<br /> _ .-;,.,z,tp� �,v. •zi?��tac;- '111E.hq' '-...t ��Cti,- _11_ .YkE z y°.s, `+._ ,..a s _e. .v'v'iY y c — _=Rc,'.-,...�a'Li,._,....�-
<br /> . r
<br /> :. .� . ,.. • . .
<br /> �•: ,�.,!+yy
<br /> �c�e��lG�k.�'2?l-1'2Y.�:s-�:��`1?lk:`.,i�\ r'a,*c��j=. �c.,s.a1...�_E5.1t�;.�s�,`.�`.0 �':.Y ki,� ���=s�:�.1 u'F.� ��----- -- �'�.'�'�..oi�as�a,Ac.—d'xh3¢e�s:u.m ___
<br /> r� .. � . .
<br /> ��IM��ZI� � �_ ._:. ��i=J�`t t ���G �w�'i:i% e-ti�\fi.s.trl�.':k..i._''� _
<br /> � �� � . .�� - � �
<br /> B En+ln�nt Qanwh�.Len�er�s hera6y ass�gned a���OtnpCnS�t�On 8w3rdS CamtgB>An�tltncr pdymCRtS Of iP1:�i*;G•^�c�n�t�er�Praceetls )��cP��¢ctron w�th
<br /> � eonQemnat�onorotne:takin�oftAePropertyarD4rltRe�twt.arlorconveyancemireaot�o�attmnat��n ten�ersha��bre�:�i�eQatdSOpUOntocnmmencanypesrmand �
<br /> i prosecute�ndlownnameanyacbanoryoCeeO«gs.anAsh8lititSOCE6nUtl�tltomaQB�nycomprOmisoO►�etflemBnt�ncOn�BtbOnw±t�SUCbt3Rfn�ortldm0g@ lntRO
<br /> � � � Eye�t�ny part�an o!the P�operry Is so teken Oe QamigeA.tendei 5ha11 haye►no o0��ary in�ts So�o and eGsotute d�sc�a:�on.to nOR�V o��such Procee�JS titter Ceducting •
<br /> � thE�Ai(6fBaHCOStl�It�ExpEf11Rl�IICO�fC40y�tiflCOtlfiECitOiSWilhSpCh0�0[C8dl,UpOnpnyin(1BQfC3npy�6ECUr0CJh8tCbyA�dfnSUChpfCet88LCn�CrmaydOtCtmitlp.CrtO
<br /> apply su sucn Proceeds.ette►sucR dtducUa�e to tne restn��t�on of tne Praper[y upun eucn cond�ua�Y a�Lender may Ceterm�ae Any appt:caUOn at Pv�eeads to
<br /> •A u7000tEdf�ESS 5�811 n01 E�tC�O OC pOStpOnE lh0 OuC UBtt bt Ony pBymCnty unC@r iho NOtC or curC flny dflldu111hCteun�2►0�nC�CUnQCr
<br /> fa�1
<br /> O 7 Pet(6mtanc�Ry[lnby.����8e+enielBonowers�anumcaDerto+manyotmr»ore�:n+.sne�e�narmskeanypaymentsreQu�reOhereDy.o*dar.yact�slakCnOr
<br /> � t�gl}p►flClComgtomrtlBfttBtlwh�Ci+„"•alEn�i�ysllRCt�LenRCr'sinttsreSl�ni�BProrE+ty,LB'�4�m�y�riQt�WRd:itfQt�O^.dtltW�t44Ul604RJt�Ont00050.8=1�Wdh0{lL�OUCB
<br /> O toordsm�nduponBo�roweiendwithautrelesimg8orrowe�fromanyobl�get�O�.AOanyactaR�tntne8orro�e+Ra3.v�:reahut(���tnb.�a.namayarsodoanyo�nerac:�n
<br /> � deemitt�lCRtsErytoprotECtt7esecuntyhereaf 8orra�ver5�a�� �mmo���tE�yupo�deman�me+r.socbytTl9Y�.ps�taLen¢?ta!-�^.StSFJvaeY0Qn509i�CUrrB48ndGU�rS
<br /> �xpEnQlO by t2nder in conrsECUan a�t�thpExP.rC:SR py LQnAOr 01 t�e 10rCg0�ng t�ghts.tOgether w�th�nt�iCStfh:rt!o�dt IR?rBtE p�fvrlG¢��rt th?Nota,arhich shatl bo adCBtl t:�
<br /> ttt8�nQ2L*a.�:t2S'a SE.:ut&,It6t8L�tl7stL'i#.'.n1t#�!usCtt=dst�C',�[°�'it3!l::,Qt!f:y QLtEUS£O�anythtng it r+srQ00'-Ort�t IP�'>R?+4v�?:. . .
