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2� 1 ��8349 <br /> �U} 'Periodi� Payment" means the regularly schedu�ed amount due far �i) principal and interest under the No�e, <br /> plus�ii}any amounts und�r Section 3 of this Security Instrumen�. <br /> (P} "RESPA"means the Real Estate Sett�emen� Pracedures Act �I 2 U.S.�. §26�1 et seq.} and its implementing <br /> regulation, Regula�ion � �12 C.F.R. Part 10�4}, as they might be amended from time to time, �r any additi�nal or <br /> successor legislation or r�gulation that go�erns the same subject matter. As used in this S�curity Instrument, <br /> "RESPA" refers to a11 requir�ments and restrieti�ns that are imposed in regard to a"federally re�ated mortgage loan" <br /> e�en if�he Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA. <br /> ��} "Successor in interest of Borrower"means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not that <br /> party has assumed BorrovWer's ah�igations under the No�e andlor this Security Instrument. <br /> TRANSFER �F RlGHTS IN THE PR�PERTY <br /> The beneficiary of this 5ecurity Instrument is MERS (solely as norninee for Lender and Lender's successors and <br /> assigns}and the successors and assigns nf MERS. This Security Instrument se�ures to Lender: �i}the repayment of <br /> the L�an, and al� renewals, extensi�ns and mod i fi cations of�he N ate; and �i i} �he performance af Borrower's <br /> co�enants and agreements under this Security Instrumer�t and the Note. For this purpose,Barrower irre�ocab�y grants <br /> and con�eys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, �he following described property �o�ated in the <br /> ��LTNTy af HALL : <br /> [Type of Recording�urisdiction] [Name of Recording Jurisdiction] <br /> LE�AL DESCRIPTIQN ATTA�HED HERETQ AND MADE A PART HERE�F <br /> A. F.N. : 44�467�67 <br /> which curren��y has the address af 612 0 W jiiT I LD�iiT��D DR <br /> [Street] <br /> ALDA , Nebraska 5$$1�-9 6�3 �"Praperty Address"}: <br /> ����;� �Z ip Code] <br /> T�CrETHER �VITH a11 the improvements nov� or hereaf�er erected on �he property, and aIl easements, <br /> appurtenances, and f xtures now or hereafter a par� flf the property. All replacements and additions shall alsv be <br /> co��re�i hy�this Security�nstrument. Al� of the foreg�ing is referred to�n this�ecurity In�trument as�h�"Property." <br /> Borrov►rer understands and agrees that MERS ho�ds on�y legal�i�Ie to the interes�s granted by Borrower in�his Security <br /> Instrument, but, if n�cessary to coi-nply with law ar custom, MERS(as naminee for Lender and Lender's su�cessors <br /> and assigns}has the right: ta exer�ise any or�11 of t��ose interests, inc�u�ing, but nat limited ta, the r�ght ta foreclase <br /> and se�1 the Properiy;and t�take any ac�ion required�f Lender including, but not limited to, releasing and canceiing <br /> #his 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> BaRR�VL�ER C�VENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby can�eyed and has the righ� <br /> to grant and con�ey the Praperty and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbranc�s of record. <br /> Borrower warrants and will defend generally the tit�e to the Property against a11 cla�ms and demands, subject to any <br /> encumhrances of reCord. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-UN�FaRM lNSTRIlMENT DnncJi►�aglc <br /> M��IF�ED F�R QEPARTMENT �F VETERANS AFFAIRS - MERS www,docmagi�.Gam <br /> [Re�. �1��} Page 3 af 14 <br />