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2� 1 ��819� <br /> C]EED �� TRu�T <br /> ��vntinued� Page � <br /> Trustar's ownership af the Property,ther�e has been nv use,generat+vn, manufacture,storage,treatment,disposa�, <br /> release or threatened release o�'any Ha�ar�daus Subs#ar�ce by any persfln on, under, about or�rom the Property; <br /> ��� Trustor ha5 no knvwledye o�, or reason t� bel�e�e that#here has been, except as previausly disclosed to and <br /> acknawledged hy Lender in writing, �a} any breach or �iolation af any En�irQnmental Laws, �b} an� use, <br /> ��nerati�n, manu�acture, starage: treatment, disp�sal, release or thr�atened releas���any Hazardo�.�s Substanoe <br /> an, under, ahvut ar from the Property t�y any privr owners or oc�upants of the Property, ar �c3 ar�y a�tua� ar <br /> threatensd I�tigation ar claims of an�r kind by an� persfln relating to such matters; and �3� Except as pre�rivusly <br /> disciosed to and acknawledged by L.�nder in writing, �a} neither Trustor nor any ter�ant,contr�ctor,agent or vther <br /> authvrized user af the Proper�y shaii use,g�nerate, manu€acture, sto�e, tre�t, djspase af or rel�ase�ny Hazardaus <br /> S�bstance an, under, abaufi or fram the Praperty;and �b} any such actiwity shall be cond�ct�d�n campliance with <br /> a�l ap�alicabfe fecleral, s�ate, and lacai laws, regulations anci ordinanoes, inc�ud�n� w�t�ou� limitatian aly <br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. Trusior �uthorizes L�nder and its agents to enter upon th� Property #Q tr�ake such <br /> inspect�ans and tests, a� Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to defermine camplianc� of #he <br /> Property with this s�ction af the #3eed v�Tr�st. Any inspectivns or tests made by L�nder shafl be for Lender's <br /> purposes only and shatt not he construed tv cre�#e a��respQnsibi�ity or liability❑n the part nf L�nder to T�ustar vr <br /> to any other pe�'son. The representations and warranties cvntained herein are based vn Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> �nvestigat�ng the Property for Hazardous 5ubstan�es. Trustar hereby ��) re��asFes and waives any future claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity ar��ntribution in the e�ent Trustor beoomes liabie far cleanup or a#�er costs under <br /> any such�aws; and ��) a�rees to�ndemni�'y,defend, and hald h�rmless Lender agair�st an�r and a�l cla+ms, lasses, <br /> tiabilities,damages, pen�l#i�s, and expenses wh�ch�.end�r may dir�ctiy o�indirectly susta�n or suffer resu�ting fram <br /> a bre�ch of this sec�ion af the �e�d a'�Trust or as a cnnsequeno�of any use, generatian, manufacture, starage, <br /> dispvsal,release or threa�ene�i re#e�se occurring pr�ar ta Trustor's awnershiR ar interest in the Prvperty,wheth�r or <br /> not the same was c�r shnuld ha�e been knawn to Trus#or. rh� pro��si�ns o�fhis s�ctian of the �ee� af Trust, <br /> inc#uding the ok��igation to indemnEfy and de�end,sha{i survi�e�he payment❑f tha �ndebtedne�s�nd the satisfactiQn <br /> and r�oanueyanae of#he lien of this f�eed of Trust and sha11 nat be affected by Lenders acquisition a�any int�rest <br /> in the Prope�ty,wh�ther ay fQ�ec�vsure ar atherwise. <br /> Nu�sance, Waste. Trustor shal! not cause, c�nduct or p�rmtt any nu�sance R�r cammit, permit, ar su�fer an� <br /> s#�ipping af or waste on or to the Property ar any pvrtivn of the Prvperty. Without limiting the�enerali�af the <br /> fvregaing, Trusfor�wi�! nat rema�e, ar grant to any ather party the rigY�t to remv�e, any timber, minerals�includ�ng <br /> oi�and gas),coa�,clay,scaria, s�il,c�rave#ar rock products withaut Lender's pri�r written consent. <br /> Removal of�mprovements. Tt�.istor shal� n�t dem�lish❑r remo�e any Impro�ements from the Rea!Pro�erty wi�hout <br /> Lend�r's prior writ#en cons�n#. As a cvndition to the remo�al�f any 1mp�ovemen#s,Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make arrangements satisfactary ta �ender to replace such lmpro�ements with Impro�ements �f at �eas# equai <br /> �aiue. <br /> Lender's Right#o Enter. Lender and Lend�r's agents and representat�ves may enter upon the F�eat F'rop�rty at a�l <br /> reasona�ble times to attend to L�nder's �ntsr�sts and to inspect the Real Property for purpvses of Trustvr's <br /> compliance wi#h the t�rms and canditions a�this Deed a#Trus#. <br /> Compliance w�#h Govemmenta� Requiremer�ts. Trustvr shall promptly camply with all laws, ardin�n�es, and <br /> r�gufations, n�w or hereafter in e�fect, a�al� c�oWernmen#�� �uth�ri#ies appl+cable to the use❑r occupancy af the <br /> Property. Trustor may c�ntest+n c�ovd fa�th any sc��h��w,�r�i�nance,or regulat�Qn and w�thhold compiiance during <br /> �ny praceed'+ng, inGluding appropriate