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__ . . _ . _ <br /> �y�����.� — t i� .r:X='�1tlrx:'i.'+4iiltlLa� 4: :,e3e-...!'�;. �' _ � <br /> ,._a, L �+� •S;i� { 1.�a <br /> .4.. - ,r: '<-a tli%s:.;::'�:"ti�, <br /> ' 'CIi�Y.RM� - - ..5. Ki1,Y�i"�a� �� 'S?. -a.1� ��J.? _ li\ �Y.":••••.�. <br /> ' ...:. :'..: i �.'..: .. . <br /> .. . _ <br /> ��t�i���:Y �iy?��} -_ '.i'�7�'� '"G� f�N- �.t� �i <br /> .i..���2�`a�bi4:i:' '.�i.'.'` �'�;: - ��y�+.".G�'.9, _�. �'�'y��:iTL.'.�.t v _�ttti� `k�����y�X�`:. .�i� ..A ..�u, - -i�.. __- _ <br /> —. ��u�LAl1C L�:f1117�* �p,:i1t�:'uiV��V �P.I�t��C�6�S�'R�iib�l�f�1�H�1�����'�.QOd�1�5iG�u�N����'i���a�'.E1�(L — -_. <br /> i . . _ � .. .," � � <br /> h :. <br /> ACKlIOWLEDGEMENT 0�DEED OFTRUST 9��1 OO�C�a , • <br /> �* <br /> WRIIOMIERS IIEAD 7iN!KFOIfE SfOMAI�i: . ` .; ���V <br /> Borror�rslfruitan)unWntandth�tthedawrr�entt�itttMBorrowersate�DOUitotxeCUte�a�DeeQOtt�ust�nAeolamortpagsanetn�lth�powrroffat�provldW � � , <br /> /O��ntMON6olTruftDrav[Clswbatantialiyd�NerentriQht�andoDlipationatnths8onowtnMsn�morta�geinthsewniotRQttsui±orbnatAoloOli,��tionur,derthe • � ` <br /> � O�ed o4 T�ust.�nctudm9,Out not IirtupQ to,tM Ltndafi�iqht to R�va tha Raat Proporty iyi4 LY IM T�ustM with0u!arsy tudkaal proceedirtp pr torcCtosure.Barrowew � <br /> nyro�nl�nd w�mnt that tnis;c�nowtedgament waf e■ecute0 Oy tnem Oitors tne eaecution ot IM D�eA ot Trust' <br /> � <br /> ar . o as� eo�ro«.� � <br /> _ � ��C_ � . : <br /> Susan . Rotand eonow�� <br /> f � <br /> ` PREFACE TO DEED OF Tl1UST <br /> ; ' <br /> , , <br /> � � CQiIlLETE Mis oor�n OMLY 81R�nY�oMrry dneribN ea�hts W HrO1VIDUALl.Y pIwMED AGqICULTURAL LAND. <br /> 1!a/yltta�l�,cawpMie ONLY O�iE Ni�wr A,S,w C . <br /> CI A. pqq.A)AIE11 OF M6HT T0 OE.SIGMA'TE FI�YESTEIID: <br /> TI�sBortow(s)attv�oKtedgettsattheyareabouttoeaecut�titefot'awingQee�CiTr�stuRen�Aereslestatedescribeatherem_T�eBarrower(s),andexts�ttxmit <br /> more thaaonr.tlo nereCy diutasm!�r r�ght tp designate a rtar.-es!�a3 aursuartt mc�eb.No paK ct t;se homestead ot either ot the Borcower(a)is presentty crv�ilt in tfie <br /> � tutureoesitwasd�panstiarx�es�r.7�eeorro�e-(s1:+��e�s'.a^�atslde�tAerestablishesar,Qr.��eodonanypartofnn�dreales�teeuringthetimethe0eeaolTrust <br /> remainsunfatisti�tl�nda lien upansa�d re��est�L'�ereshall�e nar,glt tomaY2a��ignation at rta�r-tsteaC:ntReevenlof a forectosure ortrustee'saale wiMreap�etto <br /> aaid QesA of Trust . � <br /> �' � 8. 1MANDldE1NW1'rTODEfIGNA'1E�1'�AREtTEAD: <br /> i. <br /> TAeBortorerLa,a�caowledgethxttheyarearouftoexecutefhetolfowingOee�crTrustupantGerealestatedescribedthere�n.Tne6orrowEr(sj.andeachottftemit. � <br /> . more tAan one.QO hereby waire LRt•x ngM to designate a�omesteaC pursuaM therety T!