2� 1 ��8347
<br /> in�he Property and rights under�his Secur��y �ns�rument; and �d}�ak�s such ac��fln as Lender may
<br /> reasonably re�uire to assure tha�Lender's �n�eres�in��e Proper�y and righ�s under�his Secur�ty �ns�rument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligatian to pay the sum.s s�cured hy this Secur��y Instrument, shall continue une�anged.
<br /> I.�nder ma� require that Barrower pay such reins�a�em�n�sums and expenses �n one or more of the fo��owing
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash; �b�m.�n��flrder; �c}c�r�ified cheGk, bank check, �reasurer's�heck ar
<br /> cash�er's check, provzded any su�h check�s drav�n upon an institutian whose d�posits are insured by a
<br /> federal agenc�, instrun�en�ali�y or enti��; or�d} Electron�c Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by��rravver,
<br /> this ��curi�y Ins�rumen�and�b��gations secured hereby sha�� rema�n ful�y effec��ve as if na accel�ratian had
<br /> �ccurred. Howe�er, �his righ��a re�nsta�e sha�l n�t apply in�he case of acc�lerat��n under Sect�on �.g.
<br /> �D. Sa1e of N�te; Change af Lvan Servicer; Not�ce of Grie�ance. The N�te or a par�ial in��res�in��e
<br /> Nate t�oge�her wi�h�h�s Secur��y Ins�rument} can be sold on�or m�r��imes w�thout prior no�ice ta
<br /> Barrower. A sal�migh�resul�in a change�n�he entity �knovvn as the "Loar�Servicer"}tha�collects Per�odic
<br /> Pa�ments due under the Note and�h�s Secur�t� �nstrurnent and performs�ther�nor�gage�oan servicing
<br /> ob�igations under�h� Note, �his Secur�t�Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one or more
<br /> changes❑f��.e Loan Serv�cer unrelated to a sale of th�Na�e. �f there is a change�f�he Loan Servicer,
<br /> Barrower vvi��be gi�en wr���en noti�e�f�he change which v�ill state�he name and address of the nevv Loan
<br /> Ser��cer, the address to which�a�ments shou�d be made and any��h�r information RESPA requires in
<br /> c�nnection with a nat����f transfer of s�rWicing. If th�No�e�s s�id and thereafter�he Loan is ser�iced by a
<br /> Loan Ser�icer other than the purchaser af�he Note, the mortgag��oan ser�ric�ng�b1�ga�ions to Barrflwer v�r�Il
<br /> rema�n v�rith the Loan Ser�icer or be�ransferred to a suGces�or�...flan Servicer and are not assumed by�he
<br /> Nate purchaser unless��he�-ur�se pro�ided by th� Nat�purchaser,
<br /> Neither Borrov�er nor Lender may commence,join, or b�jo�ned�o an�judic�al ac��on�as either an
<br /> �ndi�idual l��igant or the m��m.ber of a�1ass} that arises from the other par��'s actions pursuant to this
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen�or�hat a��eges�hat the other party has breached an�prov���an of, or an�duty�w�d by
<br /> reason of, th�s Security Instrum�nt, unt�� su��Bon�wer�r L,ender has notified�he o�her party �w��h such
<br /> no�ice g��en �n Camp��ance with�he requir�men�s of Sec�ion 153 of such a��eg�d breac�and affarded�.�
<br /> other par�y hereto a reasonab�e period after�he giving of such nat��e to �ake correc���e action. If App�icable
<br /> Law pro�ides a�ime per�fld vvhich must elapse before c�r�ain ac�ion can be�aken, that�ime period wi��b�
<br /> de�med to be reas�nable for purposes of�his paragraph. The n��iGe of accelerat�on and�ppflr�un��� �o�ure
<br /> given�o Borrower pursuant to Sect�on 22 and�h�no�x�e of accei�ration given to Borr�wer pursuan�to
<br /> Sec�ian �8 shall be de��med�� satisf��he no�ice a�d�pp�rtunzty�o take correcti�e action pro�isions of th�s
<br /> Se��ion�0.
<br /> 2�. Hazardvus Sul�stances. As used �n th�s Se�tion Z�: �a} "Ha�ardous Subs��nces"�I�t.h.�5�5U�35��].C�S
<br /> defned as toxic ar hazardous substan�es, pollu�an�s, �r�vastes by Environmentai Law and�he following
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, �ther flammabl�or�oxic p��ro�eum produc�s, toxic pest�cides and herbic�des,
<br /> �ola�ile soivents, ma�erials can�ain�ng asbes�os or f�rma�dehyde, and radiaact��e ma�er�als; �b}
<br /> "E1�vr'rar�m�ntar Lavu"means federal laws and�aws flf�he j urisdi��ion where the Proper�y is �oca�ed��.at
<br /> rela�e ta h�a�th, safet� or env�rflnmen�a�pro�ec�i�n; �c} ".�'nviranrrrP��taZ Cleanup"in�ludes any respanse
<br /> act�an, remedial ac�ifln, or remova� aC�ion, as de�ned in Environ.men�a� Lavv; and�d} an "Envirotrrrtentar
<br /> �ondztza�z"means a condit�on that can cause, con�ri�bute to, or�therwise trigger an Env�ronmental ��eanup.
<br /> Borrower sha��na�cause�r permi�the pres�nce, use, d�spasal, storage, or releas��f any �azardous
<br /> Substan.ces, �r�hrea�en to release any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in�he Praperty. Borrower shai�n�t do,
<br /> nar al�ow an}�one�Ise�a do, any�hin� affec�ing the Propert� �a}�hat is in vifl�a���n of any En��rflnmentai
<br /> Law, �b} wh��h�reates an En���-anmen�a� �ondx�xon, �r�c� vvhich, due�a th�presence, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> �azardous Substance, �reates a condit��n that ad�rerse��r affects�he�alue of the Prape��. �The pr�eding tv�a
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ing�e Family-�annie Maet�reddie Mac L]NIFDRM 1N5TRUM�NT Farm 30�8 1101
<br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�){13�2f
<br /> Wolters Kl�wer Financial Ser�ices Page�3 v€7 7
<br />