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2� 1 ��819� <br /> DEED C�F TRUST <br /> ��antinued} Page 3 <br /> Praperty in ar� amaunt sufficient tv a�oid applicativn v� any cainsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> claus�in fa�or af Lender,tagether w�th such vther hazard and liability insurance as Lender may reasanably require. <br /> Pvficies shall be written in form, amvunts, cv�erages and basts reasonably acc�ptable tv Lende�-and issued b� a <br /> comRany c�r c�mpanies reas�nably acceptable to Lender. Trustor, upon request of Lender, w}11 deli�er tv Lender <br /> from �ime#o time the policies vr�ertificates of insurance in�orm satisfactory to Lender, �nc�uding stipulatior�s that <br /> co�erages wif� n��be cancelled or d�minished withvut a�least#h��#y{30}days prior w��tten n�tice to Lender. Each <br /> in�urance pvlicy also shall include an endorsement providing that���erage in fa�ar of Lender wilE nat be impaired <br /> in any way hy any act, omission vr defaul�af Trustor or any vther person. 5houfd the Real Property be io�ated in <br /> an area designat�d by the�Idministrator o�the Federal �r�nergency Mana�ement Agency as a special flo�d ha�ard <br /> area, Trustor agr�es ta �btain and maintain Federal Flv�d Insurance, if a�ailahle, for the maximum amount ❑� <br /> Trustor's cred�t iine and the fuli unpaid principal balance vf�ny prior liens on the propsr�y se�ur�ng the Ioan, up to <br /> the maximum pa�icy�imits s�t under t�e N�tional F�oQd Insuranc�Pragram,ar as otherwis�required by Lender,and <br /> to maintain su�h insurance for#he term of the Ioan. <br /> Applicatian of ProGeeds. Trustor shall pr4mptly natify Lender of any I�ss or damage tv the Proper#y. Lender may <br /> make p�oof o# Ioss if T�-ustor �aEls to d� sv within fifteen {15} d�ys ❑f the casualty. ililhe#her ar not Len�i��'s <br /> se�ur�ty is impaired, Lent�er�nay, at Lender's electivn, rece�ve and r�tain the prviceeds of any insurance and apply <br /> the prviceeds to the reductivn of the Indebtedness, payment of any lien affecting the Prvperty, ar the restoration <br /> and repair o�th� Property. If Lendec elects ta apply the prooeeds to �estvra#Fon and repair, Tr-ustor shall r��air or� <br /> replaae the damaged v� destroyed Irr�prvvements in a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shall, upvn <br /> satisfact�ry proof of suGh expenditure, pay or reimburse Trus#ar from the proceeds �ar the reasonable �ast o� <br /> repair or restoration if Trustvr is n�t in defau[t under this Deed of Trust. Any praceeds which hav� r�r�# been <br /> �iS�3U1'S� Wl�hfl"� '!8� days after their receipt and which Lender has not committed to the repair vr restar�tion of <br /> the Property shall be used first ta pay any amount awing t❑ Lender under this Deed af Trust,then t� pay accrued <br /> interest, and the remainder, if any, shali be applied#a the prin��pal batance of#he �ndebtedness. �€Lender hvlds <br /> a�y prviceeds after payment in fu�l ❑f the �ndebtedness, such procgeds shall be paid t� Trustar as Trustor's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> Compliance with Existing �ndehtedness. Durin� the period in which any Exist�ng Indebtedness d�scribed below is <br /> tn effect, campEiance with the insuran�e provisivns conta�rted in the �nstrume�# �videncing such Existing <br /> �ndeb��dness shall cvnstit�te cornpliance with the insurance pro�isions under this Dee� vf Trust, tv the extent <br /> compiiance with the terms of this Deed of Trust wauld constitute a duplicatian af insurance requirement. {f any <br /> proceeds�rom the insurance become payable an loss,t�e provisians in this C]ee�of Trust f�r division af prviceeds <br /> sha!!apply only to that portion of the proceeds nvt payable to the holder of the Existing Ind�btedness. <br /> LEN�ER`S EXPENDITURES. lf Trustor #aiis �A} ta keep the Properly free of al� taxes, �iens, security interests, <br /> encumbran�s, and vth�r ciairrys, �B} tv pra�ide any required insurance on the Property, �C} tv make repairs�o the <br /> Property or to campiy w�th any valigatEon ta mainta�n Exist�ng Indebtedness in good s#anding as required below, then <br /> Lende� may da so. lf any action or proveeding is cvmmenoed that would materia�iy affect Lender's interests in the <br /> Prvperty, #h�n Lender on Trustvr's behalf may, but is n�t requi�-ed to, take any action �hat Lender belie�es ta be <br /> apprQpriate tv prate�t Lender's inte�ests. AI� �xpenses incurred or paid by Lender�or �uch purpases will then bear <br /> interest at the raate charged under the Credit Agreement from the date inc�rred or paid by Lender tv the date vf <br /> repayment hy Trustor. AI�su�h expenses wi i� beaor�7e a part of the Indebtedness and, at Lender's option,wi i I �Aj be <br /> payabte an demand; �B) be added tn the ba�anae ot the Cr�d�t Agreement and be appartivned amang and be payable <br /> with any installment payments to become due during e+ther �1} the term of any app�icabl�insuranoe policy; or �2} the <br /> remaining term o#the Gred�t Agreemen#;or �C} be treated as�bai�oon payment wh��h wiil be due and payable at the <br /> Credit Agreem�nt's maturit�. The De�d ot Tr�Ust also wil! se�.