�e.Hcscr.o�:►sy understand that they have the right to make e des!gr� <br /> j homeatead�rtAthatpqaxerutirr�7�r�xaiver.theyarewaiv�ngngbt,otrterwiseavast�tSie"�:r*�z;,w��,���afaBordinglhemtheopportunitytoretaintheirhomestead�rr4f:+t•� <br /> � flvenL Cf a detaut��p�a Ihe D!!tl C1 rr;abt. , � <br /> ' D C. QE�l4�GU�E.'t,'�ON Oi Mt)MESTEAD: , �,-,,. , <br /> � Pursuant foti18'P�rm Home�tead Proteaion Act(Section 76-1901 et seq.Rewsed Statutes ot the State ot Nebraska�,the Borrower(s),do hereby designate tha rpaS ' <br /> - t propeRy aesCri�,r�1He"Oesin�na,*'nn ct Namestead"attached hereto anO incorporatoa herein ty;his reterence. <br /> . s <br /> � ; :S <br /> ,..�' . � BOffOWBf .�. ' ' . r�r� <br /> . :'� � <br /> . ' _aL. <br /> ; ''. <br /> � � �� . <br /> ; - BOrf6WCf . - <br /> DEED OF TRUST WITH FUT4t7�Fc�1q.�W,Au�D;rS P�OYt�4!ON <br /> , THISnE£Gfi=TAUST,�smaGeasotthe34'�eaYd+Jar�uar�►. ... ;���,q��.-ss�rr.ongtheTrustor.MaMk E_ Rnlany�� " <br /> � ��j1 �..'. Rolan�u��ian�i_�nd Wlfe.-.-_-:_._..--- whosemaitmgauaressis 1.�.1�J"3.�.._..SiC'��►rt.w'tch� Grand @„��'�tlrt(�� <br /> � � NE 68801—I��T�_ (herem°BOrroWei','tn?Truste0. Wlluolu_.11�.. 3�ackburn,_a�r�rt�r Q '!`hQ' NE S�at�P ar /�eSlt.� , <br /> ,.:`, wnosemaii�ngauc:�vr�;.i� _P..Q�BDX.�{��'ii,"�:__GPefld_.1SI8tIda:._•!��---.6$$�-Z2.$Q----:---.-----.--- n,�y�gin"Trusir.�'). • .�- <br /> , c� <br /> � en01he8enefiCiOry. ".=.rrJY�10�.BHit�- ----.._ _ _ ..__....__.. ..--•- --•---- ----- -------- ----- <br /> � whosemaibngaAQressis ���_e_��K _�SQ�._Cr�nd.I�J.and� ��. .���?�U�-�SQ7- -.. ---__._�___�„� ;qerem"Lender"�. <br /> � <br /> � FOR VAWABI.H CONSIOERATIQN,mcludmg the mdeGtedne,s idemd�etl nars�r;and trusT herein created.lhe receipt ol wh�ct�rs heroby aC1:�•:u��Qed,BOrtower <br /> "' f�ereDy:�revoc�bfy�t:a•vs.transfers.conyeysan�iss�ynsto7rosteo.�NTRUST Vrrr..t:•�WENOfSALE.lorthebenefitandsocuntyolLender,ur,:r(;;�dsubjecttothe <br /> ."f ;ermS'An0 COnditi�rL!'�eremattQr 30t fort�.the re�"�yoperty.AeSCn�eA as lollows - <br /> : Lot Ten �t��, Block �ne F1�., Sothman's Su��i�rision, G� the City of Grand Island, Hall � �--' <br /> County, hebrasica.. . • , <br /> i � � . . <br /> � <br />- , <br /> ' Togethsr w�tn all bwlding�,�mprovements.��rture�.streets aueys passageways.easornpnts.nghts.prrvdeges and appurtenancos Iocafod thereon or in�nyw�so <br /> . perqimnQ tlNreto.�nd the rents.isluea an0 profds.