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—,-- _ _ _ _ _ _ . <br /> "��\�l:V[:_ _�_���--��.....iv��..i.-1�_..5. ,. `,.�h: ��� . .,��� �, I� ..\- e.. .. V - _ _- -_ <br /> �, � s 5.k:��s� r`�.e�.k�LN:.t;� Gtii : - <br /> 7� _ � - � <br /> t! <br /> I • <br /> � � <br /> -- _.._.,_..�_�. --- -' -- ..- —�'■�, - <br /> �ir---- <br /> 6arrower aed l.eeder eovmant apd a�ree�tv tdbres: ot�f th�E.ender acywres the prope�ty ottterwise after defiudt,tiSe <br /> L,Yrtdcr sha11 the time of the vommencertient of such <br /> 1.That Borrower wEll p�y the hereinbefarre proeeedings,or at the time the property is otherwise zcquired,the <br /> pravided.PrivilGge is reserved w pay the debt in whole or in part on balance then remaining in Ihe[unds aecumulated undcr(a!oE <br /> sny irastailmeet due date. paragraph 2 pre+:eding,u a credit against the amQUS�s of Rriacipa! <br /> 2-Tha�together�ith.and in sddiuc�n co,the monthty payments �remaining anpaid under said note. <br /> of priixipal and interest payabte under tht turtn of the note secuted 4. �hat ihe Borrower will pay ground rents.taxes,assessments, <br /> �. hereby,the Borcower will pay to the l.ender,on the first day of each wuer rates.:utd other govemmentsl or muniapa!charges.fin�s.oY - <br /> manth until the said note is fully paid,the following sums: impositinns,tor which provision hu not been made hereinbe[ore, <br /> and i»defa�lt thereof the Lcnder may psy the sam�and that the <br /> f sD A sum eqwa!to the ground renu,if due,p}us the Borrower will prompUy deliver the officiat receipts therefor to the <br /> premiums that wi11 eest become due and payabfe on poticies of fire l,endcv. <br /> u�d other hazard insurance covering the prnperty,plus taxes and <br /> asseumenis next due on the property{0/1 as esiinwted by the Leader) 5.The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied upan the <br /> ltss aU sums alread}r paid therefor Qividca by thc namber of months l,eedePs intemst is�said rezl estate and improvements.and which <br /> to elapse beforc one(I)rrtonth prior to t�e date whcn such graund may be tevied upon this instrument or the debt secured hereby(but <br /> rents.premiums�taaes and assessmenu witl become deliquent,such only eo the extent that such is r,nt.ptohibited by law and on[y to[he <br /> sums to be hefd by Lender in trust to pa,v s�id graund rents, extent that such wiq not make th�loan usvrious),but excluding any <br /> prcmiums,taxes and spec�al assessments:and irrw�ne tax,State or Federal,imposed on I,eade�.and v�n7!fite the <br /> � (b�d�,ll•�tiyman[s mentioned in the precedirrg subsection of this oflicial receipt showing such payment wit6�h�Ltnder.Up�n <br /> � pzra�tt'y and all payme�ts to be rr�de under the eate securer� +�►olation of this undertaking,or if the Borrowe:�is prahilritest by any <br /> hereby�.�:'�i ix addod together,and the aggregate arnount[hereof �aw now or hereaher exi�ting fram paying the Khole or�ccy portion <br /> shali be�ud 6y ihe Borrower each irionth in a single payment to be af the aforesaid taxes,or upon the renderiag pf any coun decree <br /> aPP«���Rdu ea t8e(oltowing items in the order set fariFr. P�ahibiting the=a}�ment by the Bosrowes a€ar,,+such taxes,or if <br /> such taw or d�xr-�:.provides that any amo�n��paid by the <br /> (1}I�';,und rents,taxes,ass�smenes,fire and other hazard insur- �nower sha;l li:r:u�edited on the debt,the i:end$r shall have the <br /> _ ance premiums; � ri�h!eo give ninety days��V(1faEtl,°otice to the owner of tte�remises, <br /> requ«ing the payment of ihe dc{�..�.z such�et;ce be givta.�5P said � <br /> f lil interest on the note sesured hereby; d�f�c shaq become due,payabsr�;t3 colle:x,�ii:st the axpirution of • � <br /> � ([i1►a;nurtiz�tion of the principal of said note;aad s�sd ninety days. ' <br /> (I6�+)sts charges, c..�'hat shoutd the Borrower fai!to pay arl,;.