<br /> � B. E+e�nY Of OMa4H_T�e�o�!�wing�naf�c�nat�tut�a�ment ot aelauu unae+�n,s Qeea at trus�
<br /> (a) F�ture;top�Ynny�nY!Olt-�n!ofpnr.:+�a�or�nLerestoranyotRersumsecure�h?reGywt�entlu>.o:/a'J•'�JTilSDD�YM�°�Cuednyother�nCebtednes9ot
<br /> � Borrower to l!natr:
<br /> � � (b) A breaCA of or deTiull und2r any pravis�on cOntt�rw_G m t�e NOt9.t��3 Of2A ot Trult.8ny AoCUment whrh secures t�e Note,anQ any otRet
<br /> eneu�++.hran:e upon tt►s Property, ,
<br /> � (c� Aws�totexr.utiono►attachmentorany5�m�tarprocessShal�Oeent4�¢Ocs�a�n3tBorEp�,�erwh!chsha4becomealienonthePropertyoranyportion ' '
<br /> tnereot or initinst 1Mre�n:
<br /> . (0) The'a shnit Ee fded bV or agams!Borrower an att�on unCer a�y prese�,t o�teru:a te�eral.state or ot�er statute.law or regulation retating to '
<br /> 6ankruptty,insolvEn.yorothgr retietfardebtors:or t�erash�llb�appe�n!eA any trusiee.re�Fi rer qs I:p;�:Qator ot Borrower orot ait orany part ot the Property,ar
<br /> ths rents,issuas or protds thfraof.or Borrower snati mak9 nny ganerat ass�g�me�t tos it�a�e�!•:•�t c��¢:tors.
<br /> (e) The sate.transfer,au�gnr:�ent.conveyante o�furtAer encumbranco ot at►o:aaf part o:0�any interesbm the Property.edrter votuntanly or
<br /> �rnotuntaniy,wdnou2 Uw express wnnen consent ut ls�Qel. ' �
<br /> � (1) Iltiu:tmrer�snolanmd,nGua{.thesate.IrenstEr,pss�gnmem.conveyanceo�e;,c�^�?'trr,eafret�jt:tt•an perCantof(dacorpor�twn�its
<br /> hFSUed 0n�a�:st�.nd!rs�:stovfc os{it apartnership) �rircem ot Oartnersh�p ircU�r�Sts. '
<br /> — Q, Rr�Mdi��;��uoe�+lponpHwif.tntnee•rentotanyEv�Sptaetaut,�e�hermay.dsciareatSir42D�Qr:�ssseeure0heredytoDedueandpayabteandthe
<br /> S�n'1!6f.dlE It�t�ttp.Ti llsCAm!dt•!an�p2yabfe wtUOUt 3ny preSent/r'4!st:dHm3nA,prOt!St or n�t:�o!arr�uirvs.Thn,rf3fter Ler,der may:
<br /> (L�: Qlman0i5�tTrusleeexerusetteePOWERaF3Rl.fgr3n!�dlyttErr.an3Trus4:ashallltwreaflf�«use8orrowersinterestinthePropertytpbasnid
<br /> � ar.¢(Frs pnr:t3eJ3 to bedistr�DuteA.an in ft+;rrarir.er pravi�ed in the Nehruka Trust fleeds Act:
<br /> (b) Either in person or by agent.witrs qc wrtn�ut Gnr�in�any acti,-o�proceedreg,or by a recerver appomte0 by a court and witt��ut�egard to ttta
<br /> adeGuacy of its secunTy.enter upan ana taka�ssession of tfa!•Property.or any part thereof;in its own name or�n tne name of the Trustee,anO Qo any 8cts which
<br /> , � it Qeems necessary or 6es�rable to preserve trte va�ue.mar►r.�ab�hty or rentabihty ot tAs Property.or p�r1 the�eol or mierest therein.�ncrease the incorr2
<br /> therEtrOm or protect 1R85eSUnty hereot arsd,with or without taking pcssession o1 the Property.sue for or otherw�se collect[he rents.issues and prot�ts therecrt.
