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2� 1 ��83�4 <br /> []EEC3 �F TRL��`T <br /> Lo�n No: 'i D13U�7�� ���t�tit�u�d} Page � <br /> Fl]TL1RE ADVA[�CES. In additinn ta the Note, this ❑eed o�Trus�t secures all fu�ure ad�anGes maaie �y Lender to Trustor <br /> v�rhe�ther or not th� advances are made pursuan� ta a comrnitm�n�. Speci#ically, wi�hout limi�atian, this Deed ❑f Trust <br /> secures, in ad�i�ion �o �he amoun�s specifie�i in fihe Note, a11 fu�ure amaun�s Lend�r in its discreti�n may Iaan �o <br /> Trustv�, fiagether wi�h all interest thereon. <br /> Trustor pres�n�ly assigns to Lend�r �a[so knvwn as Ben��iciary in this Deed �� Trust� all v� Trus�ar's right, ti�le, and <br /> interest in and to alC presen� and �u�ure leases o� th� Prvperty and all Rents from the Pr�perty. In additian, TrustQr <br /> grants ta Lender a Uniform Cammer�ial Cvde secu�rity in�eres�in the Persanal Property and Rent�. <br /> THlS DEEa �3F TRUST, IN�LUDiNG THE ASS��N�IENT qF RENT� AI�❑THE SECURITY 1iVTEREST 1N THE RENTS AlVD <br /> PERS�iVAL PRL]PERTV, i5 G[VEN TD SE�URE {A� PAVI�ENT tJF THE IIVDEBTEDNESS AND �g} PERF�RMANCE nF <br /> �4NY AND ALL �BLiGATl�IVS UNDER THE N�TE. THE RELATED D�CIJ�U'�ENTS, AND TH�S DEE1] aF TRUST. THlS <br /> DEED �F TRUST�S GCVEN ANa ACCEPTED C�N THE F�LLC3�1V�iVG TERII�S: <br /> PAY[1�E�VT AND PERF�RM►4NCE. Except as oth�rwise prn�ided in this Deed of Trust, Trustar shall pay ta Lender a�l <br /> amaun�s secured by fihis Deed of Trust as they becvme due, and sha[� strictly and in a fiim�ly manner perfarm all of <br /> Trus�or's obligations under the Note, this Deed Qf Trust� and th� Related ❑ocuments. <br /> PaS5ESSIC]i� I�tVD 1111A[�TENAN�E C�F THE RR�3PERTY. Trus�or agrees tha� Trustor's possession and use ot �he <br /> Prop�rty shail be gv���ned �y the�ollavving pra�isivns: <br /> Pvssessian and Use. llnti� �he oc�urrence a# an E�en� af Default, Trus�or may �1� remain in passessivn and <br /> �ontrnf vf the Praper�y� ��} use, aperate ar manage the Property; and �3) collec�the Rents �rom the Pra�erty. <br /> Duty ta iVlain�ain. Trustor shall maintain t[�e Praperty in tenantable condition and pramp�ly perform all repairs, <br /> replacements, and mainten�nce necessary to pr�ser�e its�alue, <br /> Gompliance �I�th EnWironmental Laws. Trus�ar represents and warrants �o Lender that; {�� ❑uring the peri�d of <br /> Trus�or's ❑wnership vf�he Prap�rty, there ha� been`nfl use, genera�€fln� manufactu�e, storage, tr�a�men�, dispasal,. <br /> rel�ase or �hreatened �elease a�F any Hazardous 5ubs�ance by any person on, under, about or �rorn the Prvperty; <br /> �2� Trus�vr has no knawle�g� ❑f, ar reason to befie�e that�her� has b��n, except as pre�iously disclosed t❑ and <br /> acknowCedged by Lender in �rvr��ing, �a� any breach ar �iolation ❑f any Envir�nm�ntal Laws, �b} any use, <br /> genera�tian, manu�acture, storage, firea�men�, dispasal, re�ease ar thr�atened r�Ieas� vf any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, abau� or �rom the Prvper�y by any prior a►rvners ar accupan�ks v� the Praperty, �r �c} any actua[ or <br /> threatened Iitiga�ivn or claims �� any kind t�y any person relatin� �o such mat�ers; and �3} Except as pre�ious�y <br /> disclosed ta and acl�now�edged by Lender in wri��ng, �a� neither Trustor nvr any tenant, c�ntrac�ar, agent or ather <br /> authorized user❑# the Praperty sha�l use, genera�e, manu�actur�, s�are, �reat, dispose af�r �elease any Nazardaus <br /> Substance on, under, about a��rom the Prop�r�y; and �by any suCh activity shall