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_ . . . 2� 1 ��82�5. <br /> . . - . . . <br /> A�SIG�[VIENT �F� REINT� <br /> Loan No: �C��3U�7 8� �C�ntirl ued} Page 4 <br /> notice of a breach of the same pr���sic�n of this Assignment withi� the preceding �wel�e �"�7 r�onths, it may be <br /> cured if Grantor, after Lender sends w�r�tten notice to Barrawer demanding Gure of such d�fault: �1� cures the <br /> defaul�within fifteen {'�5� da�s; ❑r ��} if the �ure requires mare than�Fifteen {1�} days, imn�ediately initiates steps <br /> which Lender deems in Lend�r's svle diseret�an to be sufficient to cure the default and thereafter continues and <br /> camp{etes aS�reas�nable and necessary steps sufficient t❑ produ�e compliance as soon as reasan�bly practicaf. <br /> RIGHTS AI�D REMED�ES�N QEFAULT. Upon th��ccurren�e❑f any E�e��t af D�fau�t and at any time theraafter, Lendsr <br /> may exercise any one �r more of the folEowir7g rights and remedies, in a�ldi�ion to any other riyhts or rern�dies prn�ided <br /> by i aw: <br /> Accelerate Indebtedness. Lender shall ha�e the right at its op�ion �o declare the entire Indehted�ess irnmediateiy <br /> due and payable, in�luding any prepayment pena�ty that Borrovver w�uld be required�o pay. <br /> Cal�ec� Rents. Lender shall ha�e the right, without natice t� Borrawer o� Grantor, ta take poss�:ssian ❑f the <br /> Praperty and callec� the Rents, includii�g amounts past due and unpaid, and appiy the r�e� praceeds, a�er and <br /> abo�e Lender's casts, against the �nd�b�edness. In furthe�-anG� of thfs righ�, L�nder sh�ll h��� all the rights <br /> pra�ided far in the Lender's Right to E�eceive and Coll��t Rents Sectian, abo�e. If the R�nts a�� collect�d by <br /> Lende�,then Grantor irr��fl�ably designates Lender as Grantor's attarney-in-fact to endorse instruments recei�ed in <br /> paym�nt thereof in th� name�f Grantvr and to negatia�e the same �nd caflec#the praceeds. Payments by tenan�s <br /> or other users tv Lender �n response ta Lender's demand shafl satisfy the obligatians for v�rhich the payments are <br /> made, whether ❑r not any F�roper grounds far the demand existie�. Lender may ex�r�i5e its rights under this <br /> su�parag�aph either in persan, by agent, or through a re�ei�er. <br /> �th�r Rern�dies. Lender shall ha�� all ather rights and r�rnedies pro�ided in this Assignment or the Na�e or by <br /> faw. <br /> Election of Rernedies. Elec�ion by Lender tv pursue any r�medy shall not exclude pur�ui�o�any�they �emedy, and <br /> an election to make expenditures or to�ake action t❑ p�rfvrm an ❑bligatian of Granto�under this Assignment, after <br /> Gran�or`s failure to per�orm, shalf not af�fect Lender's right to d�cla�e a default and exer��se its remedies. <br /> �4ttarneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender ir�stitut�s any suit ❑r ac�ion ta en�vrce any o�the terms of this Assignrr�ent, <br /> Lender sha�l be ent�t�ed t� reco�er suc�� sum as �he court rnay adjudge reasflnabie as a��or�eys' �ees at �riai and <br /> upon any app�a�. Whether or no� any �ourt action is in�al��d, and ta �he ex�ent nat prvhibited by �aw, all <br /> reasanable �xpenses Lender incurs that in L�nder's vpinion are �ecessary at any time for the prote��ion af its <br /> in�erest or the enf��c�men�o*�ts rights shall bec�rr�e a par��f�h� �nde�tiedness �ayable on�emand �nd shali bear <br /> inter�s�at the Note rat��r�m the da�e of�he expenditure until repaid. Expenses �a�ered by ti��s pa�agraph incl�rde, <br /> vvi�hout limi�a�ian, hvwe�er sub�ect to any limi�s under appiic�ble law, Lender's att�orneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, wh�ther or not there �s a �a�Nsuit, in�luding attorneys` �ees and expenses for �ankruptc►� proceedings <br /> �including e��vrts tv rnod�fy ar�acate any automatic stay or in��nctiany, appeals, an� any anti�cipated pvst--j�dgment <br /> cvllec�ion ser�ices, the cost of searching recards, abtaining ti�le rs�or�s {in�luding �Foreclosure r�ports�, sur�eyars' � <br /> repar�s, and appraisal fees, t�t�e insura��ce, and �ees for the Trustee, t� the exten� �ermit�ed by a�p�icable fauv. <br /> Grantnr als❑will pay any caurt costs, in additian to a�l other s�ms pravided by law. <br /> M[SCELLAl1[E�US PRDVISipNS. The#allawing misce��aneous prt��isi�ns ar� a part of fihis Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignment, tQget��er with an� Related Gocuments, const�tutes the �ntire understanding and <br /> agreerr-�ent af the parties as �o the matters se� forth in this Assi�nmen�. No alteration a� �r amendment to �his <br /> �4ssignment shaC1 be effective unless gi�ven in writing and signed b� the party or parties so��ht to be charg�d or <br /> baund by the altera�ivn�r am�ndment. <br /> Captiqn Headings. Caption headings in this Assignment are �F�rr�anvenience purpases only and are rat to be used <br /> to in�erpret❑r define the pra�fsivns❑�t�iis Assignment. <br /> Ga�+�rning �aw. This Assignment wili �e governed �Sy �ed�rai Cav►r app�i�able to Len�er �nd, �a i�ne ex�ent no� <br /> preern�ated by federa!law,the �aws of the S#a#e of Nebraska�►�►i�h�u�regard to its cflnfl;�ts o#law prv�isions. This <br /> Assigrament has been accept�d by Lender in the State of Nebraska� <br /> Chaice o� Venue. ff there is a lavusuit, Grantor agrees upon Lender's reques� ta submit ta �the�urisdictian of�he <br /> caurts o#HALL County, State❑f Nebraslca. <br /> Jo�nt and S�verat Liabi�ity. All vbligat:ions of Borr�wer and �rantor under this Assignment sha�� be �oint and <br /> severai, and all refierences t��rantor sha�l mean each and �very Grantor, and all re��rences t�� Borrov�•er shali mean <br /> each and e�ery Borrower, This means 'tha� each Grantar signing be[�w is respansible for all oblications in this <br /> Assignment. Wh�re any ane or more���he p�rties is a corpora�ion, partnership, fim�t�d liabi�ity comFar�y or similar <br /> entity, it is not necessary for Lend�r to inquire intv the powers vf any of the officer�, direc�ars, par�ners, mernbers, <br /> or ather agents acting ar purporting to a�t or� �he entity's behalf, and any ❑bligatic�ns made or created in reliance <br /> upon the professe�exerc�se Gf such povvers shall be gua�ante�d under this Assignment. <br /> Merge�. Ther� shall �e no m�rger vf t�ie interest ❑r estat� created by this Assignrnent wi�h any other in�t�r�st or <br /> estate in the Praper�y at any�ime held k�y or#or the h�nef€t vf Lender�n any capacity, witha�.�t the w-itten cans�nt <br /> af Lender. <br /> �nterpre�ation. �1� In a�l cases wher� there is mare than on� B��•rower or Gran�ar, then all words used in th�s <br /> Assignmen�in the singular shall be deemed ta ha�e been use� in�th� plurai where�he context and cons�ructio� so <br />