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2� 1 ��8347 <br /> Ail insuranc�po�icies required by L.ender and r�newal�of such po��c�es shai�b��ub,�ec�to L.�nder's right ta <br /> disapprove such policies, shal� include a standard m�rtgag�clause, and sha��name Lender as mor�gag�e <br /> andlor as an additionai �oss payee. Lender shal�ha�e the righ���h��d�he poi�c�es and ren�wal�ert�fica�es. �f <br /> Lender requir�s, Borrower shal�prompt�y gi�re�o Len�er aii rec�ipts of pa�d premiums and renevval notic�s. <br /> �f B�rrower o��ains any farm of insurance c��erage, not otherwise�r�quired by Lend�r, for damage�o, or <br /> destruction of, th�Proper�y, such policy shall inciude a standard mortgage c�aus�and shall name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlflr as an additional �oss payee. <br /> �n�h�e�ent of�oss, Borrower sha�� g��re prompt no�ice�o�he�nsurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may <br /> mak�proof of loss if not made promp��y by Borrawer. Uniess Lend�r and�orrawer o�herwise agre�in <br /> writ�ng, any insurance pr��e�ds, whe�her�r no��he underl��ng insurance was required by Lender, sha1� be <br /> appl�ed tio restora��on�r repair of the Property, if the res�orat��n or repair is �con�mica��y fea��b�e and <br /> Lender's secur�ty �s not lessen�d. During such r�pa�r and res�ora�ion per��d, L.�nder shall ha�e the right ta <br /> ho�d such insurance proceeds unti� Lender has had an oppor�un�ty to inspe��su�h Propert� to ensure�he <br /> work has b��n com�leted�o Lender's sa�isfaction, pro�ided�ha�such�nspection sha�i be undertaken <br /> promp�ly. Lend�r may d�sburse proceeds f�r the repa�rs and restora�i�n in a s�n��e payment ar in a ser�es of <br /> progress payments as the v�rork�s comp���ed. Unless an agreemen��s mad�in vvriting or Applicabie Lav� <br /> requires �nterest to be paid on such in�urance pr�ceeds, Lender shall no�be re�uired to pay Borrower any <br /> �n�er�st or earnin�s on such proceeds. Fees for public ad�us�ers, or o�her�hird part�es, retained by Borrov�er <br /> shali not be paid out of the�nsuranC�proceeds and sha�l be the sol��bliga�ian of Borro�er. �f�h�res�oration <br /> �r repair is not ec��aam�cally feasi��e or Lender's secur��y�au�d be�ess�ned, the insuranc�proceeds sha�l he <br /> app�ied t��he surns secured by this Se�urity�nstrument, whether ar no��hen due, v�rith�he excess, if any, <br /> pa�d to Borr�wer. Such �nsurance proceeds shal� �e appl�ed in the order pro��d�d for�n Section 2. <br /> If Borrow�r abandons the Proper�y, Lender may �Ie, n�g��xat�and set�Ie an� a�ailable insuranc��Iaim and <br /> re�a�ed mat�ers. �f Borro��r does no�respond v�i�hin 3�da�s�o a not��e from I�ender�hat the�nsurance <br /> �arr�er has offered�o settle a claim, then Lender may nego�ia�e and se����the c�aim. The 3�-da�peri�d wil� <br /> b���n v�rhen the no��c� �s gi�ren, In either event, or xf Lender acquires the Property under Sec��an�2 or <br /> a�herwise, Barrower hereby ass�gns tn Lender�a} B�rrow�r`s rights �o any insurance pro�eeds in an amount <br /> not�a exceed �he amoun�s unpa�d under�he Note or th�s Se�urity�nstrumen�, and �b} any o�her of <br /> Borr�wer's rights ���her than the right�o any refund of unearn�d pr�miums paid b� Borrow�r}under all <br /> xnsuranc�poli�ies co�ering the Property, in�ofar as such rights are app�ica�le�o�h�coverage of th� <br /> Propert�r. Lend�r may use the insurance proceeds e�ther to repair or res�ore the Pr�per��or�a pay am�unts <br /> unpaid under�he Nate or�his Securi�y �ns�rumen�, �rhe�her or not then due. <br /> �. Uccupancy. Borra�ver shall oc�up�, es�abl�sh, and use��e Praper�y as Borrower's pr�ncipa� residence <br /> vv��hin 6�days af�er the ex�cu��on nf this Secur�t� �nstrumen�and shall con��nu�to occupy th� Praperty as <br /> Borrower's principa� residence far at l�as�one y�ar after�.he date�f o�cupancy, unless Lender o�herwise <br /> agrees in wr�t�ng, wh�ch c�nsen�sha�� not be unreasonabiy v�ri�hhe�d, or un�ess ex�enua�ing c�rcun�s�anc�s <br /> exist which are�ey�nd Borrowe�-'s con�ral. <br /> 7. Preser►►at�on, Maintenance and Protection of the Prope�ty; Inspectians. Borrow�r sha11 not destray, <br /> damage ar impair�he Propert�, al�ow�he Proper�y�o�.eter�orate or cammit waste on�he Proper�y. Wheth�r <br /> or not Borrower is residing in t.�.e Prap�r�y, B�rrower shall mainta�n�he Prop�r�y in o�der to pr��r�n��he <br /> Prop�rty fronl det�riorating or decreasing in value due�a its cond�tion. Unless ���s de�ermined pursuan��a <br /> Sect�on S tha�repa�r or restora�ion is n�t economica�Iy feas�ble, Borrawer shal�prom�p��y repa�r�he Pro�er�y <br /> �f damaged ta avoid further deteriorati�n�r damage. If�nsurance ar condemnation pro�e�eds are pa�d�n <br /> connect�on with damage�o, or�he�ak�ng of, �he Pr�per�y, Bnrrflwer sha�i be responsible for r�pairing or <br /> restoring the Property�n�y if L.ender has released proce�ds for�uch purposes. Lender may disburs�proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe�arnily-�annis Mael�reddie Mac tJNIF�RM iNSTRl3M�NT �orm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE)t13�2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 7 af 7 7 <br />