be conduc�ed in campliance with <br /> all applicabl� federal, s�ate, and Cacai laws, regulations and ❑rdinanc�s, inciuding without limitatifln all <br /> Environmental Laws. Trus��r a�uthori�es Lender and ifis agents fio enter upvn �he Pr�perty to make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trust�r�s expense, as L�nde� may deem appro�riate to determine compliance af the <br /> Prope�ty �rvi�h this sectivn of the D�ed vf Trus�. Any inspec�ions ❑r �es�s made by Lender sha[l be �or Lender's <br /> purpvses an�y and shaCl no� he cc�ns�rued t� �reate any responsibifity ar liability on the part of L�nder tn Trustar vr <br /> �a any ather persan. The repr�sen�ta�tians and war�-an�ies �vnfained herein are based an Trustvr's due diligence in <br /> in�estiga�ing fihe prc�p�rty for Ha�ardvus Su�bs�ances, Trustvr her�by {'I� refeases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lend�r�or indemnity or contributivn in #he e�en� Trustar becomes liab[e #or cleanup or o#her costs under <br /> any su�h lav�rs; and ��� agrees �o indemnify, defend, and hold harm�ess Lender aga'rnst any and all c[aims, Ivsses, <br /> liabili�ies; damages, pena�ties, and expenses which Lender may directly vr indirectly sustain or suf�er resu�ting �ram <br /> a breach o� �h�s sec�.ivn o� th� D�ed v�F Trust o� as a �onsequence of any use, generatian, �nanufacture, stvrage, <br /> dispasal, rel�ase�r threat�ned re[ease vccurring prior t�Trus�vr's ow�nership vr interest in the Property, whether ar <br /> nvt the same ►nr�s c�r should ha�e been kn�wn �n Trust�r. The pra�isians ❑f �his sectivn o� �he Deed of Trust, <br /> including the obligation�v indemnify and defend, shal[surui�e�he payment❑f the Ind�b�edness and�he satisfactian <br /> and recon�reyance v��he fien vf�his C]eed af Trust and shall not he a�fiected by L�ncler's acquisition ��any int�rest <br /> in the Prvperty, whe�her by fvrecl�su�e or❑�he�wise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Nas�e. Tru�tar shall nv� cause, c�n�u�t or permit any nuisance nor carr�rnit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> stri��ing n� nr �iiraste on vr to the Prap�rty ar any portivn of the Property. With�ut limiting the genera[��ry a�F the <br /> foreg��ng, Trustar wi[I not remv�e, or g�ant to any other party�he right t� rsmo�e, any '�imber, minerals ��ncluding <br /> vil and gas}r CQa€, clay, �caria, soil, gra�el or rock praducts without Lender's prior wri�ten consen�. <br /> Remvrra[vf impr�vements. Trus�ar shall nat demv[ish vr remv�e any Impra�ements �Fram�he Real Property withvu� <br /> Lender's priar wri���n cans�n�. As a conditian'�❑the remv�a! ofi any Impra�rements, Lender may requ�re Trus�ar�� <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfact��y tv Lender �v replace such Impr��emen�s vuith �mpra�ements vf a� I�ast �qua� <br /> �a1ue. <br /> Lend�r's Right�a Enter. L�nd�r and Lend�r's agen�s and repres�n�ati�es may enter upon �he Real Prap�r�y at all <br /> reasonable tirnes ffl at�kend �ta Lend�r's inter�s�s and to inspect the Real Property #or purpQses vf Trustor's <br /> cvmpliance wi�h the terms and condi�ivns of this ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> Complian�e with Gavernmen�al F�equirements. Trus�or shall promp�[y comply with all [aws, ordinances, and <br /> r�gu�atians, now or h�reafter in e��ec�, v� a11 g�Wernmen�aC au�horities applicable to �he use �r ❑ccupancy nf th� <br /> Prvperty, including withoufi limi�ation� �he Americans INi�� Disab�lities Act. Trustor may �ontest in good faith any <br />