<br /> �ntluQing those past due and unpaid,pnd ugQi��t.e same.Iesscosts and e:pertses ot oDe�at�nn anA collect�on�nc�utling attorneys'fees.upon any indEbtednQSs
<br /> seturoG hereby,eu m sucA orderas Lend�may�etermine Theentenng upon and takmgpossession ot 1heFrr,perty.the collection of sucn rents.�ssuesand
<br /> praiitsandtheappticationthereofa58tor�^,tr�;.s�allnotcureorwa�veanyGelaultornol�ceoiGOfaulthsreur,�j�-,nvahdateanyactdonemr�ponsetosuch
<br /> tlefault or pursuam ro sush notiCa ot defa;�t�^C.notw,thstandmg the contmuance�n possess�on at tbe P.cp_rrj.-er tt�e Cn�!ect�on.rece�pt s^d 2aptieanon at
<br /> � .,rents.issuesorprofits.TrustEeorLenders�aSl6eenh4feCtar•.reraseeveryngntprov�QShcO��rlanyo}theL,a^'n�r�,me^�_:�::ylawuportaccJrenceofa�y ,
<br /> ' e��ent OI defaull.inclutlmg tl»�rght ta exercise the powe��1<_,�:�.an0 , . •
<br /> . , , ' .• ,
<br /> (c) Comm.ence an act;on to torectose tn�s Oeea ot Trust as a mortgage.appo�nt a��i�.�r.or spec�t�cany entorce a-�+���:ine cave�u:z ne.-eo`, . ;;;;.,;
<br /> No remedy herein Conf�rred upon or r9served to tru5tee or LenAer�s�ntonAed to 0e exclusive ot any other remedy herem ar b y 13w prov��ea ar�er�s;e�.IS;,.x��y;,7r 1_a �fti,'�,;`,
<br /> eumul�tive.shiti 0e in 8dtl�tron to every otAer remedy g�c�en hereunder or now or hereafter ex�sbng at taw unn equd y or by statute.anO may Ce er���.sFr.r:c.iae�rt:y. :-
<br /> ineepertdentty o.sueeessivety. .�%:`s1!°�
<br /> +�'C:�.
<br /> t(� 7na1N.TheTrustee may resignat any time w i:�eutcause aed LenGer mayat any Umeana wdhout cause appo�nt a sucee���r substitute Trustee Tru,tr-�a ;,�.;f;;=�
<br /> Sh�ll rr,A:Qe I�abls(ot anyltsss or damago unless Oue to acti�nabte r.�:'•.�ence or wdltui misconduct,aM shafl not be requrced to take any act�on in conn6e1i0n wdh'tTa t�:;r,i,�-"'
<br /> enforee�ant ot this Oeed ot 7rost untess mdemmf�ed.�n wnnng,for a:c cosu.compensat�on or expenses which may be assoc�ated therewdb In addd�on.Trustee may '^r&i°^'
<br /> became�purchaxratar.yaateollhePrapertyquQ�c�aior,:�,:er2hepo+verolsategramedhere,nl.postponethosaieotai�oranypo�UOnoltneproperty.esprov�aedDylaw: . %' '
<br /> o�aen tne Property as a wnole,or m separate parcets r�•�'s. } -
<br /> ' 71. futunAOnnoa.Upon re�utst ot Borrower.LenGer may.at rte ophon mako aa0mona�ana luture advances a-c�ea.�ances to 8orrower Such advances and � '
<br /> rE�QraqE.RS,wit�InterESttheroon,shal!be securad bythis Oeed of 7r,,,r A1 nodme sha11 the pnnapal art:OUM ot t�e mtleb'���IY�=e:ro�_reII Uy this Oeed of Trust,not in-
