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, � . � <br /> � . �—�iad5$1 • . <br /> No�t.LTNtFOR+t CovE!�t�[�TS.Borrower and Lender further cowen�nt sir►d a�trce as follnws: <br /> 19.AcceIeration; Re�edia. Lcader s6a11 �ve eotice to.Barrower priot to acceleatiou iolioMtag Borrowe�s • <br /> 6rea�Ir of aey co�eaant or�Srcestat te t6I�Seceribj Lstrdmeet(bnt not prior to sccsieraHee ueder�ragnp�13 and 17 . ' <br /> a�leas y�ijcable t�w p�o�ides otberwisra.'ise n�ct sWfl specNy:(s)t4e delanit;(bi tbe�ctIoe re�utre�to cure tRe <br /> � defacil�(c)a date.aot las tlun 3D days trom the dtie thie�atics ts gtan¢o Barrowes,6y witich the defiult must be cured; � <br /> aad(d)t6at tailure to care tse detautt oe or before the date speci8ed fn th�eottrr may rtsutt,[n accelentiun of the sue�s <br /> -- sawred by ti�Secarity Instr�s�eat aad sale of t6e Praperty.'Ihe eo6ce shaU fi�rt6er inform Borcower ot the�Ight tQ <br /> - rclQSitte��ctkrali�ae aa�t�e rf�si ts Qris�a court�Qa tQ u3ert tht aon-eststtec+e ot a dsfat�lt or�eg athe� <br /> defeast of Barrowes to ao¢eknt�an sed sak.ittl�e defaalt is not cured on or Defore tBe dtte ap�ecif ed iR the aoKce.Lendrr <br /> �t ib option aay reaofre ieraiediate p�yaeat 3e Poll of sl) su�as secared by t6is Securlty Instrumeet*ithant farther <br /> � deauiad aad m�y iarolce ttie powtr otsaie a�d any other remedies permitted by appltca6le law.Lender shall 6e eatltled to ' <br /> collect all e:pesses i�crrrcd ia per�ieg tYe rcmed;es prosided in t� par�aph 19, tectuding; but not lia�Ited t4, <br /> rea�ansbk attoraexs'fea and cats of ttde eddeace. <br /> — U t6e power o!saDe is ievaked,Trqttee s6a11 record a cotfcs of detault in acb county in x6ich aey p�rt o!th� <br /> Pmpe�tr is�oated aad siall mail copies at s�cb eotice ie tie maaner prescrihed by appltes6le law to BoROwe�and to the <br /> otber oersoes prescn'6ed by�pplicahle taw.After the ttme reqairM by applicable la�v,Traslee aball gi�e puhlic notice of <br /> sale to ttte persons aed in ttte mumer prtseri6ed bq:pplicable law.Trustee.eithaat demand an Borrower,shait sell the <br /> . Property at OnbGc auction to t6e highest bidder at the tfine and place�nd nnder the ter�u dESignated in t6e notice of sale in <br /> ' one or more pitrcels and in any order Tcasta determines.Trustee msy postpone sale af sll or�ny pucet of the Pro�trty hy <br /> publie annauncement at the time and place o!any preriously acheduled sale.Lender or its desigaee may purchase the � <br /> �P�Y��Y� • , <br /> Upon rtceipt of p�ymaat of the price b�d,Trustee s6a11 delivtr tn t6e purr�ser Trustee's deed coaveyiag the � <br /> P�operty.T6e recftals ia the Trusta•s deed s�sfi l�e prima ficte evideace oi t6c trut6 of the statements made therein. <br /> '�'+rustee sball aoply t6e proceeds o!t�s�Fe i�t�tuiT9wing order:(a)to al1 e*penses af the sde,including,but eat limited � <br /> __� � to,Trastet'�fees as penttitted by a�Iica�rSe ist��tt�reasoaable attarn�ys'fees;(b)to atl snms secured by this Security � <br /> ' Iestrnment;and tc)any excess to the�rsu�or persoas legalI���tled to it. <br /> � . � 20.Lender in Possessian, liprsn acGeleratian under p�agraph 19 ur.abandcr.ment of the Property, Lender(in "�� . <br /> . person,by agent or by j�dicially appointed receiver)shall be entitted to�-Lter upon, take passession of and manage the <br /> :Aroperty and to collect the rents of the Property inciuding those past dv.�!�ny rents coltected by l.ender or the receiver <br /> � shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Progerty and collection of rents, including,but noc <br /> limited to,receiver's fecs,premiums cn receiver's bonds and r�sonable at!ameys'fees,and then to the sums secured b} <br /> � this Security Instrument. ; <br /> : 21.Reconveyance.T'pon ps4rn�nt ef alI�soms secured by this Ser�.i.r�y r-�strument,Ixnder shali request Trustee to � <br /> reconvey the Property and shall sucr��r this Sr�:�;rity Instrument and aid�L;:tts evidencing debt secured by this Security� - �;;<;,� <br /> Instrument ta Trustee.Trusiee sh�:I!tv�,�nvey the Property wit?