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,____ .._ . � F , ' �': <br /> � _ . . <br /> � g0--;10058i <br /> r If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security I�strument, <br /> f Borrower sha!!pak t6e premiums required to maintain the insurance in e�'ect until such time as th�requirement for the <br /> _ insUrance terminates in acccardance with BotrQwe;'sand i...ender's written agr�ement c�rapplicabte law_ <br /> 8. Ins�ectfun. 1Fnder or its agpnt ma}makr rnsonabt=entries upan and inspectieas af che Frcperty. Lender <br /> sh�give Bonower natice at the time of or prior ta an insQection specify ing reasonabte cause for the inspecrion. <br /> � 9. Coademnat�on, The proceeds of any award or claim far damages.dircct or consequential,in connecti�n with <br /> � any condemn�tion or other taking of any part of the Property,or for canveyance in lieu of condemnation,are hertby � <br /> 3ssigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> _ � In tht evcnt of a totat taking af the Property,tha proceeds shaA be applied to the sams secured by this Sa�rity � <br /> Instsucnent.whether or not then du�with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. ' <br /> unless Bonoaer and Lenda atherwise agrec in writing,fhe sums secured by this Securit}Instrument shall be reduce�i by <br /> the amarunt of the proceods muttipliod by the following fractian:(a)the total air�ount of ihe sums secured immediately <br /> before ttte taking,divided by(b)ih¢fair market value of thc Property immediately before the taking.Any balance shap 6e <br /> - paid tu Borrower. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after natice 6y Len�er c�f�Qrrawer that the sondemnor affers to <br /> make an award or settle a claim for damages.Sorrow�er fails to respond to I.enciec�thin 30 days after the date the notice is <br /> givcn,Lcnder is authorized to coltect and apply thr proceeds,at its a�fic�n.eith�r to restoraucsr ar repair of the Property or , <br /> ' to the sums secured by this Security Instrument;whethcr or not then cdur. <br /> Uniess Lender and 8onower othera+ise agrce in writing,ank�,s�1���tion of proceeds to primipal shall not eatend ar � <br /> p�sLpane the due date of the monthly payments referred tn in paragiaphs 1 and 2 or change the amov:xrtrfs,u:h payments. <br /> 10 Borroxer Not Reteased; Forbearartce By I'i.eader Not a Waiver. Extension of the :�����x payment or <br /> modiScation o;amortization of the sums securect L. �L�s Security lnstrument granted by ile�der t�fl;fy successor in �� •• <br /> inttrest of Borrower sha1)not operate to rete3se the i.=ability of the original Borrower or Barmw��s's saccessors in interest. <br /> f,en�er shall not be required to commence �racc�ngs against any successor in.interest��r refuse to eatend time fur � <br /> payment or otherwise modify amortizativn�f the sa�.��:cured by this Security Itr�'tr�_ment by reason oTany demand anade , <br /> � by the ariginal Borrower or Aorrower's successors i��:.�;�:est.Any forbearance�_'i�nder in exercising any right or remedy � <br /> shalt aot be a waiver ofar precf ude the exercise e�ans r"�ht or remedy. � <br /> 11. Succeasors and Assig�►s Bo���i�t and Sereral Li�bility;Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of � � <br /> this Security[nstrument shall bir.�and ber:�t th�successors and as�a:�-as of Lender and Borrower,subject to the prarisions � <br /> of paragraph 17.Borrower's ca���e�ar:ss a.�d agreements�.�11 be jein���d several.Any Bonower who casigns this Secnrity <br /> Instrument but does nat exe�.ute t�te Note:(u)is co-�i�;.u��ihis Security Instrument only to mongage,�'I.IiLLt•and convey , <br /> that Borrower's interest in the Property under the tert��:f::�is Security Instrument;(b)is nat pe�sonall�•c�'.;I��ated to pay ' ,. <br /> the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument;and(c)a�rees that I,ender and anp othes BUrrower may a�r�to ektecd, <br /> modity,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securety Instrument or the Note witho�at �- <br /> that Borrower's consent. `� <br /> lZ. Loan Chuges. fPihe loan secured by tr.i�s�.�c+�rity Instrumenc is subject to a law which sets mazimum loan � - <br /> chasges. end that law is finally interpreted so that �}te. .ate�est ur uther loan charges collected or to be collected in • ,=`.= <br /> connection with the toan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount <br /> necessary to redace the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)an}•�u.r�,.s already collected from Borrower which exceeded ';� <br /> permitted limits�uiU be rtfunded to Borrower. Lender���;y cf:����a c�make this refund by reducing the principal oweA ' <br /> under the Note or by making a dircct payment to 8orrc�;�.�f a r.'