<br /> � cfu9rtgatu^.waQvan�edtoprotectthet��ntyot�h�s0eedofTros�.ea-;nFGtheongmalpnnt�palomouMStatedhero�n.orS._3�"±.�¢�y'�.. .wh�etfeveris
<br /> `,i
<br /> gfEG'/�:. � � -
<br /> �L..'��fI1/1�7. �f.�
<br /> ;. , (a? ffro�►Otiwr Not R�N/N4.EMtcc-�csr��t tho bme!or payment or m,Ad�cahon ot amort�zatmn ol the sums secured by this Oeeu.'T�•�st granta0 by
<br /> • tende�to any auccessor�n�nterest o18�rT,y�K�a's�all not operate to raleaSe.�n eny manner.the tiability ot the onginal Borrawer and 8orr�vtr;'3 swtceSSOtS in
<br /> interest.LenQnr shall no1 be rBquireO tO cc:^r?'ence 0roceodings against such successor or re}use to extend timo tOr paymr,rr r,-�therwiso modify amortization
<br /> o11he sums SeCUreC Cy this Deed of Trust 5y reason o1 any demands made by Iho ongmal Borrower anA 8orrow2r's seCC�_<ts�ar,,m mterest. �'� '
<br /> (b) ��nQ1��Ppwn.W�lhoutaffe�:�glheliabitrtyotanyotherporsonhabloforthopaymentotenyodhgat�onherc'r^�*Ya�^:or.od.andw�thoutatTecting
<br /> thp I�an or charge ol fhi�Oeed ot T�ull upcn ii+;y portiOn ot the Proporty n ot t�en or Ihe�otOtore rE teased as secunty lor the"��a-�o unt ot atl w•:�a�a obligation9, '
<br /> lender may.lrom timat6l�me 8n0 wltRp:t ncl;r_e pl retoase any person so hablo h0 oHtend the matunty o�c•f1�,r�any ot tr?t�r•::s ot any s:n•..o��gat�ons,tn�)
<br /> grantothermdulpence�.��ylrele�se0rre.crn�� orcausetobereteasetlorreconveyedatanyUmealLentlery�:�:r.i0n9Any,7°��:�1.pOrti:�r�2:i.tlhePropBrty.
<br /> (v)tak�or�e�easeany Othet C�addihonalsra�'f y torany obi�gation horem mant�one0.or�vil mako tomposmt��3 or othor�r!�:•��-�ena����!�d�Jxsrs m re�at�on
<br /> tneroto � `.'�;��,�
<br /> �e) iorb�Nane�Lyl�le�O�rNot�WaWlr.AnyforG�arancebyLandennoKerus�r.g���nghtorremedyhereunder.n�c11'rr.tu[n:'1'aldCyepphCAG�n. �
<br /> ISw,6h811nO1E88WeWBrG:"�;7rfClud8thB0xErt�50otnny5uehnghtorromCdy Theprocure:nantotmsurancomth�pBymC::1�:11::r��Qs�c':'ut�.en5orcha�ges � �
<br /> Ay LBnder Sh311 n01 bE a wi:•rBr o)LBndeY3 raght to 8ccelorate Ihe m:itur�ty ot thC indebteErtP.ss f.ocure0 by this Qe@d 0)Tru5t �
<br /> (41 a�CC�NOrs Mf�fNrn�tow�d;.7olntand s�vual�Iablllty:Capt10n/.The covenants and agreaments herem conca�ned shatS b,nd.and ttfo nqht9 •
<br /> hereunderahall inure to,tte iY:.�7ettivo successorsen4ass�gny o}LenCer and Korro+ver,sub�act to I�e prov�s�ons ot paragre�.h A{�)hereot A�I Co,renant9 and
<br /> � a9rEemlfltsOt80rrONEt�hE/Ir8�0�n18�tl6ovarAl ThACaO'�on3antlhe:lding9o11heparagrAph9oflhis0eedutTru5larelorccr.',[fnionCCOnlyandArpn0ltobe .
