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2� 1 ��8349 <br /> wai�e Borrower's oblsgation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all L�'scrow Items at any time. Any su�h wa��er may <br /> an�y be in writing. In the e�ent af such vvaf�er. Barrawer shall pay direCtly, when and where payable, the amaunts <br /> due for any Escrow �t�ms far wh��h payment of Fur�ds has �een wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha11 <br /> furnish tv Lender receipts evidencing su�h payment within such �ime period as Lender may reQuire. Borr�wer's <br /> abligation to make such payments and to pro�rde receip�s shall for all purposes be d�emed tn be a c��enan� and <br /> agreement contained in th�s Security Instrument, as the phrase "co�enant and agreement" is used in Section 9. If <br /> Borrawer�s obliga�ed to pay Eserow Items drre�tly, pursuant t�a wai�er, and Borrovver fai�s ta pay the amount due <br /> for an Escrow item, Lender rrlay exercise i�s rights under Sec�i�n 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be <br /> abliga�ed under Sectian 9�o repay to Lender any su�h amou.nt. Lender may re�oke th�wai�er as to any or all Escrow <br /> Items at any tim�by a notice gi�en in accordance with Section 14 and, upon such re�ocat�on, Borrov►�er shali pay to <br /> Lender a�l Funds, and in such amounts, that are then requir�d�nder this Section 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any time, col iLct and hold Funds in�.n amount�a}sufficient to permit Lender ta appiy the Funds <br /> at the time specified under RESPA, ar�d�b}nat to exc�Pd the maximum am�unt a lender�an require under RESPA. <br /> Lender sha11 estimate the amount of Fund�due o�th�basis of current data and reasanable estimates of expenditures <br /> of fu�ure EscrovW Items or at�erv�ise in accardance with Applicab�� Law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institu��on whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or <br /> entity �including Lender, if Lender is an institut�on whose deposi�s are so �nsured} ar in any Federal Home Loan <br /> Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay th� Escrow Items no Ia�er than the time specified under RESPA. Lender <br /> shall nat charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escraw account, or�erifying <br /> the Escraw Items, unless Lender pays Borrower in�erest on the Funds and A�piicable Law permits Lender to make <br /> such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Appl��able Law requlres interest to be pa�d on the Funds, <br /> Lender shail not be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Sorrawer and Lender ean agree <br /> 1t7 WI'1t117�, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shal� gi�e to Borr�w�r, withaut charge, an <br /> annual accaunting of�he Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in es�row, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for <br /> th�excess funds in accordanc�with RESPA. I f there is a shartage of Funds held in escraw,as defined under RESPA., <br /> Lender shall no�ify Borrawer as required by RESFA, and Borrower shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary to make <br /> up the shortage in accordance with F�ESPA, but in no m�re than 1�month�y payments. If there is a deficiency of <br /> Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shal�n�tify B�rrawer as requ�red by RESPA, and Borrawer <br /> shali pay to Lender the amount nec�ssary to rnake up the def c}�ncy in accordance with RESPA, bu�in no more than <br /> 12 mon�hly payments. <br /> Upon payment in fu�l of all sums secured by this Security�nstrument, Lender shall promptly refund�o Borrower <br /> any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower�hall pay all tax�s, assessrnents, charges, fines, and impQsi�ions attribu�able to <br /> the Property whic� can attain priori�y aver this �e�urity Instrument, leasehoid paym�nts or �r�u�rd rents on the <br /> Property, if any, and�ommunity Assaciat��n Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. To th�exten�tha�these items <br /> are Escrv�v It�ms, Borrower shall pay them in the manr�er pro�ided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lie��vhich has priority o�er�his Security�nstrument unless Borr�wer: <br /> �a}agrees in vr�riting to the payment of�he obligation secur�d by the Iien in a manner acceptahle to Lender, but anly <br /> so long as Borrower is performing such agreen��nt; (b} contests the lten in good faith by, or defends against <br /> enforcement of the]ien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's apinion operate to pre�ent the enforcement�f the lien <br /> while those pr�ceedings are pending, but anly until such proceedings are c�nc�uded; or �c} secures from the ho�der <br /> of the �ien an agreemen� satisfactory to Lender 5ubordinatipg the lien to thls Security Instrument. If Lender <br /> determines that any par�of the Property is subject to a lien which can atta�n priority o�er th�s Secur��y instrum�nt, <br /> Lender may give Barrower a natice iden�ifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date an which that no�ice is gi�en, <br /> Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or take one�r mor�of the actions set forth abo�e 1n th�s Section 4. <br /> Lender may reyuire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for a real e�tate tax�erification andlar reporting ser�ice <br /> used by Lender in connection vvith this Lflan. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT D�c�aglc <br /> M��l FI ED F�R DEPARTMENT OF V ETERAN S AFFA�RS - MERS w <br /> (Rev. �la'i} Page 5 of 14 <br />