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., . .;� c�.�'t. . ,_s • `- ,�,,,�,.� c $�r:�l.. ..L�•� ' 5+14�t9" -- e. <br /> S'x�t "� �'i 4�,-- � t .-3rY�i�'`� ���'n+iv.'it:m :.,-c.�"�:r'�3��'s`Fd�. `�s�_��aw.:�i�'si���zx:�.:,,_.�ir.��s;c Y' -F,�3�"c <br /> -.� ,.:... . . _ :.:.. .. :. <br /> -"�''�%Fe:i4�.., f!_'rui ' --- � - - �.:„ .i'=-_ <br /> .. --- _ " . � � � <br /> i . <br /> � • <br /> • � . <br /> i <br /> �- 90-= �00�2� � � � <br /> event of loss Borrower an71 give immediate aotice by mail to the any af t�e conditions or agretraents contained in this insvumem.or <br /> Lender,w6o may malce proof of loss if aot made promptly by tbe note which it secures,then che entire printipal sum ahd accrued <br /> � Borrowtr.and each iasurance company cunexrned is hereby interest sh�ll at once become due and the etection oi the <br /> autHorized and diraxed W m�ke payment for sach loss direMly to Leader. <br /> �, the Lender instad of to the Bor.ower and the Lender jeindy,accd <br /> 5 <br /> tLt imvruice proeeed�.or any put thereof,maY be aPPlied by the �.eader shall give notice to BorcoKer priar to acceteranon <br /> Irader st its optiaQ either tn ihe rodnctioa of the iadebtedaess following BaROwer s brach of any cavenant or agteement in this <br /> hereby sccured or to tAs r�toration or repair of the pruperty instrument(but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12�i�s <br /> dunsged.[a eveas of f¢r�.iosure af this im-trument or other transfer applicable law provides othuwise}•'!'he notice shall specify:(a)tha <br /> of tide to t��mortBsEsd ProP�Ry in eatinguishment of the defauIt;(b)the action reyuired to cure t6e defauIfi fcf a daec,not less <br /> indebttdaess secure4l�y,all right,tide and inter�st of the thin 30 days ftom the date the notice is given to Bonowe�,by which <br /> Banower in and to aay i�raance policies then in force shall p�s to the default musc be rured;and(d)that fulure to cure the default on <br /> Lz pur�h�Ci or grantee or before the date spccitied in the aotice may result in accete•rstion <br /> of the sums secured by this inswment tnd sale of the Property.The <br /> 9.'�' addiaon�l and collatera!security for the payment of the aotKt shatl further infnsm Borrower of the right to reiastate after <br /> nou d�cnbed,and all sums to txe�ome due undes chis instrumen� aceeleration and the right to bring a court�aion to asseR the nort- <br /> � ;;he gorrower hereby assigns to the Lender all profits,revenues. existence of a default or any other�"�+efense of Bonower to <br /> roy�lties,rights and benefits accruu�B to the Borrower under any and acceleration and�le.If the defa�iit is not cured on or before flte�Iate <br /> �Q���gas leases on said premise4 with the right to receive and specifed irt the norice,Leader at it�aption may require imme�i�i. <br /> receipi°r-'rti€:same aad apply the�rr!n s9id�ndebteddess us well payment in full of a!I sirms secused by this insirument witt►oui: <br /> 6efore�r s��r d�etault�n t1►e conditie�of this instrumen�and th: further demand and may invoke the power af sal��d any ot6er <br /> Leader may demanQ�f�r and recover any such payments when remedies permetted by applicable law.Lender�all'�'e entitte:3 i� <br /> due and psyable,but .r:ot be requ'ued se to do.This assignment r.ollect ail eapenses incurred in ptir.�ing the remedies provi�l i� <br /> is'to terminate and bax;rn�:;�u11 and void upon reteasr of this anomeys'�fees and oosts of8itle e�-,����ited to.reasonable . , <br /> instrument. ':" <br /> 10.That the Bonower will Icetn t!*e 1_�ildiags upon said premis�s Lf the power oi sale�'s�voked..Trustee shall record a natice of . :`� �;, <br /> � in good rep�ir.and neitl�cx comtni:�ar germit wasz��s�?on said land, cxlaultin each county in whiey antj pare of the Property+s I�tt� {.�.•.`�-.�:` <br /> aor suf�sr the said pren'ci�e�be��ec:for any un3a��fr.1 purpose. and�6a13 mail copies of such notir.