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2� 1 ��8347 <br /> .senten�es sha�� n�t app�y ta�he presence, use, ar storage an�he Proper��r flf smail quan�ities of Hazard�us <br /> �ubstances�hat are genera��y recognized to be appropr�at�to n�rmal res�den�ia�uses and ta maintenance of <br /> the Prapert�r ��nc�ud�ng, bu�not Iimited ta, hazardaus substanc�s in c�nsumer produc�s}. <br /> Borro��r sha�� promp���gi�e Lender vvr�tten not�ce of�a} any �nvest�ga��an, c�aim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> acti�n��any governmentai ar regu�a�ory agency or priva�e par�y �n�o�v�ng th� Pr�perty and any �Ia.zardous <br /> Substance or En��ronmenta� La� of which Borraw�r has actua� knowledge, �b} any En�ir�nmenta� <br /> Cond�t��n, �nc�uding bu�no��imit����, any spi��ing, Ieaking, d�scharge, relea���r thr�at of re�east�f any <br /> Hazardous Substar�ce, an.� �c} any c�n�i�iQn caused by�he pr���nGe, use or re�ease af a�3azardous �ub�tan�� <br /> which ad�erse�y affec�s the va�ue of�he Propert�. �f Barrower l�arns, �r�s notz�ed by an�gavernmen�a��r <br /> regu�atnry author�ty, nr any private par��, that any r��m��ra� ar��h�r r��med�atian af any Hazardous Substance <br /> affect�ng the Prapert��s necessary, Borr�wer sha�l prompt�y take a��nec�ssary remed�al actions in <br /> ac�ardance wi�h Environmen�al Law. No�hing herein shall create any ab�igati�n�n Lender for an <br /> Enviranmen�ai �leanup. <br /> Non-Unifvrm Covenants. Barr�wer and Lend�r ca�enant and agree as fo��ows: <br /> ��. Accelerativn f Remedies. Lender sha�� give no�ice to Borrawer prior tv accei�ra�ion fall�w�ng <br /> Borrower's breach of any co�enant or agreement in�his 5ecurity Ins�rument �hu�not pr�or�v <br /> acceiera�inn und�r Sect�on 18 un�ess Applicab�e Lavw pravid�s o�her�vise�. The natice shal�spec�fy: �a} <br /> the defauit; �b} the act�fln requ�red to cure th�defau��; �G} a da�e, not��ss�han 30 days from�he da�e <br /> the nat����s g�ven tfl Barrow�r, b�which the defau�t mus�be cured; and �d} �hat faiiure�o cure the <br /> defau�t on or befvre�he date specif�ed in the naticQ m�ay r��u�t in acce��ra�ian of the sums secured by <br /> �h��Security Ins�rument and sal�af th�Property. The na�ice shai�further inf�rm Borrower of the <br /> right to re�nsta�e after acce�eration and�he right to bring a co��rt act�on to assert�he non-e��s�ence oF a <br /> defaul�or any other defense of B�rr���ver t�accelera�ion and sale. IF�he€�efau���s no� cured on or <br /> beFare the da�e spec�f�ed�n the notice, Lender a�its vpt�on may requ�re�mrned�a�e paymen��n fu�� of <br /> all sums secur�d by this Secur�ty Instrument w��hou� further demand and n�ay in�oke�he power of sale <br /> and any o�her remed�es perm�tted by App��cab�e La�v. Lender sha��be en�itl�d�a c���ec� a�� expenses <br /> �nc�rred�n pursuing�he rem�d�es prov�ded�n�his Secti�n�Z, inc�uding, bu�no�lim��ed�a� reasonab�e <br /> a��orneys' fees and costs of t�tle evidence. <br /> If the pawer af sa�e is invoked, Trus�ee shal�re�ord a not�ce af defau���n ea�h county�n �vh�ch any <br /> part of�he Proper�y�s�oca�ed and shall mai� copies af such no�ice in the nzanner prescr�bed by <br /> App��cab�e Lavw�o Borrower and�o�he other persans prescr�bed by App��cabl�Law. After�he�i�cne <br /> requ�red by App��cab�e Law, Trus�ee sha�l gi�e pub�ic nvt�ce of sa�e t��he persons ar�d in�he manner <br /> prescr�bed by App�icable Law. Trus�ee, w��hout demand on Burrow�r, sha��se�� �he Prvpe�y at�ublic <br /> auct�an���he h�ghes�bidd�r at�he time and p�ace and und�r the�terms des�gnated in�he na��ce af sa�e <br /> in on�or more parc��s and�n any arder Truste��eterm�nes. Trus�ee may postpane sale of a�� or any <br /> par�e�of the Praper�y by pub���annauncement at the��nne and p�ace of any pre�iausly scheduled�ale. <br /> Lender ar its designee may purchase the Proper�y a�any sale. <br /> Upon re�eipt of paymen�uf th�price�id, Trus�ee�hali d�liver���he purchaser Trustee's de�d <br /> conveying the Proper�y. The rec�tals�n�he Trus�ee's de�d sha��be pr�ma faeie e�idence af the truth of <br /> the s�a�ements nlade�herein. Trus��e sha��app�y the proceeds of the sal�in�he fol�awing order: �a) to <br /> a�� cos�s and expen�es of e�ercis�ng�he pnwer of sa�e, and the saie, inc�uding�he�ayment af the <br /> Trus�ee's fees ac�ually incurred and reasanable a��orneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Lavv; �b} �o <br /> a�I sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument; and �c} any excess to the person�r persnns�ega�ly <br /> en�i��ed ta it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Family-Fannie Mael�redc�ie Mac UN[FC]RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�2$11n� <br /> VMP[� VMP64N��4�342; <br /> W��€�rs Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Pa�e 14 of 17 <br />