�cut warraniy and a;.r�Jnux charge to thc person ar persons ' ��.�,'�.;. , <br /> ; legaiiy entitted to it.Such person or�ons shal!pay any recm^�z«isn costs. �":,��' . <br /> �.,,} �. <br /> 22.Sutsstitute Trustee.Lender,at its option,may from ur.:r to tirrre 4��:..uee�r.;��:��and appoint a successor trustee , ,;,:Y-r,.. <br /> ,,..,._ <br /> to any Trostte appointcd herounderby an instrument recorded in the cu�:ur..��i�which ttais Security lnstrument is recorded. :',:'-r,- <br /> : Without conveyance of the Pcoperty,the successor tsustee shall succeed n.�C:the title,power and duties conferred upon � � �- <br /> Trustee herea-�and by applicable law. <br /> Z3.I�at [or Notices.Bonower requests that capies af the net;;��of defauit and s�le be sent to Bonoaer's � - <br /> address which is the Property Address. . . <br /> ?�Riders to tGls Seci�dty lnstrument.If one or more riders are er�a:�at�:d by Borrower and recorded together with , ,;� <br /> - t-i:is Security Instrumez�,r.he covenants and agreements of each such rider�s!�::J?be incorporated into and shall arnend and ,• <br /> . eupplemcnt the covendnu and agreements of this Security Instrument as if t!�e,-i�.t�r!s) w�ere a part of this S�urity <br /> ; [s:strument.{Check applicable be�f�tl <br /> _ ❑ Adjustable Rat� [v:iie: � Condominium Rider [_] 2-4 Family Rider ____ • . �' <br /> � ;� : <br /> ❑ Graduated L��..�ent Rider ❑ Planne�! U�it Deaei;r�-,:-,ent Rider <br /> �Olher(s) [sp��1y] �-4 Pamily Rider ,� <br /> :��, <br /> - BY S[rNltvG B��w, Borrower accepts 4nd ugrees to the teLrrJ,�i and covenants contained in this S�suri.: � <br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executvi by Borrc�A4°r and recorded with it. � <br /> I ........................................................................................ .' Kef1116 ft LN li 1���e� <br /> ................. ..'............. . ............................................... .f���s:::::� . /r �:1 j..l c.�:��.r........................ �s�s, <br /> -- Qanna K. �i4a11er -�:��ori�� <br /> S.s n7�:c�t�N�:nans�:n. Hall �:��umy ss: <br /> � On this � 5th 4:,i:, oi' February . (9a 1 . �:�;"arr mc, ttec undcrsi�;ncd. a N�t�iry F'uhlic <br /> __ _ ' duly commissioned and qualifiec"�r•��said county,prrs�mally �c,;�.r:• (�rr;�eth L. Miller and Oonna K. Miller, <br /> each in his and her own right, and as spouse of eaN'�� �ther ,eu mc k�umn �s�hc�he : - ----`-- <br /> �drntical persan�s) �vh�;•3c n.i�nci�) are suhscribrd to thc P��rc�,r�iuE -,s;rumcnt and ackn����•Icd�cd �hc c�ccu�ion <br /> — �hcrcof td bc their ��olunt�ry ��ct ��nd decd_ � <br /> �►Jitness my hand atid ttut7ri7(�cai at Grand Island, NebraSkg in tiai�1 r��unt�'.Uar � <br /> �•► date atoresaid. • • <br /> ��� it��#rrri�ll � • � <br /> . h1y Cc�mmissiou rx�ires: , s����� � �} F � } � �� <br /> � L 1Mar�a d1►��.1�. .. .... . .. . .....".`._'n.. .?r.'�..�.:...`...,,��-,,.,: •,` <br /> :���i.r., I�u��l:. <br /> � RfQUE:ST 1�(�R KECU�1,'klr'Ati(! h <br /> lr7 TK��y:l t y� <br /> Ilir uncicr�,i�nr•d ��thc iii�tcli•r n1 tf�c u+�l�•iir note�•c�t�re� I+o tl�i� 1)ccd e�t !r�nt. S.ue! nntc'itf iFt1I4•., ��}��c•:h�•r A <br /> w����ali othtir m�tchtednc°;ti�c..utcd t�y thi�.Ihcc!��f i rntit,h;��c F+e.n p,�iE1+so t��l! Yvi�.�t�'Ilcich� �Ii7 c��ii�i.I ti��!..»�t . � <br /> • n!+t���t nvt�� ;i�te) :hi� t);;rd e�t 'iruu, ��:hl�l� ;ztc Je•htcrcd herrh�, :u�il ��� tr,;=n�r�, usth��nt ��.ui,uu�. .�II the�c•i.ur <br /> Itc�tti FSCIt� ��y' �HSt Ifll(�Ct fl��� �1�•CC�trf �flNt 1�� t�lC f+.'t�nU n: (r;f,:�+l�� I�r,111C ��uti1{ri{ !lactct�� <br /> � �'�''` ,_,� .. <br /> ,�k <br /> ��i�� <br /> --j��.� <br /> ��j��._ � <br /> .��A'. <br /> _ _ i�,y. <br /> _ •�' 4 <br />