+re payment of these amounts. The rights prca�ided for in <br /> this paragraph shail he in addition to any other rights ar any remedies to which Lender may be entitled vn aocount o# <br /> any dsfault. Any such action by Lender shall not be aanstrued as curing the default so as tc� �aar�enafer from any <br /> r�medy�hat it ot�erwis�wc�utd haWe nad. <br /> IN�kRRANTY;aEFENSE nF T�TLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of#he Pro�erty are a part of this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> 7itle. Trustar warrants that: �a}Trustor holds goad an� marketable title of record to the Praperty in fee s�mpie, <br /> free and clear vf a!I li�ns and enCumb�ances o#her than those set fvr�� in the Rea1 Prvpe�y descript�an or ir� the <br /> Existing Ind�btedness sec#�an belvw or in any titie insurance pvlicy, titie repvrt,�r fina�title vpinivn issued in fa�or <br /> of, and accep#ed by, Lender in cQnnection with #his Deed vf Trust, and �h}Trustor has th�full right, power, and <br /> authvrity tv�x�cu�e and de�i�er fhis�]eed af Trust to Le�der. <br /> Defense of Tit[�. 5ubject tv the exceptivn in the paragraph �bo�e, Trustor warrants and wil� tarer�er de�end the <br /> title to the Prvperty against the lawful claims af al! persons. ln the svent any activn or prviceeding is commenced <br /> that questians Trustvr's title vr.the interest of Trustee or Lender under this �eed of Trust,Trustor�hal�defend the <br /> action at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be the nam�na� pa�ty in such proceeding, but Lender sha�� be entitled to <br /> participate in the praceed�ng and to be represent�d in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and <br /> Trustvr wi�l deli�er, or cause t❑ be deEi�ered,tv Ler�der such instruments as Lender may request from time ta time <br /> to permi#such participation. <br /> �omp�iance Vllith Laws. Tr�ustar warran#s that th� Pr�per-ty a�d Trus#or's uss o� t�e Property corr�pl�es w�th al! <br /> �xis#ing applicable laws,ordinances,and regu�ation�❑f ga�ernmental�uthorities. <br /> Survi�al a# Promises. Ail promises, agreements, and statements Trustor has made in �his []eec� of Trust shail <br /> survi�e the executian and deli�ery of this�eed of Trust, sha�l be cvntinuing in nature and shalf remain �n fuil force <br /> and effect unt��such time as Trusta�-'s �nt�ebt�dness is�aid in�Fu�l. <br /> E�iST�NG tNDEBTEDNESS. The fallvw�ng proVisivns ca�cern�n�Exisiing lndebtedness are a pa�#of this De�d af Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The ��en vf this Deed ot Trust securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and in#erior to an <br /> existing lien. Trustor expressly covenants and agrees to pay, or see#o the payment o�, the Existing �ndebtedness <br /> and to pre�ent any defau�t on such indebtedness,any de�ault under the ins#ruments e�idencing such indeb#edness, <br /> or any defau�t un�er any security documents for such indebtedness. <br /> No Modificat�an. 7rustor shall not enter in�a any agreemen#with the hv�d�r of any mortgage, deed �f trust, c�r <br /> ather sacurity agreement wh�ch has priority ��er this Deed of Trust by which that agreem�nt is madifisd, <br /> amended, extended, or renewed witha�t the priar wr�tten cvnsent of Lender. Trustar sha�� neither request nor <br /> accept an��uture ad�ances unde�any such security agreement without the prio�-written consen#af Lender. <br /> CQNaE�NNNATlDN. The tollow�ng �rQuisions re�ati�g to condemnatian proce�dings are a part a�this Dee�a�Trust: <br /> F�rocesdiRgs. �t any proc.eeding in aond�mnatfon is filed, Tn�star shali pramptly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustor sha11 prvmpt�y take such st�ps as may be nec�essary#o defend the action and obtain ths award. Trustor <br /> may be th�nominal party in such proce�ding, but Lender sha��be�ntitfed to partic�pate in the�rooe�eding and ta be <br /> represent�d in the praceeding by cvunse! of its own choioe, and Trust�r will deli�er or c:�use�o be deli�ered to <br /> Lender sud� instrum�nts and documentation �s may be r�quested by �ende�from time to t�me ta pe�mit such <br /> participation. <br /> � Appli�ation af Ne�Proceeds. �f a[I ar any part of the Praperiy is cond�mned by eminent domain p�ocre�edic�gs or by <br /> an�prooeeding or purchase in iieu o�oandemnation, Lend��-may at+ts election require that alf vr any portivn of the <br />