�arers�on�anU lema�naer,thpreo�.mclud�ng but not i�m�roA to.hoahnq anA cnol�ng oqwpmonf nnd such personal <br /> property that�a�II�C hea i0 the im prorement�so B!to Con�trtute a h rture.and togm�ar wdh the homo,teaA nr manta!mtorests.d any.wh�ch i ntpresle ero�ereby released <br /> �ndwLVW:�Ilplwhi��.inC�ud�nqreplacemEMSandedtld�onst�erato iShorebyCecla�esftoboapa�toftherealesfalesecum0bythohonofth�,peeaolT�ustanaanoftne <br /> torepwrp bemq refeneq to here�n sf t�e'�property' <br /> Th�s Dtlb 0�Trust shall�ecurt(o}the payment o1 Ihe ptmt�pal sum and�nter�st ov�0enaed by Donowe�s note end�or credd ngrcemCnt dated Ja�1�1e'�1'x__�O� <br /> -•L4�.�L--_._ _., ._.....H�ang a matunty date u1.F�L'llal'X �� ZOOS_ .m tne ongmai pnnupai:�mou�t ot� 3y,.490�OQ_._an0 flny nnd ult <br /> .�., mpdd�C�ttOnl.��tan3tOn�andrertew9tStherpOtarthB�etoendBnypnd8��f�atureed.�nce9andrea4v�ncosherruntlarpurgu8nlfoonoormoroprbm�sSOrynotesorer�d�! - --- --- - <br /> a�tMmant0lhQremte�iEd"tYnte'►.�bithopaymentofuthprSUmeadpanteODyF.enaprtupro:eclfhosecur�!yptthCNote.ttllhCOCrf'v�rti;tnceallcovenantsandegreemUtlt � � <br />_ 01 Bor�p�l0st furth herem.and(di ell inde�tednes9 artd oDi�gaUOn�ol F3onowe�to Lender whotnv�d��ecL�nd��ect.ehso��ute nr cunt�ngent and wr.Qthar ansmg by noto. <br /> guinnty.bHrA�attur Otherw�sa <br /> Borrower,to v�otect tno secunty o►th�s Oee�of T�ust co,renantsentl ogrees wr�h Lender as tp�towa ` <br /> � Ilyp�ir11t01►fM1NM1�MMIMM1.80trOwerShallprOmpltypaywhpn0uothOprmC�nalUf8ndm1are5!un enUnnylceso�chargosp�ovidotlm thONoteor�nth�s � i <br /> — Oe�d Of Trufl. t �� <br /> � - � e�:.&.nr�we.�sfi,evwnervftheProporty.tf8lt�6iigtst8A0�u1fi0�ilytocOnucythOP�oparly nndwanantsthatthahencreatedbbreD/�sal�rstandPnorl�enor� � <br /> t►+ePrnperry,e■cepl��msy otnerrr,se Ce sotlurth hore�n and lho eaecuuonnn;f tleir:cry o�tn�9 p�Bd 6f T�u9t COCS nnt viOWtC 8ny tont�act O�Ot�Cr Ob�igOhU�(O which <br /> � � 9ortowar�sfubietl <br /> L 3 TuN,ANl�Mny,Tppaywn�ntluealltexeaspec�alassCSSmpntloncle�Iqlhe�chargesagamsttnopro�ertyanCuponwr,�te�dem�nObqLCrtdertop�yto <br /> .___ LtnM�SuLh�ttlpUtll f1!maY be 6UlhC�Ot1t tU Eh�b10 fhg LEnde�t0 D8y Suth fO�eS.ASSCSSmCnt9 dr pthC�ChB�gBS A;thCy bcCVmp du0 <br /> � IMWlIIOf.TokEEV(hN p�p�O�ty�neure�et�amstdamag�by hre.harard9 mcludad wdh.n th!•Ie��+ e�le++AcA cove�a,r I1��h SaCn bih�f haF37d9 Bg LBfidC<<�`.ly <br /> �ayu��e�tr�mottnl9ttvdwthC7mpamHlecCe�tab�otolartAO� BndWAnI0S�p3yah!OtOt�@LC�dC� In[�SE�Gf10SSUndC�SUChpU4tu!9 !n�1.•n��n�sau�hon;ecftoad�ust <br /> eol!!et anAcom�iom+��1 Ie.a�mofhareunKOraa;t sn;l��rr3vethnoDt�cR u�ndpiy�•+�FI�I�r p��}O?I�C��5utAnCQ U•OCEGdS UI fuan j�r.�te0'c�cG•eq9 secu•�d hcrehy;fnd�n sutR � <br /> v�0e�es Ler�o�rcny determv»,�n)10�ho 8a��oxa�tb Ue ustd io�tno repa�r o:re�torat�un o�thu Pro�o�ty nr t,�.�r,r nn�othrr�u�p.�se a•��U,e��sat�st�cto�v fc lender P <br /> . wrth�utYltatt�nQfh@l:enLtttuSETCl�Ubt?tuitfvsthefulllmbU�tS�CU!C�h�fCC/tt�:Y.CSaCRp<lya•a•�te.ertt�Ul�{�.�:r. 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