appeais, so ��ng as Tru�tor has not�tied l.ender� in writing privr to dving so <br /> and so�an�as,in Lender's sole vpinian, Lender's interests in the Propetty are not je4par�l8zed. �ender rr�a�require <br /> Trustor ta pvst adequa#e security or a surety bond,reasonabfy satisfacfory ta Lender,to prot�ct L�nde�'s i�#eres�. <br /> Dut� to Pro#ect. Trustor agrees ne+fher to �bar�dvn ar ��a�� unattended the Prvperty. Trusiar sha11 da al� o#her � <br /> acts, in addi#ion tv thvse ac#s set farth abo�e in this sectian,whi�h from the character and uss o�F#h�prQper�are <br /> re�sonably n�c:�ssar�to pratect and preserv�:#he Praperty. <br /> DUE UN SALE-CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lende�'s op#ian,dec�are�mmediately due and payabl�al!sums <br /> secured by this Deed o�Trust upon the sale or transfer,without Lend�r's privr written cvnsen#,a#al�Q�-any pa�t o€the <br /> Rea� Propert�, or any in#�rest in the R�al Propert�. A "sale or transfer" means the conv�yance of Reaf Property ar any <br /> righ#, titl� ar interest �n the Real Prvper��; whether legal, �eneficial or equitable; whether �o�untary or invoiuntary; <br /> whether by autright sa�e, deed, instal�m�n� sa�e cor�tract, land cantract, con#ract �or deed, leasehold interest with a <br /> term gre�ter than three (3}years, lease-op#ion cantract, ��-by sale, assignment, or transfer of any beneficial interest in <br /> or to any land trust holding titie �o the �ea� Property, ar by�ny a#he�me#hod o�cQn�eyance of an interest in th� Real <br /> Pr�perty. Hawever, this apti�n shalf not be ex�rcised by �ender if such exercise is prahib�ted ay �ed�ra# !aw or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fo3�owing provisions r��ating ta the #axes anc� liens on the PrQperty ar� part of th�s Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shaii pay wh�n due�and i�t al�ev�n#s �rior�ta de�inquency}ail taxes, special taxes,assessments, <br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines�nd Empasitians le�ied agains�or an account of th�Prvpert�►r and sha11 <br /> pay when due all claims for wvrk done on vr far services rendered or material furnished to the Property. Trustvr <br /> shall mainta�n the Propert�free vf all liens ha�ing priarity o�er or equal to the in#erest❑f Lend�r und�r th�s L]eed v�F <br /> Trust, except For the �ien vf taxe� and assessments nat due, except for the Existing �ndebt�dness referred t� <br /> be�aw,and except as otherwise provided in this De�d of Trusi. <br /> R�g�t to�ontest. Trustar may withhald payment vf any tax, assessment, or ciaim in cvnnectiot�with a gvod�aith <br /> dispute o�er the otal�gation tv pa�, sv ivn�as Lender's interest in the Property is not jeopardized. If a lien ar�ses or <br /> is f�ed �s a result o� non�aym�nt, Tr-ustor shall within fif#een �15} days �fter the lien arises or, i�a�ien �s filed, <br /> within fift�en �'t 5� days after rrustor has no#ice of the filing, $ecure the dischar�e vf the 1ien, vr +f requ�sted by <br /> Lender,depvsit with Lender�ash ar a sufficient corporate su�ety bond or ather secu�i#�satis'fa�tary ta Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient#o discharge�he�ien ptus any costs and a�torneys'fees, or Qthe�'cha�-c�es that cvul� ac�rue as a <br /> resul�of a fareclosure or sale under the�ien. ln any contest, Trus#vr shall de�end itse�'��nd Lender and sha�l satisfy <br /> any adverse judgmen#before enforcement ag�inst the Property. Trustor shali name Ler�d�r as an addit�ona��blssee <br /> under any sur�ty bond furnished in#he contest proceedings. <br /> Ev�dence of Payment. Trustvr sha11 upon demand f�arnish to Lender sa#isfactary evidenoe❑�paym�nt v�the tax�s <br /> or-assessments and shal� authorize the appropriate go��rnmental �fficia�fo de�i�er ta Lend�r at any time a writt�n <br /> statement vf the t�x�s and assessments against the Property. <br /> Not��e of Constructian. Trustvr shall noti�y �ender a��east fi�een �'�5} days before any work �s corr�menced, an� <br /> services are furnished, ar any materials are supplied to the Property, if any me�hanic'S I�en, mater�a�men's�ter�, or� <br /> other lien cauld �e asse�ted vn accaunt vf the wvrk, services, vr materials. Trustor wili upnn request of Lender <br /> furnish #o Lende�- adWan�e assu�ances sa�isfactary ta Lender that Trustor can and wiil pay #he Gost of such <br /> imprv�ements. <br /> f�R�PERTY�AMAGE lNSi�RAN�E. rh�#o!lvw�ng prvvisions relating to insu�ing the Praper�y are a part of this ❑eed v� <br /> Tru st. <br /> Ma�ntenanc� nf lnsurance. Trustor shall prv�ure and maintain palicies vf fir� insurance with standard extended <br /> coverage eRdor�semen#s on a fai� value basis �or #he �ull insurable �alue co�ering a�l Impr��ements on the R�al <br />