.:-��reduces�,ancipal.the reduction u�i[e��e treated as a � <br /> panial prepayment without an��r�3yment charge un.drx cl*.e'�'a���. <br /> 13. I,egislatfon ARectieg I.eudEr"5 �tights. r!�enact�.::^!? or cxpirati�n of applicable laws has the effeci oi' �' <br /> rendering any provasion of the Note or thi�.ra°,�urity Instrument ur.�cc!`arr.eable according to its terms,l,ender,at its optian, ! <br /> may reyuire immediate payment in Pul��C�:l sums secured by this Sesurity instrument an� may invake any remedies <br /> �ermitted by puragraph 19. If Lcnder exerczscs this option,Ixnder shaU take the steps specified ir►the second paragtaph of � <br /> paragraph 17. • <br /> 11. Notices. Any notice to Borra���pro�i�ew for in this 5ecurity Ins,ri.~s�ent shaU be given by delivering it or by '�"� <br /> mailing it by first cla�.s mail unless applic:i��ie law requires use af;�^other m�thod. The notice shall be directed td ai�: � '�" <br /> , Property Addr�ss or any other address Borro�rer desi&nates by r�a�:�.:�:'::�Lea�:.-.Any notice to Lender shall be giver,l�y � <br /> first class mail to Lender's addre,�s stated herein�r an3�����:.-addsesc r eader���Laates by notice to Bnrrr,.i:e-.Any naiice <br /> providtd fur in thig Security Insirument shall be deem�i't+a':aee u�:z:ven to f��rr.�wer��r l.ender whe�a�:��.�as provided <br /> in this paragraph. <br /> 15. Gorerning l.ow;5eren6ility. This Security Instrur,�e-r shall be govemed b��:'ederal law and the law n£tf:e <br /> jurisdictinn ir�wi�ich the Praperty is lcxated. !n the event that ar.y �ravision or clause Qf tl�.}s Security]nstrument or sl�e <br /> Note conflicts with appficable taw.such co:,9iet shxl4��ot affect other prrnisio::=cf this Se��;.�:ty lnstrument or the Note <br /> � which can be given effect without the conflicting pt�o��ik��a.To this end the protit:::.�nt of thtis Security Ir.i=.t'rument and the <br /> �tote are deClared to be se:vcrabte. <br /> 16. $orrower'g Copy. Ronower shall be given one confv-r�d ce�py��f'the 1Vote�m�of thi5 5ecarity)nsuume^1. <br /> l7. Traesfer ot the Property or a Berteficiat Interest in 1�r,r.rawer. If aU nr any part of the Yroperty or:;:Jx;� <br /> �nterest in it is sotd or transferrcd(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or Iransferred and 8orrower is nat a natura! <br /> , persnn)a�ithout Lender's�Srior written consent.Len�.r. ^�ay,af its aption,re4,�r�.immediate payment in full c�f:�ll sums <br /> __ _ �� sccured by this Security Instrurrtent. However,this ciatr.nn shall n��t he rxerci�ed by Lender if exerc�se is prohibited by <br /> -- federa!law as of'the date of this 5ecurity Instrument. �-- --_ <br /> - ' if Lendet exercises this option,I,ender shal)give 8orrdwer notice of arceieratian.The notiee shall prnvide u perind ' <br /> — c�f not Irss than�0 days from the date the notice ic delivered c�r ma�led with'in which Ijorrower mu�t pay all�urns sccurcd by . <br /> this Security Instrument.if 8orrower fails t�i pey these sums priur e�►the expiration of Ihis peric�cf.L.ender may incc�kc any <br /> remtdiea permittCd by thfs Security lnsttument without further uotice or demand�m Rnrrnwer. , <br /> '"" i6.�'oortowers�iRn�Eo�eiusfafe. if�rorma•er meets cenain ermditians,i�orrcjwer�haii have tne nght to hace - <br /> �� enfureement of this 5e�;urity Inttrument d�srnntinued�t nny time pnnr tn the e�irlier i�f:1a15 dayo(�r such��thec prrind as •� <br /> ii i�avic iow nc3'"7 icii�"i�ii iciltiidictiit:it�j�".e...,,... t, C.0: u_.._. e • <br /> L �" 7 { y ..:.v,a,n3.c:�.,..c �nv�rciiy �rui�UAUi iv tfnu En.iwcr�n aiuc�u��ia�ncu nt inr� � <br /> 5ecutuy tt�sErument;or Ih)ents}of a,�udgment enforcing th�s 5ecunty Instrument. l�h���e rnnciil�nnc are th�i Horra�ver. <br /> i (a)pays Lertdcr al1 yumv whuh theti would be duc under this 5.•cur�ty imtrursient an� thc tiutr had nu ucceierauun � <br /> ��rurred: tb1 cura�. any detault of any oiher roven;�nts cv ngr:�ertuntc; (c) ��ayti.ill rxpet��e� �t�rurred i« eufnrcitig thi� �� <br /> � Swrur�tr• In�;trun.c�rt, includ�nF, but twt 1i»uted tu, reasan�btc attc�mcy� fcc�, anci fd)take��i�ch acu��n as 1 rndcs tnay � <br /> fC3S��tIJC�Ij reywre t�f ussurc that thc heu uf this Secur�ty lu��rume�rt. l.end�:r'� r��:hE� �n the I'r��{,crty a�ut Hi�rn�wcr'c � � <br /> +fhlt���t:sm t�. p.�w the 5ti1t15 4C�UEN(J �7V li��� Se�urity itiatrurrttrrt !.Ir�lt c��ntiau; cm�h.m�c�f E'��n remrtatrnent hr- •� -- <br /> � lTurrtraei.ttuti Se�urtt} In:irumet�t and the��h1�Ratwny secured hereh��h:flf rr+nau:ftiUy eflect:�e:��if n��:u�•cle•�.�ti�m h:sJ <br /> ��.�urtr.l ld��wC4F1.ZF114YI�,I1�f1�(p1ft��J�[�FiJI�IlU�ilrt7l�'}TlfFll'Ci1\C41F:tiCClCtilfll�SFL1�ICfCiF;7fa�tr:irh�EZ+�rI' <br /> � <br /> ,• � <br /> �� <br /> / <br /> ii r3V <br /> 7 -�r' <br /> '�l�'�` _ <br /> F' . <br /> _ ,, <br /> . 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