�in r3�ic manner prescr_beci.6y� <br /> applicable law to Borrower and to t�.v.other��^s prescnu�3 bY , ; <br /> 11.TEsL'sf the premises,or any��re�.� candemned u�.�er applicable law.After the tims require�i by aprlic�cEie law,Trustee •���,: <br /> the power of eminent doa�ain,or a:,��;lired for a public use.the shall give public notice of sate to the persons art�i.ii�the manner <br /> damages awuded.the prca�-.x's for the taking of,or the presrritz�by applicable law.Tnistee.without ds�rand on Borrower. <br /> cansidtration for such aa��usition,to the extent of the full amount of shaP.�eL!che Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the <br /> indelxedness upo�this iastrument�e note which it is given sa time aad place and under the terms desiBn�.ted in the notice oi sate . _ <br /> secure remainiag unpaid.are here'sy ass:gned by the Borrower to the in one ur more pazcrls and in any order Tnutee deurmines.Trustes -_ <br /> Lender,and shall be paid foRhwith t�•�id Lender to b�applied by may postpone s�:ef�-.II or any parcel af the Property by pubtic `::� <br /> the t�tter on account of the next maturing installcaents of such announCement at���e ume and plaee of any p�eviously scheduled ��� <br /> indebtedness, s�te.i.ender or iu designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> . 12.'tTte Bonower further agres�sh,u:should this mstrument�-;:3 Upon receipt of payment of the price 6iQ Trustee shall delivr.r e.o , <br /> the note s�:ured hereby not be eligi�ie for insurance under the the pucchaser Tnutee's deed conveying the Prn�sr�-y.The rec:a�s in � <br /> N�tionil Housi�g Act within eight months from the d�te hereo� the Trustee'S dud slu�ll be prima facie eviden�x:�.[��:he truth of the � . <br /> (writtea statement of any ofticer of the L7epanment ot Housing and squments made therein.Trustee sl�sU�pply the Proceeds of the sale <br /> Urban Developtrtent or authorized s�geat of the Secretary of Housing in the tollowing order:(a)to al)expeases of Ihe sale,including,but '� <br /> and Urban Development dated subs:.4aent to the eight months'time not limited to.Trustee's[as as pasmitted by applicable law pnd <br /> from ths date oi this instrument,de�:iun:yg to insure smid nute and reasanable attorne��s"fees;(b)to all sums secured by this Security �.- <br /> this mottgage,being ckemed wnct4a�irr.proof of such ineligibility), lnstrument:and(cl�u�y excess to tht person or persons legally .'�� <br /> the 4eader or holder of the note its aption,declare a11 sums entitled ta it. <br /> secured hereby immedistely due and payabte.Notwithstanding�he . <br /> foreEoinR..this option may not be eqerc�sed by the Lender or the 14.Upon acceleration under paragraph 13 or abandonm�n��Of the <br /> holder nt Qte note when the ineli�jfsility[or iosurance under the Property,l.crtder(in agent or by judiciaDly aQpc�' <br /> N�tiontl C{ousing Act is due to the C.r:nder's failure to remit the receiver)shzl!be en:iQed to entcr upon,take po�.�ess�on of and <br /> mortjsae insunace p�cm�um to i�c I�ep�rtment of Hoasing and manage the Propert�and ta wltect the ren�s cf tt�e Propcn.y <br /> Urb�n Developmcnt. includir.g those p�.st due.Any rents collected by Lender or the <br /> reccivcr shall be applied first to payment of the cosu of management <br /> 13.That if the Borrower fa�s ui mal�e any payments af money of:he 7roperty and collection c�f rents.including,but not limited tu, <br /> when t6e s�me beoome due.or fail.9la conform to aad comply with receivei s fees,premlcims on receiver's bonds and reasonable <br /> ittor�ey's fees.and tlten to the sums secured hy t�is instrument. <br /> � <br /> -— ---- -- • - - <br /> _--- --- _.. ._ _ _ -- p�3ot 5 .. _ ._. . . - HUO-9ZUSDT-1 ; <br /> '. � <br /> �_ � <br /> a <br /> : � �. -� � <br /> � <br />_ � , �� <br /> .� <br /> , ,y,. � � <br /> _rf•�0>" <br /> �.tyr' . <br /> _�,.�• <br /> 1 •r , <br /> �+: . <br /> �' <br />