�;n os kr�any � <br /> Any deficiency in the arnount of such aggregate manthly papr:�ent u��tr,ant provided for in this instrument,then the.Lender,at i!s ' : <br /> shill,unless made good by the Bnrrower prior to the due dxce c;f r.he °�'°n,may pay or perform the same,an�sl all expendit�rc�so made ;:f�.'::` <br /> n e x t s¢c h�ymen t,constitute an event o f default under this shall be u d d e d!�:r r e p p n c i p a l s u m o w i n g o a t he sai d note.s ha l l �: ... <br /> be secured her�y,and shall bear interest at the rate set fortb in the ��'-�'': <br /> mortgage.The Lender may callect a"late charge"eot to er�four said note,until paid. � <br /> ' cents f 4¢)Ear each dollar ISI)of each payment mare ttszm.rr�n � <br /> delinquer t p ym^����er the extra expense ir,��cic�d:�t.u_dting 7.That the Borrower hereby�.ssigru,transfers and sets over to the , -- <br /> be applied toward the payment�,P the note�nd all sums - <br /> p�.}�msrrts msde by the Borrower;�:der �ured hereby in case of a defau(t in the " <br /> 3. Tfrat if tlne toul of the rr �crf'nrnxance of any of the = <br /> � (a)c��aL�agraph 2 precejir,a st.;x�.i c:�eeed the amount of payments �erms and conditions of this instrument or th��;tF:3 note,all the ants, �� <br /> ac:tua::y made by the i�-:;L��:�:ground rents,taxes and asscssmenu revenues and incomc to be derived from the ss<i�premiscs.during ` <br /> or insurance premiarn��s the�ase may be,suth excess,if the loan is `'�'����me ac tAe indebtedrtess sh�ll remain nnFaid.and tttc:L+ender • <br /> curre�':,at the option of the&?'ifj:��er,shall be credited by the shail have power ta appoint any agent ar age�.;s:t may des�re for the �,;� <br /> Lxr.d�.e on subsequent p�ymen:s;.•��e made by the Borower,nr- Purpase of reparn�;�said premises and of re;�t.;�:he same and <br /> re�crtra;.i[n the hoK•ever.the momht ��l�cting the reri4,�evenuesand income,ar.,i:i may pay�ut of said ��- � <br /> y payments mrzde <br /> by tr�Borrower urtder(a)oi paragr�ph 2 preceding shall rtot be 10Cimes all expenses of repairing said ptemises and necessary - <br /> sufficient to pay ground tents.t�xes and�ssessments or insuiance C6mmissions and expcnses inc�s�ed in renting and managi�g the � <br /> premiums,as the case may be,when the same shall hecome dae and �me and of collecting rentais therefram:the balance remaining,if �-�•• <br /> , any,w be applied tow�rd the dischuge ai said indebtedness. � �'� <br /> payable,then the Borrowcr shall�� .o Ihe I.endcr any amcur•.� ��:,'�t,:. <br /> necessary to mzke up the deficien�i.un or Uefore the date w6en ' <br /> paymem of such graund rents,t�xes,assessme^?�.or insurance �•That the f3c�rmwer will kcep the improvements now existing ar <br /> premiums shall lx due. ff at�ny time the&�rra:�er shall tcnder tu herc:after crected an Ihe pruperty,insured as may be requircd from �, � <br /> �he accordance with the pro�isions ef the notc securcd �'me u�time by Ihc Lcnder against loss by fire and other hs�,�-ds, <br /> hereby,full payment uf the entire indebteQness represented thereby, �'��alties and contingencies in such amaunts artd for such perials ac <br /> the Lender shall,in wmputing the ami,unt af such indebtedn�K�, may he reyuired!�y the l.endcr and will pay prae��tiy,whcn due. <br /> credit to the account af the B�rrower any balance remaming�n the any premiums on such insurance,ptovisrort for payment of which <br /> �unds aocumulated nndtr the pmvisions of�a)of paragr�ph Z herec�t. has not bcen made hereinbefore.All iasur�r:�c yhali be carricd in <br /> If there sh�ll be a def�ult under any of tbe provisians�f this COmPanies appu�vcd by the Ixndet�nd thc policics and renewals <br /> instrument asulting in a publir sate of�he prcmises cuvered hereby. Mcrcof shall be held by the [.ender and havc attached theretn Inss <br /> paya6le clauscs in favur��f and in fi,rm accrptablc to the Lender.ln <br />_ � . Page 7 ot 5 - - . NUD-92t�30T-1 <br /> r • � ` : . <br /> 1 •� <br /> � � , -� <br /> � � � � �� <br /> ��� <br /> _�. � <br /> •e„ <br /> � e.� _• <br /> a <br /> +� � � <br />--f. i� <br /> •J•�!N <br /> 7a�t. <br /> Y T ` <br /> f�'�r�: <br /> .,���.i�•. <br /> � .:f- <br /> '_��''./- <br /> "�. �. <br />