<br /> � U!!A t01�tQ/pr@t Oi OO���E l�9 p�OV�9i0n9 hBlEOt
<br /> (e) Ilpue�llo�Nelie�f.THBpartiE5h0rebyrpQueSttnat�CODYOtnnynol�et�oldelaulthereimtleraneacopyoft�nyno:�ceotsalonoreunderbemadeAto
<br /> eachparlytolhis0eedotTrustatlhetddresssetfortnobovo�nthamannerprescnbedbyapp��cab�oiaw Eaceptforanyotrterno=�corequ�redunQernppt�enblo
<br /> law to be given in anot�e�mtnn�r,any nOLCQ DrO�ndCd for�n t��9 Oecd o1 T�usl shalt be given by maihng such not�Ce by Cei6find mad add�f9sad to th0 othflr
<br /> part�es.a1 the aCdress set tortb ebuve
<br /> Any notiCe prOvided fOl in tht9 ClE@d ot Trust shall bv deemedto havo bUan givftn to BorroWer 0�Lender whprt g�v�n tn Ihe m�nner destgnated here�n
<br /> . (f) tew�etlon.LenCermaymakeorcausetobemade�easonabloo��nesuponand�n�pectoonsotlnoProperty.prov�dedlhalGOnOc�snat�g�r08oirower
<br /> eeotice pr�or io eny such�n�pecYOn speutymg reasonabte cause fhero►o�roiatetl to 6ender s�ntorest�n the Proparty
<br /> (g) 11�COOMyinel.Uponpaymentolallsumssecuretlbyt�isDeeAOlTrust lendershalliCQueslTrusteatoreconveythoVropn�tyendsha�tswrender
<br /> � th��Osedo�Tr�yt�ndellnote�ev�denanginGabtednes�securedby�h�aDeeOOtT�usttoTrusteeTrusteeshallreconveylhePropeAywdnoutwarrantyand �
<br /> • wdhout Cherge to Iho person or persons lega�ty oMdted lhoiefo Such peison or peisong s�ali psy an tosf9 ot rec ordaLOn d nny
<br /> � �b� P�e�onMlrop�Ay.S�euHq►AOtNrnenl.ASadddmnalsecwityforthupaymentott'+oNUleauf„tureaeuw0�nam antlothe�poisanaipropertyused
<br /> �ntonneel�Onw�l�therealeStateo��mprovementslncatedthnreun enrinototherw�sodec�areAOrdeornoptobeaoarto�therealestatosecuredhoreby s�a��bo
<br />_ SUD�EC1fOB3dCUf�l�IqtEfE]1�O18YOIOI1h0lE�1�8�U�lIPIIhQIVEbt.l9kpUndOtff�COrt7mCtCt3lCU00 Thi9itl51lU(119f1tShAllbOCtlR71tU0f�090SfCUfilyA(�fCOTOt�I ' -�-----
<br /> unCEr 3E�d COde.and the LCOdE►shall hOVC ell th0 Nght9 0nd temodios o1 a sewted O�nY under Sa�A Codo in adGit�on to�rta riqhtg and remeO�CS CrC8t20 undC� '
<br /> en0 ectorCed Ihv Lender pur5uant to th�s Deed oi lrust '
<br /> , p� 3�Ylf�Wfy,InMCOVEntf71d12f1ypr6v�Si0�0}1hi9L•BPdOfT�uS1COnII�ClwiShODD��C�blff18w6'OICQBC�d�Ctl���vAtidU�Olh�rwigOU�OntOrGC�7blo.9uch
<br /> COt111�tt U��OYihddy Shsll ttOtAlftCt thCOIhE/prOviSiOn90�Ih�90BRA Uf T�u4t 0��hC P�OIe wh�chcan bOg�Vf�t Qf10Cf Wi1hOJ41F.�CO����Cf��O QfOViSi0�1.a/t0 tV lhi9 •
<br /> end tM pro+rwore�ot Ne[leea of Trust an�Ine Note are Ceclered to he severati��r t _
<br />— � E3orro.ver nas executed thu beed o1 trust tno datv wr�tton ato�o
<br /> � ���� �
<br /> � `�r?� - - -
<br />- IMark �. Roland) �����ihe' �
<br /> ,.��C��� l C� �C��h�-�� . �`
<br /> (5usan C. Rota�d) e7��;h�`
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<br /> �i�t�'�.
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