, if any mechanic`s lien, ma�er'talmen's lien, or
<br /> �ther I�en �auld be asserted on accoun� ❑f �he wark, ser�ices, �r materials. Trus�or will upvn �request ❑� Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sa�is�actory �a Lender that Trus�ar can and will pay the �vs� of such
<br /> improvements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The�fa[[awing pro�isions rela�ing �v ins�aring �he Property are a par�❑f�his Deed fl�F
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Main#enance ❑f Insurance. Trus�vr shal� procure and main�ain pali��es af fire i�surance v�rifh standard extended
<br /> �o�erage endorsemen�s on a fair va[ue basis for the full insura��e �alue c�vering �II ImproWemer�ts nn the Real
<br /> Praperty in an amount su��icient to a��id app(ication o�f any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mor�gagee
<br /> clause in favor❑�Lender. Trustor sha!! a[so pracure and main�ain eampreher�siWe g�neral liabili�y insurance in su�h
<br /> caverage amvunts as Lender may request v►iith Trus�ee and Lend�r being named as additEan�l insureds in such
<br /> liability insurance palicies. Addi�ional[y, Trus�ar sMall main�ain suc� ❑�her insuran�e, including but nofi limited �o
<br /> hazard, business interrupfiion, and boiler ir�surance, as Lender may reasonab[y �require. Poficies shall be written in
<br /> �orm, amoun�s, co�erages and basis reasvnably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company ar cvmpa�nies
<br /> reasvnab{y accep�able �a Lender. Trust�r� upan rec�ues� of Lend�r, wiil deli�er �� Lender from time �a time the
<br /> pvlicies or certifi�ates of insurance i� �vrm satisfaGtory t❑ Lender� including stipulat�Qns �hat �o�erages will n�t be
<br /> can�elled or d�minished wi�hnu� a� lea�t ten �14� days prior written notice �o L�ender. Each insuranc� pvli�y alsv
<br /> shall include an endarsemen�prv�iding that co�erage in favor of Lender wi[I nvt be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omission or defaul� ❑�Trus�nr or any athe� persvn. �hauld the Rea[ Proper�y be located En an area �esignated by
<br /> the Administratvr vf�he Federa[ Em�rgen�y Management Ager�cy as a special flood hazard area, Trus�or`agre�s to
<br /> ❑htain and maintain Federal Ffood lnsurance, ifi availab[e, within 45 days a�ter no�ic� is gi�en �y Lender that the
<br /> Prvperty is lacated in a sp�cial flvvd hazard area, �far the �u[[ unpaid principal balan�e of t�e �van and any�rior liens
<br /> fln�he prapert�seeuring th� I�an, up�a the maximum policy limits se�under�he hla�iot�al Fload lnsurance Prv�ram,
<br /> �
<br />