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. . . . 2� 1 ��82�5 <br /> ASSIGNMENT C]F RENTS <br /> Loan No: 'I�3't3�U18� ���ntinued� Page 3 <br /> this Ass�gnmen� and not reimbursed from the Rents sha11 become a part of �he Indebtedness secu�ed by this <br /> Assignment, and shal� be payable on demand, with interest at the Note rate fram date of expendi�ure unti� paid. <br /> FL1LL PERFflRMANCE. I� Grantor pays a!� of the Indebtedness when due and otherwise performs all the ❑bligations <br /> imposed upan Grantor under this Assignment, the Nvte, and the Rela�ed Dacuments, Lender shall execute and deli�er to <br /> Grantor a suitable satisfaction af this Assignment and su�tab�e statemen�s af termination of any financing statement on <br /> fi�e e�idencing Lender's secur�ty interest in the Rents and the Property. Any terminat�on #ee required by law shalf be <br /> paid by�rantor, if perrnitted hy applicabl��aw. <br /> LENDER`S ExPENDITURES. �f any act�an or proceeding is commenced that would mater�ally af�ect Lender's interes�in <br /> the Praperty or if Grantor fails to campiy with any prv�ision of this Assignmen�❑r any Related Documen�s, including but <br /> not limited t❑Grantor's failure t❑ d�scharge ar pay when due any amounts Grantar is required t❑ discharge vr pay under <br /> this Assignment or any Rela�ied Docum�nts, Lender ❑n Grantor's behaif may �but shall no� be obfigated tv� take any <br /> activn that Lender deems appropriate, including but not limited to discharging or paying all taxes, l�ens, security <br /> interests, encumb�an�es and ath�r cla�ms, at any time le�ied or p�aced❑n th� Ren�s or the Proper�y and paying all �vsts <br /> for insuring, maintain�ng and preser��ng th� Property. All such �xpenditures incurred ❑r paid by Lender far such <br /> purpvses will then Eaear interes�at the ra�e charged under the Note�rom the dat� incurred or paid by Lender to the date <br /> of repa}�ment by Grantar. A�I such �xpenses will became a part o��he lndebtedness and, at �.ender's vption, will �A} <br /> be payable ❑n dernand; �B} be added to th� balance af the No�e and be appartivned amang and be payabfe with any <br /> instalfinent payments to became due during ei#her �7 y the term vf any appficable insurance palicy; vr �2� #he <br /> remaining term of the Nate; ar (C} be treated as a ballaan payment which wi�� be due and payabl� a# the Nate's <br /> ma�urity. The Assignment aiso wii�secu�e payrnent of these arnounts. 5uch right shafl be in additian t❑ afl other rights <br /> and remedies�o which L�nder may be en�i�led upon Qefauit. <br /> [3EFAULT. Each af the following, at Lender's vption,shall cQnstitut�an E�en�of❑e�ault under this Assignmen�: <br /> Payment Qefau�t. Borrower�ails to make any payment wh�n due under�he Indebtedness. <br /> Other Defaults. garrower ❑r Gran#or �ails �o comply with ❑r to per�orm any other term, obliyatian, covenant ❑r <br /> candition contained in this Assignrn�nt ar in any of the Re�ated Documents or to �omply wi�h or ta perform any <br /> �erm,❑bligation, co�enant vr conditian contained in any o�her agreement betwsen Lender and Borrowe�or Grantor. <br /> Qe�ault an �ther Payments, Failure ❑f �rantor within the time required by this Ass�gnmen� tv make any payment <br /> for taxes or'tnsuran�e, ❑r any other paymen�necessary to prevent#iling of or to effect d�scharge❑f any�ien. <br /> Faise 5tatements. Any wa�ranty, representation vr statement made vr#urnished t❑ Lender by Borrower t�r Grantor <br /> or on Sorrower's or Grantor's �ehalf under this Ass�gnment or the Related Documen�s is�aise or misleading in any <br /> materiai respect, eEther now or at the �ime made ar furnished vr beeomes fa�se or m�sleading at any time <br /> th�reafter. <br /> Defectrve Co�la�era�ization. This Assignment or any of�he Related ❑ocuments ceases to be in fu�� fvrce and e��ect <br /> �inc�uding failure of any collatera� do�ument to create a va[id and perfected se�uri�y interest or lieny at any time and <br /> for any reason. <br /> Death vr lnsv[�ency. The dissaiution of Grantor's tregard�ess ❑# whether elec�ian t❑ continue is made}, any <br /> m�mber withdraws from the �imited liability company, or any ather terminatian of 6orraw�r's or Gran�or's <br /> existence as a gQing business ❑r the death of any member, the insol�ency of 6orrower❑r Grantor, the appvintment <br /> of a recei��r far any part o�Borrower's or Gran�ar's property, any assignment far the benefit af creditvrs, any type <br /> af creditvr warkout, or the cammencement a# any praceeding under any hankruptcy ar insol�ency laws by ar <br /> against Borrawer ar Grantar. <br /> Creditor or Forfeiture Proceeding�. Commencement of foreclosure or �orfei�ure praceedings, whether by �udicial <br /> p�oceeding, seif-help, repossession or any other method, by any c�editor of Borrower or Grantar or by any <br /> go��rnmentai agency against the Rents ar any proper�y securing ti�e �nde�tedness. Tnis inciudes a garnishment o� <br /> any ❑f Barrawer's vr Grantor's acGounts, including depasit accounts, with Lender. However, this E�ent of❑efault <br /> shalE na� apply if there is a g�ad faith dispute by Borrower Qr Grantor as t� �he �aiidity or reasonabfeness of the <br /> cla�m which is the bas€s of the creditor or �ar#e�ture prvice�d�ng and if gorrawer or �rantor gi�es Lender written <br /> not�c� ❑f the creditor or for�eiture proceeding and depasits wi�h Lender rnonies or a surety bond #�r the creditor ar <br /> #or#eiture proceed�ng, in an arnaunt determined by Lender, in its so�e discretian, as being an adequa�e reser�e or <br /> band for the dispute. <br /> Praperty I7amage or Loss. The Property�s iost, stvlen, substantially damag�d, sold, ❑r borrowed against. <br /> E�er�ts A�fecting �uarantor. Any of the precedEng e�ents vccurs with respec�tv any guarantor, endvrser, surety, <br /> or accommodation party o� any of�he Indebtedness or any gua�antar, endorser, surety, ❑r ac�omrnodation party <br /> dies or becomes incompetent, or re�okes or disputes the validi�y of, or liability under, any Guaranty of the <br /> 1 ndebted ness. <br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in Grantar's financial canditian, ar Lender belie�es the <br /> praspect o#paymen�or perfarmance of the Indebtedness is�mpaired. <br /> lnsecuri#y. Lender in gaad faith belie�es itsel�insecure. <br /> Cure Rrovisions. If any default, o�h�r than a de�ault in payment, is curabie and �# Grantor has na� been gi�en a <br />